In adjusting the details of a revenue tariff, I have heretofore sanctioned such moderate discriminating duties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed... The Protectionist - Página 5141911Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Florida. Legislature. Senate - 1845 - 276 páginas
...discriminating duties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time, afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed...Tariff for protection 'Merely, and not for revenue." These views have since been echoed in his Inaugural Address to the people of the United States, and... | |
| Florida. Legislature. House of Representatives - 1845 - 990 páginas
...discriminating duties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time, afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed, to a Tariff for protection merefy, and not for revenue." These views have since been echoed in his Inaugural Address to the people... | |
| George Hooker Colton, James Davenport Whelpley - 1846 - 694 páginas
...same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed to a tarifffor protection merely, and not for revenue. Acting upon...on this subject. I voted against the Tariff act of 1823. I voted for the act of 1Ь32, which contained modifications of some of the objectionable provisions... | |
| George Hooker Colton, James Davenport Whelpley - 1846 - 724 páginas
...same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed to a tarifffor protection merely, and not for revenue. Acting upon...on this subject. I voted against the Tariff act of 18:23. I voted for the act of 1832, which contained modifications of some of the objectionable provisions... | |
| John Stilwell Jenkins - 1850 - 418 páginas
...discriminating duties, as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed...well known that I gave my support to the policy of Gen. Jackson's administration on this subject. I voted against the tariff act of 1828. I voted for... | |
| John Stilwell Jenkins - 1850 - 412 páginas
...discriminating duties, as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed...well known that I gave my support to the policy of Gen. Jackson's administration on this subject. I voted against the tariff ' act of 1828. I voted for... | |
| Lucien Bonaparte Chase - 1850 - 574 páginas
...discriminating duties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed...tariff for protection merely and not for revenue." — Letter of Mr. Polk to John K. Kane, dated Columbia, Tennessee, June 19, 1844. f The author was... | |
| Lucien Bonaparte Chase - 1850 - 576 páginas
...discriminating duties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed to a tariff for protection merely and not for revenue."—Letter of Mr. Polk to John K. Kane, dated Columbia, Tennessee, June 19, 1844. f The author... | |
| Charles Sumner - 1850 - 498 páginas
...discriminating duties as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable protection to our home industry. I am opposed to a...tariff for protection merely, and not for revenue. — Letter to J. Kane, June 13, 1844. : friends and the enemies of the tariff are to be more or less,... | |
| John Stilwell Jenkins - 1854 - 446 páginas
...discriminating duties, as would produce the amount of revenue needed, and at the same time afford reasonable incidental protection to our home industry. I am opposed...tariff for protection merely, and not for revenue. ^"Xciing upon these general principles, it is well known that I gave my support to the policy of Gen.... | |
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