| 1777 - 756 páginas
..." Let not the fun look down, and lay, Inglorious here he lies!'1 Handle your tools without mittens; remember, that " The cat in gloves catches no mice,"...It is true, there is much to be done, and perhaps yon are weak-handrd ; but (lick to it fteadfy, and you will fee great effects ; for, " Conftant dropping... | |
| Benjamin Franklin - 1779 - 610 páginas
...yourfelf, your family, your country, and your ' king. Handle your tools without mittens, re' member, that, " The cat in gloves catches no " mice," as Poor...there is ' much to be done, and, perhaps, you are weakc handed; but uHck to it -fteadily, and you will fee ' great effedls ; for " Conftant dropping... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1780 - 612 páginas
...be done for yqurfelf, your family, your country, and your king. Handle your tools without mittens, remember, that, " The cat in gloves catches no mice,"...it fteadily, and you will fee great effefts ; for " Conftant dropping wears away ftones ; and by diligence and patience the moufe ate in two the cable... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1780 - 614 páginas
...be done tor yourfelf, your family, your country, and your king. Handle your tools without mittens, remember, that, " The cat in gloves catches no mice,"...; but ftick to it fteadily, and you will fee great effe&s; for " Conftant dropping wears away ftoiies; and by diligence and patience the rnoufc ate in... | |
| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1780 - 614 páginas
...be done for yourfelf, your family, your country, and your king. Handle your tools without mittens, remember, that, " The cat in gloves catches no mice,"...; but ftick to it fteadily, and you will fee great effects; for " Conftant dropping wears away ftones; and by diligence and patience the motifs ate in... | |
| several hands - 1780 - 612 páginas
...be done for yourfelf, your family, your country, and your king. Handle your tools without mittens, remember, that, " The cat in gloves catches no mice,"...to be done, and, perhaps, you are weak-handed ; but fticlc to it fteadily, and you trill fee great eflecls ; for " Conftant dropping wears aw«y (tones... | |
| James Anderson - 1791 - 422 páginas
..."let not the fun look down, and fay, inglorious here he lies!" Handle your tools without mittens ; remember, that " the cat in gloves catches no mice,"...; but ftick to it fteadily, and you will fee great effects) for, " couftant dropping wears away ftones, and, by diligence and patience the moufe ate into... | |
| 1792 - 494 páginas
...your king. Handle your tools without mittens ; remember, that " The cat In gloves catches no-mice," a* Poor Richard fays. It is true, there is much to be done, and, perhaps, you are wcak-haiided; but 1 i _____ , . ftick to it ficadily, and vou will f« great ef- j again, " Want of... | |
| 1796 - 34 páginas
...tools without mittens: remember, that " The, ca£ in gloves catches no mice," as Poor Richard says. It is true, there is much to be done, and, perhaps, you are weak-handed ; but stick to it steadily, and you will see great effects; for *' Constant dropping wears away stones: and... | |
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