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By the QUARTER, excepting where otherwise named; from Wednesday to

Saturday last, inclusive,

The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the Week before.

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57 00
Uxbridge......... 48 74 0
Warminster...... 44 64 0
Yarmouth........ 0 00 000
Dalkeith *

20 28 0

40 420000

21 00

000 0 00


23 29 0 34 40 0 38 42 0

24 300

40 500


0 00


0 00

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24 30 0 23 250

17 28 61 19

* Dalkeith and Haddington are given by the boll. - The Scotch boll for Wheat, Rye, Pease, and Beans, is three per cent. more than 4 bushels. The boll of Barley and Oats, is about 6 bushels Winchester, or as 6 to 8 compared with the English quarter.

24 6

1319 0
14 220

17 219 0 17

19 0

16 20 016 20.0



Liverpool, Sept. 21. -The weather since this day se'nnight favourable for the completion of harvest, but the arrivals of Grain having been moderate, there was a fair demand during the week for old and new Wheat and Oats, and indeed for Grain generally. New Wheat throughout that period experienced an advance of 1d. to 2d. and old 3d. per 70 lbs. Late prices were barely obtained for New Oats, although old ones improved in value 1d. to 14d. per 45 lbs. The stock of new Wheat at this day's market was materially increased by the arrivals of yesterday from Ireland, for which there being a good demand, nearly the whole was taken off, together with a fair portion of good old Wheat at the advance noted, of which fine old, foreign and Irish Oats proportionably participated. Prices remain unaltered for other articles of the trade, there having been but little business done in them this day.

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Imported into Liverpool from the 14th to the 20th September, 1824, inclusive:-Wheat, 9,699; Barley, 94; Oats, 5,063; and Malt, 30 quarters. Flour, 1,311 sacks, of 280 lbs. Oatmeal, 212 packs, per 240 lbs. American Flour, 1 barrel.

Bristol, Sept. 25.-The supply of Corn, &c. at this place is rather limited, but a much better is expected in a short time. - Best Old Wheat from 7s. 6d. to 7s. 9d.; inferior old ditto, 4s. 6d. to 6s. 3d.; New Wheat, 6s. to 7s. 3d.; Barley, 2s. 3d. to 4s. 6d.; Oats, 2s. to 3s. 2d.; Beans, 3s. 6d. to 5s. 3d.; and Malt, 5s. to 7s. 6d. per bushel. Flour, Seconds, 30s. to 48s. per bag.

Birmingham, Sept. 23. - Weather very rainy. Supplies short, and prices of every kind of Grain, Flour, &c. on the advance. Tares in good request, realizing 7s. 6d. to 8s. per bushel: but few at market.

Ipswich, Sept. 25.-We had to-day a pretty good supply of Wheat and Barley, and sold at high prices, as follow: - Wheat (New), 52s. to 63s.; ditto (Old), 443. to 58s.; Barley (New), 32s. to 39s.; Peas (New), 31s. to 34s.; Beans, 35s. to 37s.; and Oats, 18s. to 24s. per quarter.

Wisbech, Sept. 25.-Our market was scantily supplied with samples of all descriptions of Grain, which sold on equally as good terms as this day week. From the quantity of rain that has fallen in the last few days, it is feared the late sown Oats in the fen districts will be much injured.

Malton, Sept. 25. - Very little alteration has taken place since last week. Prices as follow:-Wheat, 54s, to 60s, per quarter, five stone per bushel. Oats, 11 d. to 12d. per stone.

AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, sold in the Maritime Counties of

England and Wales, for the Week ended Sept. 18, 1824.

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* The London Average is always that of the Week preceding.


Horncastle, Sept. 25.-Beef, Gs. 6d. to Ts. per stone of 14 lbs.; Mutton, 5d. to 6d.; Lamb, 6d. to 7d.; Veal, 6d. to 8d.; and Pork, 7d. per lb.


Malton, Sept. 25.-Meat in the shambles: Beef, 5td. to 6ld.; Mutton, 5d. to 6d.; Lamb, 41d. to 54d.; and Veal, 6d. to 7d. per lb. Fresh Butter, 12d. to 13d. per lb.: Salt ditto, 43s. to 44s. per firkin. Bacon Sides, 7s. 6d. to 7s. 9d.; Hams, 8s. 6d. to 9s. per stone.

