Philips's Calumny, and Mr. Gay's Pastorals XXV. Dr. Parnelle, Dr. Berkley, Mr. Gay, and Dr. XXVI. To the Hon. James Craggs, Esq. on the same of an Author - - XXVIII. To the Same, of the Farce called the What-d'ye LETTER ΧΧΙΧ. Το the Same XXX. From Mr. Congreve LETTERS TO SEVERAL PERSONS. From the Year 1714 to 1721. VII. From Dean Berkeley. A Description of the Island VIII.†Mr. Pope to the Reverend Mr. Berkeley IX. Mr. Pope to --: the Author building and plant- XIV. Answer to the former XIII. From the Duke of Buckingham to Mr. Pope, on : PREFАСЕ OF THE PUBLISHER OF THE SURREPTITIOUS EDITION, 1735. WE presume we want no apology to the reader for this publication, but some may be thought needful to Mr. Pope: however, he cannot think our offence so great as theirs, who first separately published what we have here but collected in a better form and order. As for the Letters we have procured to be added, they serve but to complete, explain, and sometimes set in a true light, those others, which it was not in the writer's or our power to recall. This collection hath been owing to several cabinets : some drawn from thence by accidents, and others (even of those to Ladies) voluntarily given. It is to one of that sex we are beholden for the whole correspondence between H. C. Esq. which Letters being lent her by that Gentleman, she took the liberty to print; as appears by the following, which we shall give at length, both as it is something curious, and as it may serve for an apology for ourselves. |