MARKETS. Monday, Oct. 4. -The arrival of English Corn last week was only moderate, but of foreign Oats it was again very large. This morning our market presented only a small show of samples fresh from all Average Prices of CORN through- The Flour trade being in an uncer ENGLAND, for the week end ing 25th September. Wheat Peas ..... s. d. 55 2 ..31 8 .33 1 21 5 .36 10 36 3 tain state, occasions our Millers to purchase Wheat very reluctantly; and although more money was asked today, yet sales were made so slowly as to occasion the trade to be reported dull at about the same terms as this day se'nnight. Barley is still scarce, and has obtained 38. to 4s. advance on the terms of last Monday. Malt is 5s. per qr. succeeding Aug. 15, by which im- higher. Beans are much in denwand, Aggregate Average of the six weeks portation is regulated. and are advanced 2s. per quarter. Boiling Peas are 2s. per quarter s. d. dearer. Grey Peas are unaltered. Oats sell freely, chiefly to country 359 buyers; and prime samples are 1s. 36 per quarter higher, but other sorts are unaltered in value. In Flour no alteration. ola zaศ ควda Corn Exchange, Mark Lane. Quantities and Prices of British Corn, &c. sold and delivered in this Market, during the week ended Saturday, 25th September. Qrs. Wheat.. 7,329 for 21,35 9 7 Average, 59 3 North Country Oats.... 1,333.... 1,558 14 10.....23 4 Foreign Oats Friday, Oct. 1.-The arrivals of English Grain this week are moderate, and of foreign Oats there is another very large quantity. Prime dry Wheat is scarce and rather dearer, and there is rather more trade for other qualities. Barley comes very Barley .... 831 Linseed.... 710 sparingly to hand, and is again higher Oats Malt 2,569 Rapeseed.. 604 in price. Beans and Peas have no 5,567 Brank... 19 variation from Monday. Although Flour.... 7,440 Flax Beans... 1,156 Mustard.. 290 the supply of foreign Oats is so very large, yet our market being so well Rye...... 47 Seeds attended with country buyers, this article sells freely on rather better Foreign.--Wheat, 200; Oats, 51,175 terms than Monday.her? quarters; and Flour, 385 bushels. Total Quantity of Corn returned as low, 82s. to 84s.; Waterford, 79s. to Sold in the Maritime Districts, for 80s.; Dublin, Limerick, or Cork, the Week ended Sept. 25. 78s. to 80s. Landed: Carlow, 85s. Wheat 33,764 Oats ....10,284 to 87s.; Waterford, Dublin, Newry, Rye......... 288 | Beans.... 1,548 Limerick, or Cork, 82s. to 84s. Barley 2,536 Peas.... 1,317 .. Qrs. Qrs. Price of HOPS per Cwt. in the Dutch, 92s. to 96s... No material alteration since our The stocks of old are drawing Monday, Oct. 4.-New Hops con- last. tinue to support last week's prices; coloured Pockets in request. Cur- into a very small compass. rency-Sussex, 100s. to 116s.; Kent, 100s. to 130s. Note. In the paragraph, in last week's Register, on the subject of Maidstone, Sept. 30. Our Hoppicking is getting now very forward, the failure of a House in Belfast, and in the course of next week will after the words long standing, read, be finished; the weather, which has been very wet, does not appear at all and hitherto of great respectability. against the Hops, which come down very good in quality, and as to quan tity, we believe, full as well as ex pected. The Market begins now to Price of Bread. The price of the fill with samples, which have hitherto 4lb. Loaf is stated at 9 d. by the met a ready sale, at about the follow-full-priced Bakers. ing prices, viz. Pockets, from 51. 12s. to 6l. per cwt.; Bags, but few offered yet, and not sold. By the QUARTER, excepting where otherwise named; from Wednesday to Saturday last, inclusive. The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the Week before. The boll o * Dalkeith and Haddington are given by the boll. - The Scotch boll for Wheatf Rye, Pease, and Beans, is three per cent. more than 4 bushels. Barley and Oats, is about 6 bushels Winchester, or as 6 to 8 compared with the English quarter. : : Liverpool, Sept. 28. Throughout the past week there was a very fair demand for Wheats, both new and old, at improved prices; but the supply of the former was limited, owing to a prevalence of easterly winds. Fine old Oats were also sold on better terms than on Tuesday last. Fine malting Barley was taken off at an advance of 3d. to 4d. per 9 gallons. The market of this day was pretty numerously attended, and fine old Wheat increased in value about 2d. per 70 lbs., and old Oats 1d per 45 lbs. In other articles of the trade there was no alteration worthy of notice. Norwich, Oct. 2.