CENSURA LITERARIA. CONTAINING TITLES, ABSTRACTS, AND OPINIONS OF OLD ENGLISH BOOKS, WITH ORIGINAL DISQUISITIONS, ARTICLES OF BIOGRAPHY, AND OTHER LITERARY ANTIQUITIES, BY SIR EGERTON BRYDGES, BART. K. J. M. P. SECOND EDITION. WITH THE ARTICLES CLASSED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER VOLUME IV. London: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 263 A. Cope's History of Annibal and Scipio, 1544...... 59 264 J. Proctor's History of Wyat's Rebellion, 1555.... 60 265 R. Ascham's Report of the Affairs of Germany, 1552 63 266 Les grandes Annalles de la Grand Bretaigne, 1541.. 65 267 Newton's History of the Saracens, 1575............ 67 268 Letters from Venice on the Victory over the Turks, 1571 72 .. 269 The whole Discourse of the Victory over the Turks ib. 270 Letter of J. B. on peopling the Ardes, 1572........ 75 271 Churchyard's Wars in Flanders, 1578....... 278 Occurrences of the Army at Paris, 1590............ ib. 279 Underdowne's History of Heliodorus, 1605......... 133 280 Verstegan's Restitution of decayed Intelligence, 308 Lord North's Narrative of Passages in the Long Par- •liament, 1670........ ........... 201 309 Letters of Sir William Temple, 1700, 1701......... ib. |