THE NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF The Calvin Society. INSTITUTED IN MAY MDCCCXLIII. FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NEW TRANSLATIONS OF THE WORKS OF "THE VENERABLE CALVIN."-"I hold the memory of Calvin in high veneration; his Works "Calvin's Commentaries remain, after three centuries, unparalleled for force of mind, justness "The Genevese Reformer (CALVIN) surpassed KNOx in the extent of his theological learning, and in the unrivalled solidity and clearness of his judgment."-M'CRIE, Life of Knox. "A Minister without this, is without one of the best Commentaries on the Scriptures, and a FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLI. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY T. CONSTABLE, PRINTER TO HER MAJESTY. MDCCCLII. Patrons. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF ARGYLL. HER GRACE THE DUCHESS OF GORDON. RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF CASHEL AND WATERFORD. Secretary, Robert Pitcairn, F.S.A. Scot. CALVIN OFFICE, 9, NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, EDINBURGH. All the Works New Subscribers are still admitted on the original terms. may be obtained at once on transmitting £9 to the Secretary; or, parties may take one or more years' Books and pay the remainder at convenient intervals, quarterly or yearly. Separate Commentaries, or odd volumes, may now be had at 7s. 6d. per vol., (excepting the Institutes, at 10s. each vol.) Post-Office Orders and Bank Bills or Cheques to be made payable to the Secretary, and transmitted direct to the Office. THE NINTH ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1851. New English Translations of Calvin's Works. THE SECRETARY has much pleasure in laying before the Subscribers a short statement of the progress of this important Scheme, and of the Works which have already been distributed among the Members, or are now in the course of circulation, for the Year 1851. The Books which have been distributed in return for the Annual Subscriptions received for the Year 1851, are the following:— I. TRACTS BY JOHN CALVIN VOL. II. This Volume contains the following Treatises, &c. :— 1. Notice in reference to the First Issue for 1851. 2. An interesting Prefatory Notice by the Translator. 3. Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent, with the Antidote, 1547. 4. Adultero-German Interim, with Calvin's Refutation, 1547. 5. The true Method of Reforming the Church and healing her Divisions, 1547. 6. The sinfulness of outward conformity to Romish Rites, 1537. II. COMMENTARIES ON THE EPISTLES OF PAUL TO THE PHILIP- 2. Four Homilies, or Sermons, on important Practical Subjects; HI. COMMENTARY ON THE PROPHECIES OF ISAIAH. VOL. II. With Preface by the Translator, and a New Translation of the iv. COMMENTARY ON THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAII. VOL. II. With a New Translation from the Hebrew of the text of Jeremial, contained in Vols. I. & II., as modified by Calvin's Version. These Volumes form the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Issues. The above-mentioned Volumes have already been transmitted, through the usual channels, to every Member whose Subscriptions have hitherto reached THE OFFICE, 9, Northumberland Street, Edinburgh Parties whose friends or Correspondents have omitted to remit their ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS and ARREARS, will be so good as instruct them to do so without delay, by Post-Office or Bank Orders, or Cheques, payable to the Secretary, and their Parcels will immediately be sent free of carriage to any address in London, Dublin, or Edinburgh; or they will be booked at Railway Offices, or other Public Conveyances, to be forwarded from thence, at their own risk and expense, to their respective destinations. Those who wish their Bankers to pay their Subscriptions yearly, will be pleased to send the Secretary a special mandate to that effect. To facilitate the prompt and accurate delivery of future parcels, Subscribers are particularly requested to send timely notice to the Office of the Secretary of all the changes of Residence and Address, or of any alterations in the present mode of conveyance. The necessity of making prompt and punctual payment of the Annual Contributions is again most earnestly impressed on the Subscribers, so as to enable the Secretary to arrange the various materials, to put the Works to press at an earlier date than heretofore, and to regulate the number of copies to be printed. If the Members were uniformly to transmit their Annual payments, in the usual manner, direct to the Office in Edinburgh, in January or February of each year, all the other arrangements would be greatly facilitated, and early delivery of the Books would also be secured till the close of the Society's operations. THE WORKS which are in preparation for THE YEAR 1852, in return for the Annual Subscription payable on the First day of January 1852, and which form the Nineteenth and Twentieth Issues, are as follows: : 1. COMMENTARY AND HARMONY OF THE PENTATEUCH. VOL. I. 2. COMMENTARY ON THE PROPHECIES OF DANIEL. VOL. I. 3. COMMENTARY ON THE PROPHECIES OF ISAIAH. VOL. III. 4. COMMENTARY ON THE PROPHECIES OF JEREMIAH. VOL. III. At this stage of the operations of the Calvin Translation Society, it seems to be highly desirable to draw its labours to a close as early as possible, by selecting the most useful and practical of the Commentaries of Calvin. On a careful estimate, it has been found that the Works already commenced, and which are in a satisfactory state of progress in the hands of our learned and indefatigable Translators and Editors, will be completed in FOUR YEARS after the publication of the Works above announced as in preparation for the year 1852. The portions of Calvin's Writings thus advancing in active preparation for the press, consist of the most valuable of his Old Testament Commentaries, viz., the remaining volumes of the Harmony of the Pentateuch, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Daniel. The concluding Epistles of the New Testament are also in the course of translation. From the arrangements already made, the Secretary can pledge himself that, under the permission and blessing of God, these invaluable Works will be brought to a satisfactory termination within the time specified, if all our Subscribers do their utmost to co-operate with him by enlarging the number of our Members. There are few who cannot prevail on some friend to join the Scheme, or, at least, influence others who have the direction of Parish, Congregational, Vestry, or Lending Libraries, Religious Societies, Reading Clubs, and other Public Institutions, to purchase the Series for their respective Libraries. Others may desire, individually, or with the assistance of friends, to present a set of the books to their Ministers, deserving Students of Divinity, or private friends. It is now of essential importance that every one who is desirous to promote this Scheme should co-operate in carrying it out with |