174 Chap. XVII-The Use of History in teaching the Choice of Favourites-Flattery-Our Taste Improved in the Arts of Adulation-The Dangers of Flattery exemplified, Chap. XVIII-Religion Necessary to the WellBeing of States, Chap. XIX-Integrity the True Political Wis dom, 56 Chap. XX-On the True Arts of Popularity, 59 Chap. XXI-The importance of the Royal Example in promoting Loyalty-On False Patriotism-Public Spirit, Chap. XXII-On the Graces of DeportmentThe Dispositions necessary for BusinessHabits of Domestic Life, Chap. XXIII-On the Choice of Society-Sincerity the bond of Familiar Intercourse-Liberality-Instances of Ingratitude in PrincesOn raising the tone of Conversation-And of Manners, Chap. XXIV-On the Art of Moral Calculation, and forming a Just Estimate of Things and Persons, 62 63 Chap. XII-Farther Causes of Prejudice, Chap. XIII-Humility the only true Greatness, Chap. XIV-On Retirement, Chap. XV-Dangers and Advantages of Retirement, Chap. XVI-An Inquiry, why some Good Sort of People are not better, Chap. XVII-The Inquiry, why some Good Sort of People are not better, continued, 179 182 185 Chap. XVIII-Thoughts respectfully suggested to Good Sort of People, 189 Chap. XIX-On Habits, 193 Chap. XX-On the Inconsistency of Christians with Chris tianity, 199 Chap. XXI-Expostulation with the inconsistent Christian, 202 Chap. XXII-Reflections of an inconsistent Christian after a serious perusal of the Bible, 206 65 Chap. XXIII-The Christian in the World, 208 in the World, 212 : 217 Chap. XXVI-The established Christian, 222 Chap. XXV-On Erroneous Judgment-Character of Queen Christina of Sweden-Comparison of Christina with Alfred, Chap. XXVI-Observations on the Age of Louis XIV. and on Voltaire, |