At Morpeth market, on Wednesday, there was a good supply of Cattle,. Sheep, and Lambs; there being a great demand, prices were much the same.-Beef, 5s. to 5s. 6d.; Mutton, 5s. 3d. to 6s.; Lamb, 5s. to 5s. 10d.. : per stone, sinking offal.



VOL. 52. No. 2.] LONDON, SATURDAY, Ост. 9, 1824. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'Clock.


before me, excite, generally, too little attention.,"

This case has, however, poor as

THE two men, who were tried the sufferers were, excited attenat OXFORD, at the last Assises, tion, and a great deal of attention. and who were hanged there, hav- I expressed, some weeks back, a ing been found guilty of a murder, desire to possess a complete report of the proceedings at the trial. I did not get it. But a gentleman who was present at the trial (and who is, doubtless, a barrister), has had the goodness to send me the

committed on one MILLIN, a gamekeeper of LORD CHURCHILL.

Kensington, 6th Oct. 1824.

I have twice already mentioned following two Letters, containing the case of these two men. They a most able examination of the were labouring men; but, they circumstances and of the evidence, were our countrymen. I have and also some remarks on the

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never read of the fate of any hu- manner of the proceedings. These

man beings better calculated to Letters I beg my readers to go

interest the whole nation. These through with the greatest attenmen have left widows and chil- tion. The subject, let them re

dren, or, at least, one of them has. member, is the most important We see people enough to express that can come under our concompassion for a scoundrel who sideration. With this short prehas, by forgery and breach of face, I submit the Letters to the trust, robbed to an enormous reader, again begging him to amount; but, I must say, that weigh well every sentence and cases like this, which I have now every word of them.


Printed and Published by C. CLEMENT, No. 183, Fleet-street.

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from them. I will first state the circumstances under which the deceased was found, and then distinctly set forth the several grounds on which guilt was imputed to the prisoners.

The deceased, JAMES MILLIN, was the younger brother of JoSEPH MILLIN, one of the keepers

I was present at the trial of these men for murder, and am one of many whom their conviction of LORD CHURCHILL, in the Fo did not satisfy. Their case has rest of Wychwood. He had been always appeared to me extraor- a labourer; but a few days before dinary and awful. In charging the Jury, Mr. Justice Park, who presided, declared, both at the beginning and the close of his address, that "he would give no ultimate opinion on the case;" when he passed sentence, he said, that he "was not dissatisfied with the verdict." He left the prisoners for execution; and they died, having protested their innocence at the Sacramental Table! I, for my own part, am dissatisfied with the verdict; and, with your permission, will give my reasons for that dissatisfaction, and make a when it was ascertained that Bay-o few remarks on some extraordi- liss had absconded, James Millin nary circumstances connected with was employed as assistant keeper" the trial. in his room. On 15th June,ata

his death, was taken by Joseph Millin as his assistant, in the room of a man named BAYLiss? who had before acted in that capacity. Bayliss had laid an information against the prisoner JAMES, for having venison in his possession, and James was sunrmoned to answer the charge. When the day appointed for the hearing came, Bayliss, the informer, did not appear, having left the forest without notice on the preceding night. The charge was, of course, dismissed; and

I have been unable to obtain quarter before nine in the evenany paper containing a full report ing, JAMES MILLIN was found in of the proceedings which I can a part of the forest, called Henssend you. But I have collated grove, by a man named Thomas the reports in the Times, the Morn- Young, mortally wounded. Young ing Chronicle, the Morning Herald, and the New Times, all of Monday, 2d August, and find that though some of these reports are fuller in parts than others, they agree in all the material facts with had shot at a rabbit; and hearing each other, and with my own re- a loud report of a gun, he camer collection. The case is, indeed, near to the spot where James lay. exceedingly simple, and consists He first saw the two prisoners of circumstances about the exist about 150 yards from the place; $) ence of which there can be no they walked on till they were dispute; the only question will be about 450 yards from it, and then as to the inference fairly resulting seeing him, they turned back to

left him, and went for assistanceo without seeing any one in his road. At this time Joseph Millin, the brother, was on duty in the > forest; a few minutes before he


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