AMERICAN LITERARY MAGAZINE. -MONTHLY- BY T. DWIGHT SPRAGUE. VOL. I. ALBANY: PRINTED BY JOEL MUNSELL. INDEX TO VOLUME I. PAGE, Art in Oratory,..... 41 A Legend of the Islands of the Mohawk; by Miss A. A. Goddard,.. 118 A Novel Writ-A True Story,........ 165 A Stray Leaf from the Papers of a Solitary Man; by E. G.B., 247 A Chat with Cousin Kate,. 307 Ancient History; by G. F. Y........... 365 An Afternoon in Paris-The Chamber of Deputies-Guizot -Lamartine; L'A........ 350 Classic Vagaries, No. 1.--Prologue-A Roman Book,..... 27 No. 2.-Prologue,... 101 No. 3.-The Roman Navy,.... 136 A Roman Naval Engagement,.. 204 No. 4.-Prologue-Homes of the Poets, 276, 344 Felton's, Prof., Agamemon of Æschylus, with English Notes, Greene's, Gen., Retreat Through the Carolinas; by J. T. Headley.... 21 Gossiping Letters,..... 124, 326, 388 Gleanings from My Journal-A Night in Milan; by Blue Legends of 1689, No. 1.-The Old Minister of Schenecta |