A POEM, IN TWELVE BOOK S. The AUTHOR JOHN MILTON. The SIXTH EDITION. With NOTES of various AUTHORS, VOLUME the FIRST. LONDON: Printed for 7. and R. Tonfon, B. Dodd, H. IVocdfall, J. Rivington, MDCCLXIII. EARL of BAT H MY LORD, M ILTON himself prefixed no Dedication to the PARADISE LOST; for he defigned it, not for a fingle patron, but for the wife and learned of all ages. However feveral of the later editions have been infcribed to Lord Sommers, as a great admirer and encourager of this work and indeed such a poem should be addressed only to the moft worthy, to Lord Sommers, or One like Him a judge and patron of arts, and illuftrious both in the commonwealth of men and the commonwealth of letters. A 2 : But |