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Corn Exchange, Mark Lane. Quantities and Prices of British Corn, &c. sold and delivered in this Market, during the week ended Saturday, 23d October.

Qrs. £. s. d. s. d. Wheat 10,210 for 33,416 1 5 Average, 65 5 Barley.. 5,449....12,239 6 6..........44 11 Oats.... 4,768.... 5,505 12 2..........23 1 Rye .... 15.... 24 9 0..........32 7 Beans ..2,690.... 6,058 18 2..........45 0 Peas....1,741.... 3,849 5 10..........44 2

Friday, Oct. 29.-There has not been much Corn of any kind fresh up to-day, and as fine dry samples of New Wheat are scarce, our Millers were obliged to give rather more money for such than on Monday, but the prices of other qualities are unaltered. In Barley, Beans, and Peas, there is no variation from Monday. Good sweet Oats sell with tolerable freedom at Monday's prices, but other kinds are dull.

Monday, Nov. 1. -The arrivals of most kinds of Grain last week were only moderate. This morning there is a plentiful supply of Barley, but not much other Grain fresh up. Superfine samples of Wheat are scarce,

Barley is now abundant, and su

perfine malting samples barely maintain last week's terms, but all other

sorts are 1s. to 2s. per quarter lower. Old Beans maintain their value; New are rather cheaper. White Peas are rather dearer, and Grey Peas are 28. per quarter higher. Good Oats are not plentiful, and such sold freely on rather better terms, but other qualities remain much the same as last quoted. The top price of Flour is advanced to 70s. per sack.

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Wheat..54,846 | Oats ....14,318 Rye .... 444 | Beans.... 4,212

Barley .. 29,533 | Peas .... 3,005

Price of HOPS per Cwt. in the Borough.a

Monday, Nov. 1. - During the last few days we have had a brisk demand for Hops, in both pockets and bags, at an advance of 3s, to 4s. per cwt.-Sussex pockets, 102s. to 118s.; Kent, 105s. to 140s. Bags, 102s. to 125$.

Maidstone, Oct 28.-We have this last week had a better trade for Hops, which are dearer and much inquired after, particularly good Middle Kent bags, and they are now getting in few hands. The duty is said not to ex ceed 140,000l. Prices, pockets from 100s. to 112s. to 120s. per cwt.; bags


100s, to 105s. to 1125.62

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especially as the Irish Markets are considerably above this. On Board: Carlow, 96s.; Waterford, Dublin, or Limerick, 92s. to 93s-Landed: Carlow, 98s.; Waterford, Dublin, or Limerick, 94s. to 96s.; Dutch, 102s.

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☐ Beasts.0..3,137 | Sheep...20,010 180 | Pigs...... 230


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Monday, Nov. 1. The arrivals from Ireland last week were 325 firkins of Butter, and 210 bales of Bacon; and from Foreign Ports 8753 casks of Butter.

.s.. d.



Pörk!.! ..40-60

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City, 3d November, 1824.


On Board, 57s. to 58s. Landed Veal 13454 Old, 52s. to 54s.; New,


2 4 to 3 6

Mutton...32 -3-10-14


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By the QUARTER, excepting where otherwise named; from Wednesday to Saturday last, inclusive.o

The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the Week before. J

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8. to s. d. to sed sto s. d. s. to s. d. 5 to 6. d.


60 74 0


44 0


26 0

22 48 0

42 46 0


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Basingstoke ... 56 76 0

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40 154:0000

Bridport.0.0... 54.600

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0.0 0 0.0

Chelmsford....... 60 78 0



20 280 30 46 0 36 40 0


66 70 0

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23 30048 540 000


Devizes......... 52760 40 500

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50 68.0 28 400

21 300 46 49 0

0 00


68 78 0 36 400


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58 82 0 36 500

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Horncastle...... 54 63 0 30 43 0

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Hungerford....... 58740 40

45 0

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48 72 0 141







854 64 0


44 0


24 0


48 0

38 40 0


Newbury ........ 58 78 0

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Newcastle.... 46 64 0


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36 420

38 440

Northampton... 606 670

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0 00

Nottingham .... 63 00 25




100 200

Reading.....58.850 35 510

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Stamford......... 56 670 33 45 0

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20 30 0

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60 00 3200


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0 00




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Haddington*..42031025 31 0

* Dalkeith and Haddington are given by the boll. -The Scotch boll for Wheat, Rye, Pease, and Beans, is three per cent. more than 4 bushels. The boll of Barley and Oats, is about 6 bushels Winchester, or as 6 to 8 compared with the English quarter.



