"That the presence of a regular body of armed foldiers at an Election of Members to ferve " in Parliament, is an high infringement of the liberties of the subject, a manifeft violation " of the freedom of Elections, and in open defiance of the laws and constitution of this king"dom. And it is impoffible, if you well confider the terms of this refolution, but that you must have in your breasts the deepest forrow and remorse for this rash act of yours, which if it had not been animadverted upon might have given the most dange"rous wound to the conftitution of this free country that perhaps it had ever felt" This country free, because the House is so, which this House can never be, but from the "freedom of Elections to it; and, amidst the too many ways for violating that, none "can be more pernicious, because none more quick, decisive, and permanent, than "what you might have unhappily fet a precedent for, and which might have grown to an extremity, under the specious and ready pretences of fears and neceffity that fu" perfede all law-a precedent would have received an authority from the place it began irz -the feat of government, and the legislature of this kingdom. " But you have acknowledged your offence, and have afked pardon for it. This " has disposed the House to lenity; use it not to lessen the sense of your crime, but to " raife in your hearts that sense of gratitude you have to the House for that gentle " treatment you have met with on this occafion." In respect to the Westminster Election, we must observe, that if Sir Ceail Wray had polled 236 more than Mr. Fox, and that Mr. Fox had demanded a fcrutiny, we do most firmly believe, let the circumstances of the cafe be what they might, the High Bailiff would not have granted a fcrutiny, but on the contrary have returned the highest number as duly elected. In this opinion, we conceive every candid man in London will agree. The numbers being fo high above Sir Cecil, the Bailiff, who in fact gave his fanction to, and approved of those votes, ought to have fupported his own confequence by adhering to what he had admitted. We are therefore justified in joining with the popular voice in difapproving the extraordinary conduct of the High Bailiff on this important occafion. Extract of a letter from Derby. "The moment Mr. Fox's victory was announced, the principal inhabitants of this town assembled at Mr. Symond's, the Greyhound, in the Market Place, by " repeated huzzas; the bells in the five churches were immediately ordered to be rung, " and have continued ringing ever fince without the least intermiffion. In the even"ing, an elegant fupper was given at the fame house, to a select party of gentlemen, " and this day a grand dinner was given at the George Inn, at which almost all the " principal inhabitants were present. Mr. Fox's health was drank with two hundred " and thirty-fix cheers, (his majority upon the poll) and the evening concluded with 66 every poffible demonftration of joy, illuminations, bonfires, fireworks, &c. &c. &c." When the news arrived at Chesterfield of the Right Honourable Charles Fox being legally chosen Member of Parliament for Westminster, the bells began to ring there, and continued at intervals till past twelve o'clock at night. A large bonfire was made in the market-place, and several cannons were discharged. In the evening Mr. Gofling was chaired round the town in honour of the Member, having in his hat a cockade, on which was written, in letters of gold, FOX AND FREEDOM, attended by a great concourse of people, chiefly composed of the principal inhabitants of the town, who all wore laurels in their hats. It is fomewhat extraordinary that Lord Mountmorres should be at the head of those who have demanded a scrutiny. Lord Mountmorres was certainly a lodger only when the poll began, and lived in ready furnished apartments. The title of Irish Peer gives no 377 no sanction to a name at a Westminster Election. Let justice hold the scale, and the weight be impartial. If Mr. Fox has polled improper perfons, he deserves to be turned out, and to be for ever reprobated for fuch conduct; and if Sir Cecil Wray has demanded a fcrutiny on weak and frivolous grounds, he is a character equally deteftable; very improper means were no doubt used on this Election by both parties. The fervants of the Crown, and the Newcastle and Northumberland interest began undue influence for the Court party, and the Devonshire and Portland family opposed in favour of the other. This is very unconftitutional, and contrary to the right of Election. May 19.] In confequence of the Morning Fete, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales propofed, in honour of Mr. Fox's victory over the prerogative Candidates, a company of near fix hundred of the first perfons of fashion affembled yesterday at Carleton House. The fuite of rooms were laid out in the most superb style for their reception. Nine marquces were pitched in the gardens, and covers spread in each, confifting of devices equally expreffive of the political principles and gallantry of his Highness. The Dejune displayed two hundred and fifty covers of the most choice viands, confects, and ices: ftrawberries, grapes, and a variety of the choiceft fruits, made a part of the entertainment. Four Bands were disposed at proper distances in the gardens, two of which were composed of wind inftruments; one was a regular orchestra, and one for country dances, at the head of which Werner prefided. The grotesque Italian, who is fo much diftinguished for his oddities, made his appearance in the character of a French Marquis, his wife afsisted in this dramatis perfonæ, and occafioned much diverfion. After the elapfe of a short period, a party was formed for