Price of HOPS per Cwt. in the Borough. BUTTER. Although the demand is not brisk, this article fully maintains the late Monday, Nov. 29.-Old duty (offi- prices-On Board: Carlow, 100s. to cial) 148,8321. Os. Od. The above 102s.; Waterford, Dublin, Cork, or proving higher than has been antici- Limerick, 96s. to 98s.; Belfast, 100s. pated for some time back, has caused a flatness in the market for New Hops, but the same prices are asked. Old ones continue much inquired after. Maidstone, Nov. 25. We have this week heard of but very few sales; in fact, the Hops are now so much out of the planter's hands, that there is scarcely any thing to do at market: the little business that is transacted is at rather lower prices, and the trade upon the whole is certainly duller in consequence of the reported duty coming out to be not much short of 150,000l. Worcester, Nov. 24.-On Saturday 244 pockets of New and six of Old Hops were weighed in our market; the sale continues brisk at from 71. 12s. to 8l, 5s. Monday, Nov. 29. - The arrivals from Ireland last week were 6,574 firkins of Butter, and 726 bales of Bacon; and from Foreign Ports 3,733 casks of Butter. City, 1st December, 1824. BACON. Not much doing, either wholesale or retail. On Board, 56s. to 57s. Landed, 61s. to 62s. -Landed: Carlow, 103s. to 105s.; Waterford, Dublin, Cork, or Limerick, 100s. to 102s.; Belfast, 104s.; Dutch, 106s. to 110s. CHEESE. : Price of Bread. The price of the), HAY and STRAW, per Load. 4lb. Loaf is stated at 11d. by the full-priced Bakers. Smithfield. Hay....60s. to 100s. Straw...36s. to 40s. Clover..84s. to 126s. St. James's. Hay....63s. to 110s. Straw...30s. to 465. Clover..68s. to 110s. Whitechapel.--Hay....70s. to 105s. Straw...36s, to 42s. Clover..90s. to 120s. COAL MARKET, Nov. 26. Skips at Market. Ships sold. Price. 10 Newcastle.. 104.33s. 6d. to 39s. 9d. ► Sunderland 1..37s. 96.- Os. Od. COUNTRY CORN MARKETS. By the QUARTER, excepting where otherwise named; from Wednesday to : Saturday last, inclusive. The Scotch Markets are the Returns of the Week before. * Dalkeith and Haddington are Haddington given by the boll. -The Scotch boll for Wheat, Rye, Pease, and Beans, is three per cent. more than 4 bushels. The boll of Barley and Oats, is about 6 bushels Winchester, or as 6 to 8 compared with the English quarter. Liverpool, Nov. 23. -The importations of Grain during the past week having been very limited, added to the improvement in London of the 15th inst. were (unitedly) circumstances which led to an active demand for Wheats, and some considerable sales were effected throughout that period at an advance of 6d. to 10d, per bushel; and on Flour 2s. per sack. Oats were also in good demand at an advance of 3d. to 4d. per bushel. . For Malt and fine malting Barley, holders were demanding Sd. to 6d. per bushel more than on Tuesday last. Oatmeal improved 2s. per pack; and Beans and Peas were each 2s. to 3s. per quarter dearer. At this day's market but few good samples of Grain were exhibited, however, the attendance of buyers being tolerably good, sales to a fair extent were made in Wheat and Oats at fully the advance previously noted. Imported into Liverpool, from the 16th to the 22d of November 1824, inclusive:-Wheat, 4,815; Barley, 397; Oats, 2,150; and Malt, 71 quarters. Flour, 1,352 sacks, of 280 lbs. Oatmeal, 1,173 packs, per 240 lbs. Norwich, Nov. 27. This market was very brisk here to-day, and well attended; Wheat fetched from 62s, to 71s.; Barley, 33s. to 50s.; Oats, 27s. to 33s.; Beans and Peas but little alteration. Bristol, Nov. 27. -There is at present a good demand for all kinds of Corn, &c. at this place, at about the prices stated below. -Best Wheat, from 8s. 9d. to 9s.; new ditto, 6s. 6d. to 7s. 9d.; inferior ditto, 5s. 6d. to 6s. 3d.; Barley, Ss. to 5s. 9d.; Beans, 4s. to 6s. 9d.; Oats, 2s. 3d. to 3s. 3d.; and Malt, 5s. 6d. to 7s. 9d. per bushel. Flour, Seconds, 32s. to 54s. per bag. Birmingham, Nov. 25. - Our market to-day was tolerably brisk for most things, especially for Barley, of both malting and grinding descriptions, and each were 2s. to 4s. per quarter higher; the Maltsters, however, were not disposed to buy more than for immediate uses, and the principal ones are generally stocked, for the present. The supply of Wheat was greater than it has been for a long time past, and was 2d. to 3d. per 60 lbs. dearer: prices, 8s. 6d. to 8s. 10d. per 60 lbs. Malt was inquired for at more money, and 72s. per quarter was refused in several instances. Oats were a free sale at 28s. to 32s.; Beans also at 20s. to 23s. per ten scores; and Peas, 52s. to 68s. per qr. Fine Flour, 55s. to 56s.; Seconds, 50s. to 53s. per sack. Ipswich, Nov. 27. - We had to-day a large supply of all Grain, and particularly Barley. Wheat, and all other Corn, sold on about the same terms as last week, as follow:-Wheat, 60s. to 74s.; Barley, 35s. to 48s.; Beans, 36s. to 40s.; Peas, 40s. to 42s.; and Oats, 24s. to 29s. per qr. Wisbech, Nov. 27.