0 00

54 58 0

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44 48 0 26 0 15 22 0

34 55 0

0 00


22018 22018 22 0

1. Liverpool, Oct. 26. - The prices of Wheat and Oats fluctuated very much last week, but at the termination of it they settled at much the same as those of last Tuesday. At this day's market there were very few buyers, and the supplies of Wheat, Oats, and Flour being very considerable, (including those which remained over from the last week,) Wheat met an extremely dull sale, and scarcely realised the prices of this day se'nnight for the finest parcels. There is in consequence very little variation from the quotations of Tuesday last.

Norwich, Oct. 30. Wheat 60s. to 68s.; Barley, 32s. to 45s.; Oats, 25s. to 30s.; Beans, 36s. to 42s. per quarter.

Bristol, Oct. 30. -The sales of all kinds of Grain, &c. here are very brisk, and the following prices are easily obtained :-Best Wheat from 8s. 3d. to 8s. 9d.; new ditto, 6s. 6d. to 7s. 9d; inferior ditto, 5s. to 6s.; Barley, 3s. to 5s. 6d.; Beans, 3s. 6d. to 6s, 3d.; Oats, 2s. 3d. to Ss. 2d.; and Malt, 5s. 9d. to 7s. 9d. per bushel. Flour, Seconds, 30s. to 55s. per bag.

Birmingham, Oct. 28.-A heavy market, but no material alteration of the prices of this day se'nnight.

Ipswich, Oct. 30.-We had to-day a large supply of both Wheat and Barley; the former was rather dearer, and the latter cheaper. Prices as follow-Wheat, 603 to 72s.; Barley, 31s. to 45s.; New Beans, 34s. to 39s.; Peas, 36s, to 38s.; and Oats, 18s. to 24s. per qr.........

Wakefield, Oct. 29. The supply of Grain this week is pretty considerable. The Liverpool market continuing so much below ours, and rendering the sale of Flour, at fair prices, in Lancashire very difficult, causes a dulness, in the trade here. Very little business has been transacted in Wheat to-day, and to make sales, a decline of full 2s. per quarter must be submitted to, on both New and Old. Barley continues in a depressed state; the Maltsters buy very reluctantly, anticipating lower prices, together with the impression that the the ports may open in November. Oats and Shelling are both dull sale, some instances rather lower. Beans have declined 2s. to 3s. per quarter. No alteration in Malt. Very little doing in Rapeseed: the improved accounts of the fisheries tend rather to depress this article. -Wheat, Old, 55s. to 64s.; New, 57s. to 66s. per 60 lbs.; Barley, Old, 36s. to 38s.; New, 40s. to 43s. per qr.; Beans, New, 48s. to 50s.; Old, 52s. per 63 lbs.; Oats, 26s. to 28s. per quarter; Mealing Oats, 12d. to 13d. per stone; Shelling, 30s. to 31s.; New, 32s.; Malt, 42s. to 46s.; and Flour, 44s. to 46s. per load. Rapeseed, 251. to 271. per last.


Norwich Castle Meadow, Oct. 30.-Fat Beef, 6s. 9d. to 7s. 6d.; Mutton, 6s. 3d. to 6s. 9d.; Pork, 6s. 6d. to 7s 3d. per stone of 14 lbs.

Horncastle, Oct. 30.-Beef, 6s. 6d. to 7s. per stone of 14 lbs.; Mutton, 5d. to 6d.; Veal, 6d. to 8d. and Pork, 7d. per lb.

Morpeth market, on Wednesday last, had rather a short supply of Cattle and Sheep: there being few buyers, prices continues much the same :Beef, from 5s. 3d. to 5s. 9d.; Mutton, 56. 6d. to 6s. 6d. per stone, sinking offal.

There was more Cheese pitched at Winchester Fair Monday se'nnight than was expected, and though the sale was dull, higher prices were realised than at Giles's Hill: a considerable quantity was left for the second day, which fully supported Monday's price. There were only two or three fine dairies of Old Cheese, which fetched 86s. The quality of the New Cheese was very good, and the prices were-Best Somerset, 65s. to 78s.; Half Coward, 40s. to 56s.; Ordinary and Skim, 28s. to 38s.

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