-New Wheat, 48s. to 57s.; Bright Barley, (and not more than one half of this year's growth is of that description in this country,) 37s. to 42s.; Oats, 19s, to 25s.; and Grey Peas, 32s. to 40s. per quarter. Bristol, Oct. 2. - Wheat and Barley sells freely in the Corn Markets here, as the supply of new Corn is very small. The following statement is nearly correct:-Best old Wheat, 7s. 9d. to 8s.; inferior, 4s. 6d. to 6s. 6d.; new ditto, 6s. to 7s. 6d; Barley, 2s. 6d. to 4s. 9d.; Oats, 2s, to 3s. 2d.; Beans, 3s. 6d. to 5s. 3d.; and Malt, 5s. to 7s. 6d. per bushel. Flour, Seconds, 30s. to 43s. per bag.. Birmingham, Sept. 30.- We have a better supply of Wheat, yet it fully supports its price. Barley scarce, in good demand, and considerably dearer. Beans also of more value. Higher prices asked for Malt. Oats and other articles without alteration. Boiling Peas asked for, but none at market. The retail price of Flour has risen 2d. per 14 lbs. Wheat, 8s. to to 8s. 6d. per 60 lbs.; Barley, 34s. to 46s.; Malt, 60s.. to. 64s.; and Oats, 24s. to 28s. per quarter; Beans, 18s. to 20s. per ten score; Peas, 44s. to 48s. per quarter. Fine Flour, 53s. to 55s.; Second ditto, 48s. to 50s. per sack. Ipswich, Oct. 2.-Our market to-day was pretty well supplied with Wheat and Barley, but the quality of the latter was inferior; green, damp, and stained. Malting qualities sold 3s. to 4s. per quarter higher than last week. Prices as follow:- Wheat (Old), 49s. to 60s.; ditto (New), 55s. to 65s.; Barley, 32s, to 438.; Peas, 33s. to 34s.; and Oats, 18s. to 24s. per quarter. i Wisbech, Oct. 2.- The supply of New Wheat was tolerably good, which met with rather a brisk sale, at the following prices; viz. general run of Red, fetched 56s. to 58s. per quarter; prime sorts reached 60s.; superfine White up t to 61s. per quarter. Only a few New Oats, which supported last week's prices. Market was thinly attended, owing to a large fair at Peterboro' Wakefield, Oct. 1.-The arrivals this week are only moderate. There has been a good demand for Wheat, both old and new; the former has sold readily at an advance of 1s. to 2s. per quarter, and the latter on full as good terms as on this day se'nnight. Barley is much inquired for, and the few small parcels which arrived sell at 433. to 44s. per quarter. Malt has advanced 23. per load, and Beans, from the great scarcity, are full 4s. per quarter dearer. The late extensive arrivals of Oats in this country seems to have very little effect on the trade; the stocks being so very low previous, causes a demand fully equal to the supply, and prices of this article remain without alteration. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, sold in the Maritime Countics of England and Wales, for the Week ended Sept. 25, 1824. Monmouthshire .......55 10....37 0....19 0 i Devonshire... Cornwall. Dorsetshire Hampshire North Wales: South Wales..... .....57 3.29 11...20 8 * The London Average is always that of the Week preceding. COUNTRY CATTLE AND MEAT MARKETS, &c. Norwich Castle Meadow, Oct. 2. There was a pretty good show of Stock at market here to-day. Lambs are very dear and scarce, fetching from 25s. to 30s, per head. Fat Beef and Mutton, 7s, to 7s. 3d. per stone of 14lbs. Horncastle, Oct. 2.-Beef, 6s. 6d. to 7s. per stone of 14 lbs.; Mutton, 5d. to 6d.; Lamb, 6d. to 7d.; Veal, 7d. to 8d.; and Pork, 7d. per lb. : Bristol, Sept. 30.-Beef, 5d. to 5d.; Mutton, 5d. to 6d.; and Pork, 5d. to 5 d. per lb. sinking offal. At Morpeth market, on Wednesday, there was a good many Cattle, but a short supply of Sheep, and Lambs; there being a great deinand, they met with ready sale at an advance in price. Beef, 5s. 3d. to 5s. 9d.; Mutton, 5s. 6d. to 6s. 6d.; Lamb, 5s. to 5s. 10d. per stone, sinking offal. At Croydon Fair on Saturday, there was a large supply of Sheep, which went off briskly in the early part of the day at high prices; but towards the close the demand fell off, and many remained unsold. 3 : : |