The following tables show the total exports and imports by grand divisions and principal countries in the fiscal years 1901 and 1902: Portugal .. 3,370,430 3,178,921 5,294,240 3,055,817 European Turkey ......... 3,386,782 4,935,346 392,958 604,775 Asiatic Turkey Central America Cuba Mexico 3,897,854 3,912,286 194,162 192,295 10,838,663 9,816,192 6,707,465 6,314,685 43,423,088 34,694,684 25,964,801 26,623,500 28,851,635 40,380,594 36,475,350 39,872,670 All others and fowls. The following tables give the export and import statistics of the principal articles for the two fiscal years: Blacking 236,319 200,738 799,895 699,432 ...... 35,581 100,463 Malt liquors 544,764 667,761 122,997 Whalebone 434,939 590,005 155,066 Wines 504,573 450,325 ...... 54,248 Wool, raw 26,017 13,369 ...... 12,648 Wool, manufactures 1,542,733 1,512,457 ...... 30,276 Wood, unmanufactured 41,345,942 36,162,158 ..... 5,183,784 Wood, manufactured ..... 11,099,643 11,617,690 518,447 Zinc and manufactures..... 2,116,205 1,647,380 468,825 IMPORTS OF PRINCIPAL ARTICLES. Year ending Year ending June 30, 1901. June 30, 1902. Increase. Decrease. Animals, total Cattle Horses Sheep ......... $4,478,955 $4,624,531 $145,576 1,931,533 1,598,722 $332,811 985,738 1,577,234 591,496 ...... ..... 1,236,277 956,710 279,567 All other 325,507 481,865 156,358 Leather, manufactures. 6,185,819 6,295,939 110,120 Malt liquors 1,885,215 1,880,348 4,867 Marble, stone, manufactures. 1,276,602 1,641,388 364,786 ...... Matting 2,908,469 3,817,866 909,397 ...... Musical instruments 991,726 1,000,489 8,763 ...... Oils, all kinds..... 7,097,431 9,300,198 2,212,767 ...... Paper stock 2,183,686 2,770,255 586,569 ...... |