Imágenes de páginas

Lackey, treo, J. The Teacher's In-
duence in Politics, 20.

Mead. Edvin. How to Rebuild our
Merchant Marine, 7. Fallacies of

the People's Party, 28.
Merchant Marine, How to Rebuild
our, 377, 587.

Morais, Progress in. 466.

Secret Societies, The Folly. Expense
and Danger of. E.

Secret Society question, The, 642.
Shaw, Rev. Anna. Woman's Right
to Suffrage, 309.

Silver, 16.

St. John, ex-Gov. John P. The Great
Isane. #17.

Nationalism as an Economic Factor, Stickney, Albert. Party Rule in the


Odds and Ends, 432, 556, 667.

Olsaver, Frank T. The Secret Society
Question, 42.

Paim, A. J. Do Reformatory Prisons
Increase Crime? 3. Is Corporal
Punishment Degrading? 187. Odds
and Ends, 132, 550, 067. Political
Platforms, 206. The Benefits of
War, 27.

United States, 383.

Suffrage, Woman's Right to, 309.
Sutherland, Rev. John R. Progress
in Morals, HM,

Tarif, The, Not a Local Question, 46.
Tarif Policy, Our, 172.
Tarif Question. A British View of
the. 5.

Teacher's Induence in Politics, The,

Palmer, Mrs. Potter. Woman's Part Trade and the Tarif. 364.
in the Exposition. 124.

Party Rule in the United States, 383.
Peace, Fourth Conference of, 506.
Peace Movement. The Modern, 507.
People's Party, Fallacies of the, 25%.
Plea for a Diplomatic Career, A. 51
Political Phantom, Chasing a, 43.
Political Platforms, 26.

President, Our Method of Electing
the. 481.

Prisons, Reformatory, S.
Prohibition, 579.

[blocks in formation]

Protectionist, Idea of the Non-, £14.

Punishment, Corporal. 157.

Trumbull, Gen. M. M. Richard Ccb-
len. !.

Wages, The Basis of 97.
Walker. Prof. Chas. S. Civil Rela-
tions of the Discovery of America,


Wanted. A Policy. 328.
War. How to Abolish, 492.
Benefits of, 327.
Warter. Gen. A. J. Silver, 19.
Washburne, Hon. W. D. Dealings
in Futures and Options. Ho.
Watchorn, Hon. John. Factory In-
spection. 540.

Weippiert. G. W. Practical Labor
Reform, £7.

Read. Sheridan P. A Plea for a Wells, David A. The Protectionist
Dipionatie Career, 561.

I lea of Industry, 25.

Reeve, C. H. Education and Politics, Whitehead. Hon. Mortimer. The

Representation. Electoral. 22.
Richard Col den. 1.

Riot, The Homestead, 275.

Roebling. John A. Is our Method of
Electing the President Republican?

Sands, Rev. J. D. The Basis of
Wazes, B.

Grange in Politics, 113.

Willard. Frances E. The Wonian's

Nanonal Council. 14.

Women's National Council, The, 14.
Woel and the Tarif. 21
Woolsey, Theodore S.


or Foreign Relations, 51.
Young. A. P. Organization of Farm-
ers, 0.


JULY, 1892.




HE name of Richard Cobden is familiar to the American people, not because they know much about the man; but because they have been frightened by that awful apparition of peace and plenty known as the Cobden club.

It is a perverse paradox and a very mockery of common sense, that the name of Richard Cobden has become an incantation for the use of political conjurers in the United States, a hobgoblin and a scare. As it was in his own country in his own time, so it is in the United States to-day; monopoly, aristocracy, plutocracy, caste, and privilege ridicule the name of Richard Cobden. As nursery maids frighten children by fictitious bogies, so in like manner do the nurses of the Protective tariff scare American laborers by the ghost of a mythical dragon which they call the Cobden club. This they pretend is the arch-enemy of American industry, animated by the spirit of Richard Cobden to overthrow American prosperity and degrade American labor.

It might be an exaggeration to say that Richard Cobden was the greatest friend the American people ever had in Europe, for John Bright and others were equally interested in the welfare of the United States; but we may confidently say that he was the greatest benefactor the United States has had in Europe during the nineteenth century; and we may say more, that the only commercial friend we have in Europe with any

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