country dances and cotillions. The ball was confined to the garden, and was opened on a spot chofen by the Prince. His Highness and the Duchess of Devonshire were the first couple; Lady H. Walpole was next who was honoured by the rayal hand. Among others who danced, were Lord Carlifle Sir Harry Featherstone Mr. Burrell Mr. St. John Mifs Keppel. Lord Berkley was particularly favoured, as Lady Beauchamp, Lady Derby, and Miss Townshend, in the course of the dance, honoured him with their hands. The Miss Norths, Lady A. Campbell, Lady Chowton, Lady Lewisham, Lady Julia Howard, and feveral other ladies as well as gentlemen also stood up, but the frequent exchange of partners, puts it out of our power to give an exact account. This rurat repaft was confidered as a revival of old English hospitality, and fuch was the spirit of the mecting, that it may literally be faid the breakfast was not over till fix in the evening. A felect party of about thirty gentlemen remained after the company departed, to dine with the Prince; among whom were Mr. Fox, Admiral Pigot, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Col. North, Lord Lewisham, Mr. Boothby, Sir Harry Featherstone, Colonel Onflow, Sir Thomas Gascoyne, Mr. P. Delme, Lord Berkeley, Lord Winchelsea, Mr. C. Wyndham, Mr. Fitzroy, Colonel Stephenfon, and others. In the evening, the Carleton visitants met at Mrs. Crowe's, who gave a Ball on the occafion. His Highness, after his dinner party broke up, attended the evening scene of gaiety. Among the ladies particularly diftinguished by their dress, was Lady Beanchamp in a white Palonese of her own design, ornamented with Spangles; Mrs. Anderson, who wore a beautiful fancy Venetian dress; and Mrs. Meynell, the elder, who was elegance itfelf. The gentlemen who visited Carleton-house were dressed almost, without an exception, in blue and buff. The Prince was in uncommon fpirits at dinner, and befides finging feveral fongs in a very pleasing stile, alfo joined in fome catches and glees. This entertainment was formed under the regulation of Mr. Weltje, and does him the highest honour for its elegance and tafte. A cu ious anecdote happened at the Prince of Wales's public breakfast. Some one, for the fake of a laugh, pinned a Fox's cockade on the tete of Lady Talbot, whose partiality for the Court Candidates was known to be violent. Every body wondered at the Lady's fudden converfion, and the eyes of the whole company were directed to the ornamented head-dress. At length, after those who were in the fecret had fully enjoyed the titter, they commiffioned a perfon to step up and compliment her Ladyship on her coming over to the standard of beauty and freedom. By this means the difcovered the caufe of her being fo diftinguished, and she was so enraged, that having employed the French Ambassador to unpin from her head dress the party emblem, the coursed round the gardens till the came to the political groupe where Charles was standing, and here the threw the beau knot down, and trampled it under foot. Mrs. CREW's BALL. Mrs. Crew's ball on Tuesday night, in honour of Mr. Fox's victory, was the most pleafant and jovial ever given in the circle of high life, and united all the charms of elegance, ease, and conviviality. The company was felect though numerous, and affembled about ten o'clock in blue and buff uniforms; the dancing begun about eleven, and at half after the Prince's quadrille arrived, confifting of his Royal Highness, the Duchess of Devonshire, Lady Duncannon, Lady Bamfield, Miss Keppel, Mr. Stepney, Mr. Greville, &c. who, all dressed in uniforms, sashes, and feathers, danced the moit elegant figure dance that could be formed; the Prince then danced minuets with the Duchess of Devonshire, Lady Bamfield, &c. and then followed country dances, led by the Prince and the Duchefs, till half after two, when the company defcended to a truly elegant and comfortable fupper. The supper business was foon dispatched, and, at the unanimous request of the Ladies, Captain Morris was placed in the chair, and a general call enfued for the Baby and Nurse; he fung it in his very best stile, and the fair circle choruffed with the most heart-felt fpirit. The Ladies then drank his health, and cheered him three times with true festive glee; upon which Captain Morris after thanking the fair company for the honour of their charming approbation, gave as a toast buff and blue and Mrs. Crew, which Mrs. Crew very finartly returned in a glass, with buff and blue and all of you. The toafts being drank, a party in another fupper-room, confifting of Lord North, the Duchess of Portland, Lady Jersey, and others, fent a deputation to Captain Morris, requesting him to come into their room, upon which he went, and gave that company the Baby and Nurse, he then came back to the great room in a crafh of applaufe from the Ladies fair hands, and refumed the chair; the company from the other room foon followed, and he entertained them with a continual fucceffion of droll fongs, applicable to the times, and fung then with a spirit that made every fair eye in the room dance with delight. In short, never was an evening spent with fo much true pleasure and comfort, and every tongue in the room was unanimous in their expreffions of fatisfaction and admiration. At four the company refumed the dance, and a wit in the room faid, Captain Morris had fet the Ladies fpirits into fuch motion, that he supposed there would be Morris-dancing till dinner-time. There were present, among others, the Prince of Wales, Duke of Devonshire, Earl Fitzwilliam, Earl of Jersey, Jersey, Earl of Carlifle, Earl Cholmondeley, Earl of Derby, Lord North, Lord Lefton, Lord Beauchamp, Lord Melbourne, Mr. Onflow, Sir Ralph Payne, General