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am what I am. It is service which is its own recompence-work which is its own wages. In helping to feed others, we may feast ourselves; for our Master hath provided that the mouth of the ox be not muzzled when-he treads out the corn. For my part, I would not exchange the pleasure of converse with the scriptures and divine things, for all the delight of the sons and daughters of men, and the peculiar treasure of kings and provinces. It was a noble saying of the Marquis of Vico, Let their money perish with them, who esteem all the wealth of this world worth one hour's communion with God in Jesus Christ.

In doing this, I hope I can truly say, my desire and design is to contribute something to the faith, holiness, and joy of those that in this ordinance have given up their names to the Lord Jesus: and if God, by his grace, will make this endeavor some way serviceable to that end, I have what I wish....I have what I aim at; and it will not be the first time that praise hath been perfected, and strength ordained out of the mouths of babes and sucklings.

In this essay I have an eye particularly to that little handful of people among whom I have been (in much weakness) ministering in these holy things now seventeen years; during all which time, through the good hand of God upon us, we have never once been disappointed of the stated solemnities, either of our new moons or our sabbaths. As I designed my Scripture-Catechism, and the other little one that followed it, to be a present, and perhaps ere long it may prove my legacy, to the young ones, the lambs of the

flock-so I recommend this to the adult, and leave it with them, being desirous that the sheep we are charged to feed, may go in and out, and find pasture: and I earnestly wish that both these may prove successful expedients to preserve some of those things they _ have been taught, from being quite forgotten; and that, after my decease, they and theirs will have those things always in remembrance.

And lastly, I send this abroad under the protection and blessing of heaven-with a hearty prayer to God to forgive what is mine, that is, whatever is amiss and defective in the peformance....and graciously to accept what is his own, that is, whatever is good and profitable; hoping that, if God pardon my defects and infirmities, my friends also will overlook them-and that, if he favorably accept my endeavors through Christ, they also will accept them: for, truly, it is the top of my ambition to approve myself




Chester, June 21, 1704.

[blocks in formation]

1. We call it the Sacrament; that is, a sign and an oath....

2. The Lord's Supper; a supper, our Lord's Supper....3.

The Communion; having in it communion with Christ,
and with the universal church....4. The Eucharist-Christ
in the institution of it gave thanks, and we in the partici-
pation....5. The Feast; a royal feast, a marriage-feast, a
feast of memorial, a feast of dedication, a feast upon a
sacrifice, and a feast upon a covenant.

All things are ready (opened in many particulars)-therefore
come....1. Those that are unmeet for this ordinance must
qualify themselves and come; a serious address to such,
in three things.... 2. Those that are in some measure meet
for it, must enter themselves: young people reasoned with
in four questions; those that are cold and indifferent put
upon considering two things-those that are timorous,
counselled and encouraged in two things....3. Those that
have given up themselves to God in this ordinance, must
be constant: this largely urged.


What it is to examine ourselves, illustrated in six similitudes,

particularly six questions to be put to ourselves: -What

am I?-four enquiries by which to find out what our spir-

itual state is: two directions what to do thereupon....2.

What have I done?-twelve questious to be put to our-
selves to bring to remembrance, and directions thereup-
on....3. What am I doing?-in two things....4. What
ground do I get?-four questions by which to try our
growth in grace....5. What do I want...what grace...what
comfort ?....6. What shall I resolve to do?-in two things.

I. In what method we must renew our covenant with God:

1. We must repent of our sins, by which we have render-

ed ourselves unworthy to be taken into covenant: three
things to be lamented....2. We must renounce the devil,
the world, and the flesh; opened in three things....3. We
must receive Christ as offered to us, consenting to his grace,
and to his government....4. We must resign and give up
ourselves to God in Christ-devote ourselves to his praise,
and submit ourselves to his power, in three things......
We must resolve to abide in it ; opening in two things....
6. We must rely on the righteousness and strength of Christ
herein: opened in two things. II. After what manner
we must renew our covenant-intelligently, considerately,
humbly, cheerfully, and in sincerity..

[blocks in formation]

I. Of meditation, opened in general: it is thought engaged,
and thought enflamed; particularly meditate, 1. On the
sinfulness and misery of man's fallen state....2. The glo-
ry of God's attributes in man's redemption....3. The per-
son of the Redeemer and his undertakings....4. undertakings....4. His suf-
ferings....5. His present glories....6. The riches of the
new covenant....7. The communion of saints, and the
happiness of heaven: all these enlarged upon. II. Of
prayer; why we must pray before the sacrament, and
what we must pray for: four things to be prayed for.

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