38a 566 .. 13 for "he hideth * * * he may' 10 dele the reference (°) after "Heavens" and infert it line 12 after "help me " 65 Note, line 6 from bottom, for "Cap" read "Cope" 71a line 22 and 1336 line 12 dele "the light of" 1336 13 before “O Lord" infert "B." and begin a new line 135a 7 from bottom, and 173a line 11 from bottom, instead of "place as in MSS., 2696 19 for "all become unprofitable" read "altogether become useless 2 from bottom for "Jelu" read "Jefus " 16 for "leadeft” read “leddeft” 15 from bottom for "rocks" read "rock" 2 for "Virgin Son" read "Virgin-born' " 310a Add Note to Pf. CXXXV. " According to the York Breviary for his mercy is for evermore,' was repeated after every verse in Double Feafts only. that the fame ufage was followed in the Church of Sarum.” 366a line 10 for "reward" read "rereward" 389a 3896 4026 .. 4 from bottom for "Pontoncraton I for "in this night to" read "in this night. To" 2 before "fhew us infert "And" 11 from bottom after "Epiphany" infert "and from Thursday in The Supper of The Lord to the First Sunday after Trinity." 22 for "Pfalm IV." read "VI.” 4036 lines 14 and 15 from bottom for "neither is there any peace" read "there is no peace" 417 Note, line 7 from bottom for "Holy Peter pray for us" read "Holy Peter hear us." |