OHoly, Bleffed, and Glorious Trinity, three Perfons and one God,have mercy upon me a miferable finner! Lord, I know not what to pray for as I ought, Olet thy Spirit help my infirmities, and inable me to offer up a Spiritual Sacrifice, acceptable to Thee by Jefus Chrift! §. 11. The Prayer. GLORY be to Thee, O my God, who, in Compassion to humane weaknefs, which is not capable of an uninterrup. ted Contemplation of Thee, fuch as the Saints have above, haft appointed a folemn.Day on purpofe for thy RemembranceGlory be to Thee for proportioning a Seventh part of our Time to thy felf, and liberally indulging the remainder to our own use. Let me ever efteem it my Priviledge and my Happiness to have a Day of Reft fet apart for thy Service, and the Concerns of my own foul to have a Day free from Diftractions, disingaged from the World, wherein I have nothing to do, but to praife and to love Thee. Give me grace to worship Thee in my Clofet, and in the Family, and in the Congregation; to spend it in doing Good, works of Neceffity, Devotion, and Charity, in Reading, Prayer, and Praife, Hearing and Medita tion. O let it be ever to me a Day facred to Divine Love, à Day of heavenly Rest and Refreshment. [* And grant, O Lord, I may not only give Thee due Worship my felf, but may give Reft and Lesfure alfo to my Family, to all under my Charge,to ferve Thee likewife.†And indulge eafe to my very Beafts, fince good Men are merciful even to them, and feeing thy Fourth Commandment injoyns all this.]O blei fed Spirit, who on the First Day of the Week didft defcend in miraculous Gifts and Graces on th' Apostles, defcend upon me, that I may be always in the Spirit on the Lord's Day. And fince the Bleffing of Everlafting Salvation, which we Chriftians on thy Day commemorate, does wonderfully exceed the Creation commemorated by the Jews; O let our Love and Praise, Devotion and Zeal proportionably exceed theirs also: And this I beg for Jefus Chrift his fake, our Lord and Savior, in whofe moft prevailing Name and Words I further call upon Thee, faying. *This to be o mitted if have none. And this if none. §. 12. Oun Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our our trefpaffes, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. S. Mat. 6.9 to 13. S. 13. The Bleffing. Always, only changing the Word Day into Night in th' Evening, and leaving out the Words [thine own] on Working-days, and turning me into us, when pray with others. THE Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Love of God the Father, and the most fweet,and comfortable and affifting Influence of God the Holy Ghoft be with me, blefs, provide for, direct, comfort and protect me both in foul and Body, this [thine own] day, and for evermore. Amen. §. 14. A Conclufion. any time. O Lord; pardon the wandrings and coldness of these Petitions, and deal with me, not according either to my prayers or deferts, but according to my Needs, and thine own rich Mercies in Jefus Chrift,and all for his fake I humbly pray Thee. Amen. A Morning Prayer on Sunday for a Family. S. 15. A Preface. LORD, pardon our unpreparedness, and unfutableness of heart for Communion with Thee our God and fit and prepare our unfit and unprepared hearts and Souls unto Prayer. §. 16. The Prayer. O Lord moft high, O God eternal, all whofe Works are glorious, and whofe Thoughts are very deep; there can be no better thing than to praife thy Name, and to declare thy Loving-kindness in the Morning on thy holy and blessed Sabbath day for it is thy will and Commandment that we fhou'd Sanctify this Day to thy Service and praife; and in the thankful Remembrance, as of the Creation of the World by the power of thy Word, fo of the Redemption of Mankind by the Death of thy Son. Thine, O LORD, we confels is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine. Thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and Thou art exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come of Thee, and Thou reigneft over all, and in thine hand is power and might, and and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give ftrength unto all. Now therefore, O our God, we thank Thee and praife thy glorious Name, that whereas we wretched finners have fo many ways provoked thy Majefty to anger and difpleafure, Thou, notwithstanding, of thy favor and goodness (paffing by our profaneness and infirmities,) haft vouchfafed to add one Sabbath more unto the number of our days; vouchsafe, O heavenly Father, for the Merits of Jefus Chrift thy fon (whofe glorious Refurrection thy whole Church celebrates this day,) to pardon and forgive us all our fins and misdeeds. Cleanfe our fouls, O Lord, from thofe filthy fins with the Bloud of thy moft pure and undefiled Lamb, which taketh away the fins of the world, and let thy Holy Spirit more and more fubdue our Corruptions, that we may be renewed after thine own Image to ferve Thee in newness of life, and holiness of converfation. And as of thy Mercy Thou haft brought us to the beginning of this blessed day; fo, we befeech Thee, make it a day of Reconciliation betwixt our Sinful Souls and thy Divine Majefty. Give us grace to make it a Day of Repen tance unto Thee, that thy Goodness may feal it to be a Day of Pardon unto us; and that we may remember that the keeping holy of This is a Commandment which thine own Finger hath written; that on this day we might meditate on thy glorious Works of our Creation and Redemption and learn how to know and keep all the reft of thy holy Laws and Commandments. And when we fhall, with the rest of the holy