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" King and country, and that the great person whom he addresses has spirit enough to bid him speak freely, and understanding enough to listen to him with attention. Unacquainted with the vain impertinence of forms, he would deliver his sentiments with dignity... "
The Repository, Or, Treasury of Politics and Literature for ...: Being a ... - Página 74
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The Gentleman's and London Magazine: Or Monthly Chronologer, 1741-1794

1741 - 858 páginas
...the great perfon, whom he addreflVs, lias fjiint enough to bid him fpeak freely, and underftamling enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted with the vain impertinence of terms, he wouH? deliver his fentiments with dignity and firmnefs, but not without refpeft. SIR, IT...
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The Letters of Junius, Volumen2,Parte2

Junius - 1770 - 246 páginas
...that the great perfon, whom he addreffcs, has fpirit enough to bid him (peak freely, and undemanding enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted.... vain impertinence of forms, he would deliver his fentinients with dignity and fumncfs, but not without re/pea. SI R. It L the misfortune of your lift,...
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The Genuine Letters of Junius

Junius - 1771 - 402 páginas
...that the great perfon, whom he addreflbs, has fpirit enough to bid him fpeak freely, and underftanding enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted...fentiments with dignity and firmnefs, but not without refpect. SIR, TT is the misfortune of your life, and originally the caufe of every reproach and diftrefs,...
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The Letters of Junius, Volumen1

Junius - 1771 - 280 páginas
...him fpeak freely, and underftanding enough to Men to him with attention. Unacquainted with the rain impertinence of forms, he would deliver his fentiments with dignity and firmnefs, but not without refpeft. ' .SIR, IT is the misfortune of your life, and originally the caufe of every reproach and...
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Junius: Stat Nominis Umbra, Volumen2

Junius - 1772 - 376 páginas
...that the great perfon, whom he addrefies, has fpirit enough to bid him fpeak freely, and underftanding enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted...fentiments with dignity and firmnefs, but not without refpedh SIR, iT is the misfortune of your life, and originally the caufe of f^fy' reproach and diftrefs,...
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The Letters of Junius, Volumen2

Junius - 1772 - 412 páginas
...the great perfon, whom he axldreffes, has fpirit enough to bid him fpeak freely, and underftanding enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted...forms, he would deliver his fentiments with dignity and hnnnefs, but not without refpeft. SIR, -IT is the misfortune of your life, and originally the caufe...
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The Letters of Junius, Volumen1

Junius - 1774 - 264 páginas
...freely, and nnderflanding enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted with the vain impertinance of forms, he would deliver his fentiments with dignity and firmnefs, but not without refpcft. SIR, •*t is the misftorune of your life, and originally the caufe of every reproach and...
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The Letters of the Celebrated Junius: A More Complete Edition Than Any Yet ...

Junius - 1783 - 332 páginas
...perfon, whom he addrefles, has fpirit enough to bid him fpeak freely, and underftanding enough to Men to him with attention. Unacquainted with the vain...fentiments with dignity and firmnefs, but not without refpeft. SIR, IT is the misfortune of your life, and originally the caufe of every reproach and diftrefs,...
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The letters of Junius

Junius (pseud.) - 1784 - 412 páginas
...perfon whom he addrefles has fpirit enough to bid him fpeak freely, and understanding enough to liiten to him with attention. Unacquainted with the vain...forms, he would deliver his fentiments with dignity and firmnbfs, but not without refpect. O 2 SIR, Si R, TT is the misfortune of your life, and originally...
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The Letters of Junius

Junius - 1791 - 416 páginas '»tn the Middlefex elcftion. Yet the licentioufiiefs of the prcls "tomplained of! derfrandtng enough to liften to him with attention. Unacquainted...forms, he would deliver his fentiments with dignity ami firmnefs, but not without refpedt. SIR, IT is the misfortune of your life, and originally the caufe...
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