" says of Palamedes, that he invented dice "to serve fometimes instead of a dinner. "It is therefore wisely contrived by nature, that children, as they have the "keenest appetites, are most addicted to "plays. From the same caufle, and from "the unprejudiced and incorrupt fimpli"city of their minds, it proceeds, that the "plays of the ancient children are pre" ferved more entire than any other of their "customs. In this matter I would recom"mend to all who have any concern in my " fon's education, that they deviate not in "the least from the primitive and simple " antiquity. "To speak first of the whistle, as it is "the first of all play-things. I will have "it exactly to correspond with the ancient "fiftula, and accordingly to be composed " feptem paribus disjuncta cicutis. I heartily with a diligent search may " be made after the true crepitaculum or " rattle of the ancients, for that (as Archi"tus Tarentinus was of opinion) kept the "children from breaking earthen-ware. "The China cups in these days are not "at all the fafer for the modern rattles ; " which is an evident proof how far their "crepitacula exceeded ours. " " "I would not have Martin as yet to scourge a top, till I am better informed "whether the trochus, which was recom"mended by Cato, be really cur present tops, or rather the hoop which the boys "drive with a stick. Neither cross and " pile, nor ducks and drakes, are quite fo "ancient as handy-daddy, though Macro"bius and St. Augufline take notice of the "firft, and Minutius Felix describes the "latter; but handy-daddy is mentioned by "Aristotle, Plato, and Ariftophanes. "The play which the Italians call cinque, "and the French mourre, is extremely an"cient; it was played at by Hymen and "Cupid at the marriage of Psyche, and " termed by the Latins digitis micare. Julius Pollux describes the omilla or "ehuck-farthing: though some will have " our modern chuck-farthings to be nearer "the aphetinda of the ancients. He also " mentions the basilinda, or King I am; "and mynda, or hoopers-hide. "But the chytrindra, defcribed by the "fame author, is certainly not our hot"cockles; for that was by pinching, and "not by ftriking, though there are good "authers who affirm the rathapigifmus to "be yet nearer the modera hot-cockles, "Mylion Matin may use oither of them Building of houses, and riding upon "sticks, have been used by children of all ages, Edificare ceafas, quitare in arundine "longa. Yet I much doubt whether the " riding upon sticks did not come into use "after the age of the centaurs. "There is one play which shews the gravity of ancient education, called the "acinetinda, in which children contended "who could longest stand still. This we " have fuffered to perish entirely; and, if "I might be allowed to guess, it was cer"tainly loft among the French. " I will permit my fon to play at apodi"dascinda, which can be no other than " our pufs in a corner. "Julius Pollux, in his ninth book, speaks " of the melolonthe, or the kite; but I "question whether the kite of antiquity " was the fame with ours: and though the “ Ορτυγοκοπία, or quail-fighting, is what is " most taken notice, they had doubtless cock-matches also, as is evident from "certain ancient gems and relievos. " In a word, let my fon Martin disport "himself at any game truly antique, ex cept one, which was invented by a peo"ple among the Thracians, who hung up "one of their companions in a rope, and gave him a knife to cut himself down; "which if he failed in, he was fuffered to *hang till he was dead; and this was only "reckoned a fort of joke. I am utterly against this, as barbarous and cruel. I cannot conclude, without taking no"tice of the beauty of the Greek names, "whose etymologies acquaint us with the nature of the sports; and how infinitely, "both in fenfe and found, they excel " our barbarous names of plays. Notwithstanding the foregoing injunctions of Dr. Cornelius, he yet condescended to allow the child the use of fome few modern play-things; such as might prove of any benefit to his mind, by instilling an early notion of the sciences. For example, he found that marbles taught him percuffion, and the laws of motion; nut-crackers, the use of the lever; fwinging on the ends of a board, the balance; bottle-fcrews, the vice; whirligigs, the axis and peritrochia; bird-cages, the pulley; and tops the centrifugal motion. Others of his sports were farther carried to improve his tender soul even in virtue and morality. We shall only instance one of the most useful and instructive, bobcherry cherry, which teaches at once two noble virtues, patience and conftancy; the first in adhering to the pursuit of one end, the latter in bearing a disappointment. Befides all these, he taught him, as a diverfion, an odd and fecret manner of ftealing, according to the custom of the Lacedæmonians; wherein he succeeded fo well, that he practised it to the day of his death. 