St. John, Colonel Fitzpatrick, Colonel North, Lord Robert Spencer, Mr. Hafe, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Wyndham, Mr. Faulkener, and Duchess of Devonshire, Duchess of Portland, Ladies Jersey, Duncannon, Fitzwilliam, Sefton, Archer, Melbourne, Bamfield, St. John, Beauchamp, North, Payne, &c. &c. -The company were all retired between fix and seven, and the whole entertainment was conducted in a manner that did great honour to the beautiful patroness of the night, and will ever be remembered in the festive annals of the great and gay world. [We have now gone through the Paragraphical Part of our Miscellany, on both Sides the Question, which, we affure our Readers, has occafioned us great Trouble in selecting. Sensible how difficult a Matter it is to hit the Taste of Individuals, in Things of this Kind, we are prepared to expect Cenfure from fome and Praise from others on one and the fame Subject: We flatter ourselves, however, that our Defire to please will not be overlooked, though possibly our inferior fudgment may justly be condemned.. We shall next proceed to the Trial of the Rioters.] ON the first of June, Patrick Nicholson, James Ward, Jofeph Shaw, James Murray, and others, took their trial at the Old Bailey, before the Right Honourable Robert Peckham, Efq. Lord Mayor of the City of London; the Honourable John Willes, Efq. one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench; the Honourable Sir Richard Perryn, Knt. one of the Barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer; the Honourable James Adair, Efq. Serjeant at Law, Recorder of the faid City; and others his Majesty's Juftices of Oyer and Terminer of the City of London and Justices of Gaol Delivery of Newgate, holden for the taid City and County of Middlesex, on fufpicion of the wilful murder of Nicholas Caffon, at Covent Garden, on May 10, 1784. The following particulars contain the whole of the witnesses depofitions, and proceedings of the Court thereon. INDICTMENT. Patrick Nicholson, James Ward, Joseph Shaw, and James Murray, late of the parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden, in the county of Middlesex, labourers, were indicted, for that they, not having the fear of God before befor their eyes, but being moved and feduced by the initigation of the devil, on the 10th of May, in the twenty-fourth year of his Majesty's reign, with force and arms in and upon one Nicholas Casson, in the peace of God and our Lord the King, then and there being, did make an affault; and that he, the faid Patrick Nicholson, with a certain large wooden stick, value one penny, which the faid Patrick then and there had and held in his right hand, in and upon the head, neck, ftomach, shoulders, arms, back, belly, fides, loins, legs, and thighs, of the faid Nicholas, then and there folonioufly, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought, did divers times strike and beat, and caft and throw down to and against the ground, giving him then and there, as well by the striking and beating of the wooden stick as aforefaid, 3C2 faid, as by the cafting and throwing down to and against the ground as aforesaid, one mortal fracture on the skull of him the faid Nicholas Casson, in and upon the left fide of the head, and divers mortal bruises in and upon the head, neck, ftomach, shoulders, arms, back, belly, fides, loins, legs, and thighs, of him the faid Nicholas, by which faid mortal fracture of the skull, and the faid mortal bruises as aforesaid, the faid Nicholas Caffon did languish, and languishing did live, and on the 11th day of May of the faid mortal fracture did die; and that the faid James Ward, Joseph Shaw, and James Murray, at the time of committing the felony and murder aforesaid, felonioufly and wilfully, and of their malice aforethought, were present, aiding, abetting, affifting, and comforting him the faid Patrick Nicholas him the faid Nicholas Caffon to kill and murder; and the Jurors say, that him the faid Nicholas Casson, they the faid Patrick Nicholfon, James Ward, Jofeph Shaw, and James Murray did kill and murder. They were alfo charged upon the Coroner's Inquifition with the like murder. Mr. Loton. Mr. COCKER, Mr. CROWDER, The witnesses examined apart at the request of the prisoners Counsel. Mr. Sylvester opened the indictment. And Mr. Morgan opened the cafe as follows: My Lord, and you, Gentlemen of the Jury, you will please to favour me on the part of the prefent profecution; this is a very serious and important business, and therefore it is peculiarly neceffary that you should pay a particular attention to the evidence that will by and by be produced before you; Gentlemen, a very wife regulation was recommended by one of the judges yesterday, to one of the Counsel for the prisoners and me; that this cause should be tried by a Jury of Gentlemen who are not inhabitants of Westminster, for the express purpose of trying the prisoners at the bar with the utmost impartiality; I address you therefore, Gentlemen, looking upon you as men, uninfluenced by that unhappy spirit that has raged for a confiderable time last past in the city and liberty of Westminster; and as men who, I trust, will on this occafion use their foundest judgment and their coolest deliberations. If any of you have at any time been engaged in the party difputes that have lately fubfifted, and if you have heard or read any thing concerning those disputes, I trust you will remove from your minds every impreffion that you have hitherto received, but more especially any impreffion you may have received unfavourable to the prisoners at the bar. Gentlemen of the Jury, it is a duty becoming me, standing here as Counsel for the prosecution, to state to you the outlines of |