| Benjamin Franklin - 1779 - 610 páginas
...be," as Poor Richard « fays, " the greateft prodigality;" fince, as he • elfewhere tells us, " Loft time is never found " again ; and what we call time...up and ' be doing, and doing to the purpofe ; fo by di• ligence fliall we do more with lefs perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult, but induftry... | |
 | several hands - 1780 - 612 páginas
...rnuft be," as Poor RicKafd fays, " the greateft prodigality ;" fince, as he elfewhere tells us, " Loft time is never found again ; and what we call time...perplexity. *' Sloth makes all things difficult, but induftry all eafy ; and, He that rifeth late, muft trot all day, and (hall fcarce overtake his buMnefs... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1780 - 614 páginas
...mud be," as Poor Richard fays, " the greateft prodigality;" fince, as he elfewhere tells us, " Loft time is never found again ; and what we call time...be doing, and doing to the purpofe; fo by diligence fhall we do more with lefs perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult, but induftry all eafy ;... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1780 - 614 páginas
...muft be," as Poor Richard fays, " the greateft prodigality ;" fince, as he elfewhere tells us, " Loft time is never found again ; and what we call time...enough :" let us then up and be doing, and doing to the purpofc ; fo by diligence fhall we do more with lefs perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult,... | |
 | James Anderson - 1791 - 422 páginas
...time muft be (as poor Richard fays} the gr-eateft prodigality ;" finee, as he elfewhere tells, " Loft time is never found again ; and what we call time...doing, and doing to the purpofe ; fo by diligence fliall we do more with lefs perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult, but induftry all eaiy,"... | |
 | 1796 - 36 páginas
...must be," as Poor Richard says, "the greatest prodigality;" since, as he elsewhere tells us, "Lost time is never found again; and what we call time enough...enough." Let us then up and be doing, and doing to the purpose : so by diligence we shall do more with less perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult,... | |
 | 1797 - 522 páginas
...walling time muft be," as Poor Richard fays, «« the greateft prodigality ;" fince, ai he elfcwhere tells us, " Loll time is never found again; and what...enough." Let us then up and be doing, and doing to the purpoie : fo by diligence (hall we do more with lels perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult,... | |
 | 1802 - 348 páginas
...muft be," as Poor Richard fays, " the greateft prodigality ;" fince, as he elfewhere tells us, " Loft time is never found again ; and what we call time...doing, and doing to the purpofe ; fo by diligence fhall we do more 'with -lefs perplexity. " Sloth makes all things difficult, but induftry all eafy;... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin - 1820 - 72 páginas
...must be/ as poor Richard says, 'the greatest prodigality ;' since, as he elsewhere tells us, ' Lost time is never found again; and what we call time enough, always proves little enough:' let us then be up and doing, and doing to the purpose ; so by diligence we shall do more with less perplexity.... | |
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