RUST. Idler, why lie down to die * Better rub than rust. Hark ! the lark sings in the sky — ' Die when die thou must ! Day is waking, leaves are shaking, Better rub than rust.' In the grave there's sleep enough — ' Better rub than rust : Death perhaps... The Westminster Review - Página 4791904Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1839 - 446 páginas
...influence ia evil. Shun the man who liveth but for himself; learn of him who loveth another as himself. t Idler, why lie down to die ? Better rub than rust...— " Better rub than rust -." Death, perhaps, is hunger-proof; "Die, when die thou must: Men are mowing, breezes blowing; Better rub than rust." He,... | |
 | Ebenezer Elliott - 1840 - 190 páginas
...thon why Ruin slumbers ? He slumbers not, but shuts his eyes, Till we've filled up our numbers. RUB OR RUST. Idler, why lie down to die ? Better rub than...leaves are shaking, Better rub than rust." In the grave there 's sleep enough— " Better rub than rust : Death, perhaps, is hunger-proof, Die when die thou... | |
 | 1850 - 532 páginas
...of his trade he has drawn a poetical image that suggests an important practical lesson : — RUB OR RUST. Idler, why lie down to die * Better rub than...enough— ' Better rub than rust : Death perhaps is hunger-proof, Die when die thou must ; Men are mowing, breezes blowing, Better rub than rust.' He who... | |
 | Chambers W. and R., ltd - 1850 - 794 páginas
...of his trade he has ilmvn a poetical image that suggests an important practical lesson : — RUB OR RUST. Idler, why lie down to die! Better rub than...thou must ! Day is waking, leaves are shaking, Better ruh than rust.' In the grave there's sleep enough — ' Better ruh than rust : Death perhaps is hunger-proof,... | |
 | Ann Jane - 1851 - 964 páginas
...commenced. It is the want of exertion, and not ability, that causes so many to be unsuccessful. BETTER RUB THAN RUST. Idler, why lie down to die?— Better rub...waking, leaves are shaking, Better rub than rust. He who will not work shall want; Nought for nought is just. Won't do must do when he can't— Better... | |
 | Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1851 - 780 páginas
...hollow courtiers, he is surrounded by loving looks, and sympathizing hearts, and willing hands." RUB OR RUST. Idler, why lie down to die? Better rub than...die thou must ! Day is waking, leaves are shaking, Belter rub than rust." In the grave there 's sleep enough — " Better rub than rust : Death, perhaps,... | |
 | Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1851 - 768 páginas
...hollow courtiers, he is surrounded by loving looks, and sympathizing hearts, and willing hands." RUB OR RUST. Idler, why lie down to die? Better rub than...lark sings in the sky — "Die when die thou must I Day is waking, leaves are shaking, Better rub than rust." In the grave there 's sleep enough —... | |
 | Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1853 - 800 páginas
...courtiers, he is surrounded by loving looks, and sympathizing hearU, and willing hands." • RUB OR RUST. Idler, why lie down to die ? Better rub than...enough — " Better rub than rust : Death, perhaps, is hunger-proof, Die when die thou must; Men are mowing, breezes blowing, Better rub than rust." He who... | |
 | Cyclopaedia - 1853 - 772 páginas
...fumitory Doth rest upon, while that the culter rusts That shall deracinate such savagery. — Shakspere. Idler, why lie down to die? Better rub than rust;...waking, leaves are shaking, Better rub than rust. He who will not work, shall want; Nought for nought is just; Won't do, must do, when he can't: Better... | |
 | Henry Pitman - 1308 páginas
...why lie down and <lieT Better nili tlinn rnst ; Hark '. the lark sings in the sky, die, whim die tlum must; Day is waking, leaves are shaking ;— better rub than rust. In the grave there'? sleep enough — better ruli than runt ; Death i*rhaps i« hunger-proof — die, when die thim... | |
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