60 MUSIC. any manner of effect: nor both of them " together bring Horneck to common ci"vility." "That's a gross mistake" (faid Cornelius very warmly); "and, to prove "it fo, I have here a small lyra of my ८८ The bare mention of music threw Cornelius into a paffion. "How can you digown, framed, trung, and tuned, after "nify (quoth he) this modern fiddling "the ancient manner. I can play fome "with the name of mufic? Will any of fragments of Lesbian tunes, and I wish your best hautboys encounter a wolf "I were to try them upon the most paf"now-a-days with no other arms but their "fionate creatures alive." " You ne"instruments, as did that ancient piper "ver had a better opportunity (fays Al"Pithocaris? Have ever wild boars, clebertus), for yonder are two apple-women "phants, deer, dolphins, whales, or turfcolding, and just ready to uncoif one "bots, shewed the least emotion at the "another." With that Corne'ius, undref"most elaborate ftrains of your modern fed as he was, jumps out into his balcony, "scrapers; all which have been, as it were, his lyra in hand, in his flippers, with his "tamed and humanized by ancient mufi- breeches hanging down to his ancles, a "cians? Does not Ælian tell us how the stocking upon his head, and waistcoat of "Lybian mares were excited to horfing murrey-coloured sattin upon his body: He by mufic? (which ought in truth to be touched his lyra with a very unusual fort "a caution to modest women against fre- of an harpegiatura, nor were his hopes "quenting operas; and confider, brother, frustrated. The odd equipage, the uncouth you are brought to this dilemma, either instrument, the strangeness of the man, and "to give up the virtue of the ladies, or of the mufic, drew the ears and eyes of the "the power of your music.) Whence pro- whole mob that were got about the two fe"ceeds the degeneracy of our morals? Is male champions, and at last of the comba"it not from the loss of an ancient music, tants themselves. They all approached the " by which (fays Ariftotle) they taught balcony, in as close attention as Orpheus's "all the virtues? else might we turn New- first audience of cattle, or that of an Italian gate into a college of Dorian musicians, opera, when fome favourite air is just "who should teach moral virtues to those awakened. This sudden effect of his music people. Whence comes it that our pe- encouraged him mightily; and it was ob"fent diseases are so stubborn? whence is served he never touched his lyre in such a "it that I daily deplore my sciatical pains? truly chromatic and enharmonic manner, "Alas! because we have loft their true as upon that occasion. The mob laughed, "cure, by the melody of the pipe. All fung, jumped, danced, and used many odd "this was well known to the ancients, as gestures; all which he judged to be caused Theophraftus affures us (whence Cælius by the various strains and modulations. " calls it loca dolentia decantare), only in- "Mark (quoth he) in this, the power of "deed some small remains of this skill are "the Ionian; in that you see the effect of "preferved in the cure of the tarantula. "the Eolian." But in a little time they "Did not Pythagoras stop a company of began to grow riotous, and threw stones: "drunken bullies from storming a civil Cornelius then withdrew, but with the " house, by changing the strain of the pipe greatest air of triumph in the world. "Bro"to the fober spondæus? and yet your "ther (faid he) do you observe I have "modern musicians want art to defend " mixed, unawares, too much of the Phry. "their windows from common nickers. "gian; I might change it to the Lydian, "It is well known, that when the Lace- " and soften their riotous tempers: But it "dæmonian mob were up, they common- " is enough: learn from this sample to "ly fent for a Lesbian musician to appease speak with veneration of ancient music. "them, and they immediately grew calm " If this lyre in my unskilful hands can 3 H3 " perform 46 Martin's understanding was so totally immerfed in sensible objects, that he demanded examples, from material things, of the abstracted ideas of logic: as for Crambe, he contented himself with the words; and when he could but form fome conceit upon them, was fully fatisfied. Thus Crambe would tell his instructor, that all men were not fingular; that individuality could hardly be predicated of any man, for it was conunerly faid, that a man is not the fame he was that madmen are besides themfelves, and drunken men come to them selves; which shews, that few men have that most valuable logical endowment, in dividuality. Cornelius told Martin, that a shoulder of mutton was an individual, which Crambe denied, for he had seen it cut into commons. That's true (quoth the tutor), but you never saw it cut into shoulders of mutton: If it could (quoth Crambe) it would be the most lovely individual of the university. When he was told, a substance was that which was subject to accidents; then foldiers (quoth Crambe) are the most substantial people in the world. Neither would he allow it to be a good definition of accident, that it could be present or abfent without the deftruction of the subject; fince there are a great many accidents that destroy the fubject, as burning does a house, and death a man. But, as to that, Cornelius informed him, that there was a natural death, and a logical death; that though a man, after his natural death, was not capable of the least parish-office, yet he might still keep his stall amongst the logical predicaments. Cornelius was forced to give Martin fenfible images. Thus, calling up the coachman he asked him what he had seen in the bear-gaiden? The man answered, he faw two men fight a prize: one was a fair man, a ferjeant in the guard.; the other black, a butcher: the ferjeant had red breeches, the butcher blue: they fought upon a stage about four o'clock, and the ferjeant wounded the butcher in the leg. "Mark (quoth 2 " Cornelius) how the fellow runs through "the predicaments. Men, substantia; two, quantitas; fair and black, qualitas; " ferjeant and butcher, relatio; wounded "the other, attio et paffio; fighting, fitus; "stage, ubi; two