Assembly, appear before thy prefence in thy Houfe, to offer unto Thee our Morning Sacrifice of Praile and Prayer, and to hear what thy Spirit by the preaching of thy Word fhall fpeak unto thy fervants. Oh! let not our fins ftand as a cloud to top our Prayers from afcending unto Thee, or to keep back thy Grace from defcending by thy Word into our hearts. We know,O Lord, and tremble to think, that three parts oe good feed falls upon bad ground: Olet not our hearts be like the High-way, which, thro' hardness and want of true Understanding, receives not the feed till the wicked one comes and catches it away; nor like to the Sto ney ground which receives the Word with gladness for a time but falls away when affliction or perfecution arises for the Word's fake; nor like the Thorny ground which, by the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of Riches, chokes the Word which it hears, and makes it altogether unfruitful; but that, like unto the good Ground, we may bear thy Word with hone and good hearts, understand it and keep it, and bring forth Frui with patience in that measure which thy Widom fhall fed meet for thy Glory and our everlafting comfort. Open likewife we beseech Thee, the door of Utterance unto thy faithful fervan whom Thou haft fent unto us to open our eyes, and to tur us from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unt God, that we may receive forgiveness of Sins, and inheritanc among them which are Sanctified by Faith in Chrift. And give us Grace to fubmit our felves unto his Miniftry, as wel when he terrifies us with Judgments, as when he comfort us with thy Mercies, and that we may have him in fingu lar Love for his Works fake; becaufe he watches for ou Souls, as he that must give account for the fame unto hi Master. And help us to behave our felves in the holy Com gregation with comeliness and reverence, as in thy Prefence, and in the fight of thy holy Angels. Keep us from Drowfinef and Sleeping, and from all Wandring thoughts,and Worldly imaginations. Sanctify our Memories that they may be ap to receive, and firm to remember thofe good and profitable Doctrines which fhall be taught us out of thy word; and that thro' th' affiftance of thy Holy Spirit we may put the fame Leffons in practice, for our Direction in Profperity, for our Confolation in Mifery, for th' Amendment of our Lives, and the Glory of thy Name. And that This Day, which godless and profane perfons spend in their own lufts and pleafures, we, as thy obedient fervants, may make our chief de light, to Confecrate to thy Glory and Honor, not doing our own Ways, nor feeking our own Wills, nor fpeaking vain Words: but that Ceafing from the Works of Sin as well as of our ordinary Calling, we may, thro' thy Bleffing, feel in our hearts the beginning of that Eternal Sabbath, which, in unfpeakable Joy and Glory, we shall celebrate with Saints and Angels, to thy Praife and Worship, in thy Heavenly Kingdom for evermore. All which we humbly crave at thy hands in the Name and Mediation of our Lord Jefus,in that Form of Prayer which He has taught us. OD Father, which art &c. The Blefing, as§. 13, 17. A Conclufion. any time. Ne unto Him that is able to Do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the Church by Chrift Jefus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. $.18,The Meditation in the way to Church,alwaies. the Harth panteth after the water-brooks: fo panteth my foul after Thee.O God :for one day in thy Courts is better thin a thousand [elswhere.] I had rather be a Door-keeper in the Houfe of my God, than to dwell in the Tents of wickedness. I will come into thine Houfe, even upon the multitude of thy mercy; and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy Tem ple. §. 19. Entring into the Church. always. Om dreadful is this place! this is none other but the Houfe of God, and this is the gate of Heaven; furely the LORD is in this place, God is in this People of a truth, LORD, I have loved the habitation of thy houfe, and the place where thine honor dwelleth. §. 20. Kneeling affoon as in the Seat. any time. One thing have I defired of the LORD, that will I feek after, that I may dwell in the Houfe of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his Temple: Therefore will I offer in thy dwelling an oblation with great gladness; I will fing, and fpeak praifes unto Thee, O LORD. Hearken unto my voice, O LORD, when I cry unto Thee, have mercy upon me, and hear me. Amen. II. At the Publick Exercifes of the Church. S.21. First, WHEN Prayers begin we muft lay afide our own private Meditations, and joyn heartily with the Minifter, and the whole Church in Praying and in Singing, &c. as being one Body of Christ, conforming our felves in the Actions of Standing, Kneeling, and fuch indifferent ceremonies to the manner of our Church,for Decency, Avoiding fcandal, Continance of charity, and in Teftimony of our obedience, and of the sweet harmony there is in us between our Bodies and Souls in the Worfhin we pay to the Creator of both. Standing at the Sentences, Exortation, Gloria Patri (except in the Litany, Pfalms, (and I fee no reason why not in Singing, as well as in Reading them, ) Te Deum, Magnificat, Benedicite, Benedictus, Nune dimittis, Creed, and Gofpel; Kneeling at the Confeffion, Abfolution, Prayers, Ten Commandments, Bleffing, and Sacrament; Sitting at the Leffons and Epiftle: Turning towards the Communion table at rehearfing the Creed and Bowing at the Name of Jefus; Keeping our hats off all the while we are there, in reverence to God's more especial. |