--There was rather a brisk demand for most articles in the Corn line, which fetched a small advance upon the prices of last week, especially those of a prime quality. getting Wakefield, Nov. 26. -The late boisterous weather has kept several vessels from getting up to this day's market, and the supply is very small of every description of Grain. New Wheat, 2s. to 3s, and Old 1s. to 2s. per quarter dearer than last week, but the trade is not brisk. An advance of full 3s. per quarter is generally demanded for Barley: the Maltsters purchased reluctantly, and up to the close of the market very few sales were made. Oats are 1d. per stone, and Shelling 2s, per load higher. No alteration in other articles. Wheat, old, 60s. to 70s.; new, 65s. to 72s. per 60 lbs.; Barley, old, 38s. to 40s.; new, 43s. to 48s. per qr.; Beans, new, 48s. to 50s.; old, 52s. per 63 lbs.: Oats, 26s. to 28s. per qr.; Mealing Oats, 14d. to 15d. per stone; Shelling, new, 35s. to 36s.; Malt, 42s. to 46s.; and Flour, 52s. to 56s. per load. Rapeseed, 251. to 271. per last. COUNTRY CATTLE AND MEAT MARKETS, &c. Norwich Castle Meadow, Nov. 27. - There were the most lean Scots here to-day, than for a considerable time past, but owing to the high prices demanded by the salesmen, but few were disposed of. There were but few Sheep and Lambs penned, which went off readily :- Fat Beef, 7s. 3d. to 8s. 6d.; Mutton, 6s. 6d. to 7s. 6d.; Veal, 7s. 6d. to 9s.; Pork, 6s. 9d. to 8s. per stone of 14 lbs. Horncastle, Nov. 27.--Beef, 6s. 6d. to 7s. per stone of 14 lbs.; Mutton, 5d. to 6d.; Veal, 6d. to 8d. and Pork, 6d. to 7d. per lb. At Morpeth Market, on Wednesday, there was a short supply of Cattle, but a good many Sheep, and both met with ready sale, at last week's prices.-Beef, from 5s. 3d. to 5s. 9d.; Mutton, 5s. 6d. to 6s. 9d. per stone, sinking offal. : AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, sold in the Maritime Counties of England and Wales, for the Week ended Nov. 20, 1824. S. d. S S. d. d. .69 2....41 9....25 4 ..73 9...42 4...24 2 ..71 5....42 6... 24 10 .68 0....37 1... 23 3 ..68 10....34 0....25 3 .635....36 11....21 2 ..65 6....33 3....24 9 .61 9....41 0....22 7 ..59 0....37 5....20 6 .. 61 5.41 2...23 11 ..56 7....35 3....22 6 ..60 8....36 4....23 2 ..66 5....35 0....23 9 ..62 1....37 5...22 6 64 7....48 6....23 1 .64 7....41 6....25 8 ..66 0....40 11....21 0 Somersetshire Monmouthshire ..68 7....41 10.21 4 * The London Average is always that of the Week preceding. ? 1 VOL. 52. No. 11.] LONDON, SATURDAY, DEC. 11, 1824. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'Clock. THE WEN. Kensington, 8th Dec. 1824. barrassing himself as to consequences. PETER saw these thousands of new houses rising up. The swellings of the Wen, the Viewing them through the RIprobable progress of those swelCARDO glass, they appeared beaulings, and the probable fate of tiful to his eyes. And he exclaimthe Wen itself. ed, in the midst of his lecture, "Oh! "wonderful effects of watching "the turn of the market"! HavTHE monstrous thing, called ing descended a little from this the "Metropolis," has received, lofty state of mind, he observed, during the last year, an addition, in plain and sober Scotch, that he or swelling, to the amount of, it is could not see, for his part, why calculated, twenty-two thousand any one should attempt to set houses, including those which are bounds to the extent and popunow actually building and above lation of cities; and that he did ground. While that farcical not think it possible that they affair was going on, about PETER could contain too many houses, or M'CULLUCK, and the "RICARDO- too many people. LECTURE," while this farce was Leaving these doctrines of on foot, there were puffs, in the PETER M'CULLUCK, which would Morning Chronicle, in praise of be wholly unworthy of notice, had PETER and the lecture, which they not been adopted by the should have been called the school Morning Chronicle, and so widely for "watching the turn of the circulated, through that newsmarket." PETER M'CULLUCKк, paper, which is certainly read like the great founder of the lec- more than any other daily paper ture, is a man of this world. He in the kingdom, and which, were is for taking the good things that it not for its Scotch political ecoare presented to him, without em-nomy, would be worthy of being X Printed and Published by C. CLEMENT, No. 183, Fleet-street. |