o'clock, quando; blue " and red breeches, babitus." At the same time he warned Martin, that what he now learned as a logician, he must forget as a natural philosopher; that though he now taught them that accidents inhered in the subject, they would find in time there was no fuch thing; and that colour, tafle, smell, heat, and cold, were not in the things, but only phantasms of our brains. He was forced to let them into this secret, for Martin could not conceive how a habit of dancing inhered in a dancing-master, when he did not dance; nay, he would demand the characteristics of relations. Crambe used to help him out, by telling him, a cuckold, alofing gamester, a man that had not dined, a young heir that was kept short by his father, might be all known by their countenance; that, in this last cafe, the paternity and filiation leave very sensible impressions in the relatum and correlatum. The greatest difficulty was when they came to the tenth predicament; Crambe affirmed that his habitus was more a substance than he was; for his clothes could better fubfift without him, than he without his clothes. The Seat of the Soul. In this design of Martin to inveftigate the diseases of the mind, he thought nothing so necessary as an enquiry after the feat of the foul; in which at first, he laboured under great uncertainties. Sometimes he was of opinion that it lodged in the brain, sometimes in the stomach, and sometimes in the heart. Afterwards he thought it abfurd to confine that fovereign lady to one apartment; which made him infer, that she shifted it according to the several functions of life: The brain was her study, the heart her state-room, and the ftomach her kitchen. But, as he saw feveral offices of life went on at the same time, he was forced to give up this hypothefis also. He now conjectured it was more for the dignity of the foul to perform several operations by her little minifters, the animal spirits; from whence it was natural to conclude, that the refides in different parts, according to different inclinations, sexes, ages, and professions. Thus, in epicures he feated her in the mouth of the stomach; philosophers have her in the brain, foldiers in their was their heart, women in their tongues, fidlers in their fingers, and rope-dancers in their toes. At length he grew fond of the glandula pinealis, diffecting many subjects to find out the different figure of this gland, from whence he might discover the cause of the different tempers in mankind. He fupported that in factious and restless-spirited people, he should find it sharp and pointed, allowing no room for the foul to repose herself; that in quiet tempers it flat, smooth, and foft, affording to the foul, as it were, an easy cushion. He was confirmed in this by observing, that calves and philosophers, tygers and statesmen, foxes and sharpers, peacocks and fops, cocksparrows and coquettes, monkeys and players, courtiers and spaniels, moles and misers, exactly resemble one another in the conformation of the pineal gland. He did not doubt likewise to find the fame resemblance in highwaymen and conquerors: In order to fatisfy himself in which, it was, that he purchased the body of one of the first species (as hath been before related) at Tyburn, hoping in time to have the happiness of one of the latter too under his anatomical knife. The Soul a Quality. This is easily answered by a familiar instance. In every jack there is a meatroafting quality, which neither refides in the fly, nor in the weight, nor in any particular wheel in the jack, but is the result of the whole compofition: fo, in an animal, the self-confciousness is not a real quality inherent in one being, (any more than meat-roafting in a jack) but the result of several modes or qualities in the same subject. As the fly, the wheels, the chain, the weight, the chords, &c. make one jack, fo the several parts of the body make one animal. As perception or confciousness is faid to be inherent in this animal, so is meat-roasting said to be inherent in the jack. As sensation, reasoning, volition, memory, &c. are the several modes of thinking; fo roasting of beef, roasting of mutton, roasting of pullets, geese, turkeys, &c. are the several modes of meat-roafting. And as the general quality of meatroafting, with its several modifications, as to beef, mutton, pullets, &c. does not inhere in any one part of the jack; so neither does confciousness, with its several modes of sensation, intellection, volition, &c. inhere in any one, but is the result from the mechanical compofition of the whole animal. Pope. $34. Diverfity of Geniuses. I shall range these confined and less copious geniuses under proper classes, and (the better to give their pictures to the reader) under the names of animals of fome fort or other; whereby he will be enabled, at the first fight of fuch as shall daily come forth, to know to what kind to refer, and with what authors to compare them. 1. The Flying Fishes: These are writers who now and then rise upon their fins, and fly out of the profound; but their wings are foon dry, and they drop down to the bottom. G.S. A.H. C. G. 2. The Swallows are authors that are eternally skimming and fluttering up and down; but all their agility is employed to catch flies. L.T. W. P. Lord H. 3. The Oftriches are such, whose heaviness rarely permits them to raise themselves from the ground; their wings are of no use to lift them up, and their motion is between flying and walking; but then they run very