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" Lord : for he is the very Paschal Lamb which was offered for us, and hath taken away the sin of the world ; who by his death hath destroyed death, and by his rising to life again hath restored to us everlasting life. "
The new Week's preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lord's supper - Página 106
por Week - 1813
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A companion for the feastivals [sic] and fasts of the Church of England [by ...

Robert Nelson - 1757 - 686 páginas
...thee, for the glorious Refurrec~tton of thy Son Jefus Cbrijl our Lord j for he is the very Pafchal Lamb which was offered for us, and hath taken away the Sin of the World ; who by his Death hath deftroyed Death, and by his rifing to Life again, hath reftored us *86 Eafter Sunday. to Everlafting...
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A Brief Account of Prayer, and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: And Other ...

Henry Stebbing - 1771 - 364 páginas
...bound to praise Thee for the glorious Resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord : For he is the very Paschal Lamb which was offered for us, and hath...restored to us everlasting Life. Therefore with Angels, <|-c. Devotions. ' MAY that all-powerful Spirit, which raised vp Jrbus our Lord from the Dead, raise...
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A short and plain instruction for the better understanding of the Lord's ...

Thomas Wilson (bp. of Sodor and Man.) - 1777 - 208 páginas
...Pafchal Lamb which was offered for Favour, I may die in Peace, and nil in Hope of a hie/Ted Refurreclion. us, and hath taken away the Sin of the World ; who by his Death hath deftroyed Death, and by his rifmg to Life again, hath rellored to us everlafting Life. Therefore with...
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A companion for the feastivals [sic] and fasts of the Church of England [by ...

Robert Nelson - 1791 - 614 páginas
...for the glorious Refurrcctionof thy Son Jefus Chriji our Lord ; for he is the very PafchaJ "on< chal Lamb which was offered for us, and hath taken away the Sin of the World ; who by his Death hath deftroyed Death, and by his rifing to Life again, hath reftored us to everlafting Life : Therefore...
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The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine).

1851 - 592 páginas
...bound to praise thee for the glorious Resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord : for he is the very Paschal Lamb, which was offered for us, and hath...taken away the sin of the world ; who by his death halh destroyed death, and by his rising to life again hath restored to us everlasting life. Therefore...
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A Companion for the Altar: Consisting of a Short Explanation of the Lord's ...

John Henry Hobart - 1804 - 316 páginas
...bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord : For he is the very Paschal Lamb, which was offered for us, and hath...restored to us everlasting life : Therefore with Angels, £rc. If Upon Ascension Day, and seven Days after. Through thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ...
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The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other ...

Episcopal Church - 1808 - 634 páginas
...bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord : For he is the very Paschal Lamb, which was offered for us, and hath...destroyed death, and, by his rising to life again, bath restored to us everlasting life : Therefore with Angels, Uc. H Upon Ascension Day, and seven Days...
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The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacrements...

Church of England - 1810 - 466 páginas
...bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord : For he is the very Paschal Lamb, which was offered for us, and hath...restored to us everlasting life : Therefore with Angels, fcfc. H Upon Ascension Day, and seven Days after. THROUGH thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ...
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The Works of William Paley, D.D.: Horæ Paulinæ: the young Christian ...

William Paley - 1812 - 586 páginas
...bound to praise thee for the glorious resurrection of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord : for He is the very paschal lamb which was offered for us, and hath taken away the sins of the world ; who by his death hath destroyed death, and, by his rising to life again, hath restored...
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A companion for the feastivals [sic] and fasts of the Church of England [by ...

Robert Nelson - 1815 - 564 páginas
...Hound to praise thee, for the glorious Resurrection of thy Son Jtsiis Christ our Lord; for he is the very Paschal Lamb which was offered for us, and hath...Death, and by his rising to Life again, hath restored us to everlasting Life : Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the Company ^of Heaven,...
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