Poems ... Reprinted from the American Octavo Edition, Volumen1

Hilliard, Gray, Little, and Wilkins., 1827

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Página 120 - E'en while with ours thy footsteps trod, His seal was on thy brow. Dust, to its narrow house beneath ! Soul, to its place on high ! They that have seen thy look in death, No more may fear to die.
Página 26 - tis mockery all ! — A faithless mist, a desert-vapour, wearing The brightness of clear waters, thus to cheat The thirst that semblance kindled ! — -There is none, In all this cold and hollow world, no fount Of deep, strong, deathless love, save that within A mother's heart.
Página 27 - Your breast the pillow of his infancy, While to the fulness of your heart's glad heavings His fair cheek rose and fell ; and his bright hair Waved softly to your breath ! — You ne'er kept watch Beside him, till the last pale star had set, And morn, all dazzling, as in triumph, broke On your dim weary eye ; not yours the face Which, early faded through fond care for him, Hung o'er his sleep, and, duly as heaven's light, Was there to greet his wakening ! You ne'er smoothed His couch, ne'er sung him...

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