fast. D. F. L. E. The Hon. Ε. Η. 4. The Parrots are they that 'repeat another's words, in such a hoarse odd voice, as makes them feem their own. W. B. W. H. C. C. The Reverend D. D. 5. The Didappers are authors that keep themselves long out of fight, under water, and come up now and then where you leaft expected them. L. W. G. D. Esq. The Hon. Sir W. Y. 6. The Porpoifes are unwieldy and big; they put all their numbers into a great turmoil and tempeft: but whenever they appear in plain light (which is seldom) they are only shapeless and ugly monsters. I. D. C. G. I. O. 7. The Frogs are such as can neither walk nor fly, but can leap and bound to admiration: they live generally in the bottom of a ditch, and make a great noise whenever they thrust their heads above water. E. W. L. M. Esq. T. D. Gent. 8. The Eels are obscure authors, that wrap themselves up in their own mud, but are mighty nimble and pert. L. T. P. M. General C. L. W. 9. The Tortoises are flow and chill, and, like pastoral writers, delight much in gardens: they have for the most part a fine. embroidered shell, and underneath it, a 3 H 4 heavy heavy lump. A. P. W. B. L. E. The Right Hon. E. of S. These are the chief characteristics of the Bathos: and in each of these kinds we have the comfort to be blessed with fundry and manifold choice spirits in this our ifland. The Advancement of the Bathes. Thus have I (my dear countrymen) with incredible pains and diligence, discovered the hidden fources of the Bathos, or, as I may fay, broke open the abyffes of this great deep. And having now established good and wholesome laws, what remains but that all true moderns, with their utmost might, do proceed to put the fame in execution? In order whereto, I think I thall, in the fecond place, highly deserve of my country, by propofing fuch a scheme, as may facilitate this great end. As our number is confessedly far fuperior to that of the enemy, there feems nothing wanting but unanimity among ourselves. It is therefore humbly offered, that all and every individual of the Bathos do enter into a firm association, and incorporate into one regular body; whereof every member, even the meanest, will fome-way contribute to the support of the whole; in like manner as the weakest reeds, when joined in one bundle, become infrangible. To which end our art ought to be put upon the fame foot with other arts of this age. The vall improvement of modern manufactures arifeth from their being divided into feveral branches, and parcelled out to several trales: for instance, in clock making, one artist makes the balance, another the spring, at other the crown-wheels, a fourth the cafe and the principal lwork-man work-man puts all together: to this economy we owe the perfection of our modern writers; and doubtless we alfo might that of our modern poetry and rhetoric, were the several parts branched out in the like manner. Nothing is more evident, than that divers perfons, no other way remarkable, have each a strong difpofition to the formation of fome particular trope or figure. Ariftotle faith, that the hyperbole is an ornament fit for young men of quality; accordingly we find in those gentlemen a wonderful propenfity towards it, which is marvelloufly improved by travelling: foldiers alfo and feamen are very happy in the fame figure. The periphrafis or circumlocution is the peculiar talent of country farmers; the proverb and apologue of old men at clubs; the ellipfis, or speech by half words, of ministers and politicians; the apofiopesis, of courtiers; the litotes, and diminution, of ladies, whisperers, and backbiters; and the anadiplofis, of common criers and hawkers, who, by redoubling the fame words, perfuade people to buy their oysters, green haftings, or new ballads. Epithets may be found in great plenty at Billingsgate, farcasim and irony learned upon the water, and the epiphonema or exclamation frequently from the beargarden, and as frequently from the Hear him' of the House of Commons. Now each man applying his whole time and genius upon his particular figure, would doubtless attain to perfection: and when each became incorporated and sworn into the fociety (as hath been proposed) a poet or orator would have no more to do but to fend to the particular traders in each kind; to the metaphorift for his allegories, to the funile-maker for his comparisons, to the ironift for his farcasms, to the apophthegmatist for his fentences, &c.; whereby a dedication or speech would be composed in a moment, the fuperior artist having nothing to do but to put together all the materials. I therefore propose that there be contrived, with all convenient dispatch, at the public expence, a rhetorical cheft of drawers, confitting of three stories; the highest for the deliberative, the middle for the demonftrative, and the lowest for the judicial. These shall be fubdivided into locior places, being repofitories for matter and argument in the feveral kinds of oration or writing; and every drawer shall again be fubdivided into cells, refembling those of cabinets for rarities. The apartment for peace or war, and that of the liberty of the press, may in a very few days be filled with feveral arguments perfectly new; and the vituperative partition will as eafily be replenished with a most choice collection, entirely of the growth and manufacture of the prosent age. Every compofer will foon be taught the use of this cabinet, and how to manage all the regifters of it, which will be drawn out much in the manner of those in an |