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US 1380.14.5
US 1380.13
1882. Dec. 4,
F.. W. Faussig,
of Cambriage.
Prepared by WILLIAM E. NOTT, Librarian of the Department of the Interior, under the
Printed by THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN Printing and Publishing Co.,
Washington, D. C.
Spirit of the Solid South.
PART I-Page 1-Wade Hampton's
Speech at Staunton, Virginia.
ful Fillibustering and Revolutionary
Expedients and Proceedings of the
Democratic Leaders of the House to
defeat all investigations into the facts
or merits of the Contested Election
PART II-Page 2- The Confederate PART III-Page 27-Mackey vs. O'Con-
Brigadiers in the Senate-They eulo-
gize Jeff Davis, and would Pension him and the Confederate Soldiers- PART IV-Page 38-Lowe vs. Whee-
How they Voted-Zach Chandler's ler.
scathing denunciation.
PART III-Page 4- Testimony of the
Representative Press of the South as
to the Demon-like rule of the Bour-
PART IV-Page 5-Further testimony
as to the lawless and corrupt rule of
the Bourbons.
PART V-Page 7-Convicted Bourbon
ballot-box stuffers in Mississippi lion-
ized by the Bourbon "Beauty and
Chivalry"-Fines inflicted by Federal
courts reimbused the criminals by
money raised through public enter-
tainments-Proceedings of a public
meeting at West Point, Mississippi.
PART VI-Page 8-Assassination of
Col. L. W. R. Blair, a Greenbacker
and United States Supervisor at Cam-
den, South Carolina-A Cold-blooded Usurpations of the Democracy through
Atrocity-A Brave Old Man Seventy
Years Old Murdered by a Bourbon
Leader-Previously Mobbed in the
presence of Hampton, Kennedy & Co.
-Persecuted and Slandered-High
Character of the Victim.
Lawlessness and Fraud.
PART I-Page 65-"Counting in" Democratic Invention, and peculiarly a Democratic Practice-"Counting in" of James K. Polk as President in 1844
-Of James Buchanan in 1857-The
Disastrous Consequences to the
Nation-The attempted "Counting in"
of Samuel J. Tilden in 1876-A Brief
Review of the immense Democratic
Frauds in the Campaigns of 1844 and
1857 compared with those of 1876.
PART II-Page 68-Democratic Cry
that Tilden in 1876 was elected Presi-
dent-That Tilden was Counted Out
by the Louisiana and Florida Return-
ing Boards-That notwithstanding,
Tilden had an Immense Majority of
the Popular Vote-The cry a part of
the Tilden Conspiracy in 1876 to seize
the Presidency through Lawlessness
and Fraud.