Kath. No, sir; God forbid:--but ashamed to kiss. Pet. Why, then let's home again:-Come, sirrah, let's away. Kath. Nay, I will give thee a kiss: now pray thee, love, stay. Pet. Is not this well?-Come, my sweet Kate; Better once than never, for never too late. [Exe. SCENE II.-A room in Lucentio's house. A Pet. Nay, that you shall not; since you have begun, Have at you for a bitter jest or two. Bian. Am I your bird? I mean to shift my bush, And then pursue me as you draw your bow:You are welcome all. [Exeunt Bianca, Katharina, and Widow. Pet. She hath prevented me.-Here, Signior Tranio, banquet set out. Enter Baptista, Vincentio, This bird you aim'd at, though you hit her not; Luc. At last, though long, our jarring notes agree: And time it is, when raging war is done, [They sit at table. Pet. Nothing but sit and sit, and eat and eat! Hor. For both our sakes, I would that word Tra. O, sir, Lucentio slipp'd me like his grey hound, Which runs himself, and catches for his master. 'Tis thought, your deer does hold you at a bay. Pet. 'A has a little gall'd me, I confess; Pet. Well, I say-no: and therefore, for assu Mistress, how mean you that? Hor. Who shall begin? Wid. Thus I conceive by him. Pet. Conceives by me! How likes Hortensio that? Hor. My widow says, thus she conceives her tale. Pet. To her, Kate! Hor. To her, widow! Luc. Content. A match; 'tis done. That will I. Go, Biondello, bid your mistress come to me. Bion. I go. [Exit. Bap. Son, I will be your half, Bianca comes. Luc. I'll have no halves; I'll bear it all myself. Sir, my mistress sends you word, That she is busy, and she cannot come. Gre. Ay, and a kind one too : Pray God, sir, your wife send you not a worse. Pet. I hope, better. Hor. Sirrah, Biondello, go, and entreat my wife 'To come to me forthwith. Exit Biondello. O, ho! entreat her! Pet. A hundred marks, my Kate does put her Nay, then she must needs come. down. Hor. That's my office. Pet. Spoke like an officer:-Ha, to thee, lad. [Drinks to Hortensio. Bap. How likes Gremio these quick-witted folks? Gre. Believe me, sir, they butt together well. Bian. Head, and butt? a hasty-witted body Would say, your head and butt were head and horn. Vin. Ay, mistress bride, hath that awaken'd you? Bian. Ay, but not frighted me; therefore I'll sleep again. (1) A banquet was a refection consisting of fruit, cakes, &c. She will not come. Bap. Now, by my holidame, here comes Katha- me ? Pet. Where is your sister, and Hortensio's wife? Pet. Go, fetch them hither; if they deny to come, [Exit Grumio. Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee, Swinge me them soundly forth unto their husbands: [Exit Katharina. An awful rule, and right supremacy; Pet. Nay, I will win my wager better yet; Re-enter Katharina, with Bianca, and Widow. Bian. Fie! what a foolish duty call you this? What duty they do owe their lords and husbands. Pet. Come on, I say; and first begin with her. Pet. I say, she shall; and first begin with her. And dart not scornful glances from those eyes, (1) Gentle temper. pare, That seeming to be most, which we least are. Pet. Why, there's a wench!-Come on, and kiss Luc. Well, go thy ways, old lad; for thou shalt ha't. Vin. 'Tis a good hearing, when children are toward. Luc. But a harsh hearing, when women are froward. Pet. Come, Kate, we'll to bed:We three are married, but you two are sped. 'Twas I won the wager, though you hit the white; [To Lucentio. And, being a winner, God give you good night! [Exeunt Petruchio and Kath. Hor. Now go thy ways, thou hast tam'd a curst shrew. Luc. 'Tis a wonder, by your leave, she will be Of this play the two plots are so well united, that they can hardly be called two, without injury to the art with which they are interwoven. The attention is entertained with all the variety of a double plot, yet is not distracted by unconnected incidents. The part between Katharine and Petruchio is eminently sprightly and diverting. At the marriage of Bianca, the arrival of the real father, perhaps, produces more perplexity than pleasure. The whole play is very popular and diverting. JOHNSON. (2) Abate your spirits. ACT I. Clown, his son. Servant to the old shepheru. Time, as Chorus. Hermione, queen to Leontes. Perdita, daughter to Leontes and Hermione. Emili a lady, Twoher ladies, attending the queen. Dopsa, Shepherdesses. Lords, ladies, and attendants; satyrs for a dance, shepherds, shepherdesses, guards, &c. Scene, sometimes in Sicilia, sometimes in Bohemia. [malice, or matter, to alter it. You have an unspeakable comfort of your young prince Mamillius; SCENE I.-Sicilia. An Antechamber in Leon-it is a gentleman of the greatest promise, that ever tes' palace. Enter Camillo and Archidamus. Archidamus. IF you shall chance, Camillo, to visit Bohemia, on the like occasion whereon my services are now on foot, you shall see, as I have said, great difference betwixt our Bohemia and your Sicilia. Cam. I think, this coming summer, the king of Sicilia means to pay Bohemia the visitation which ne justly owes him. Arch. Wherein our entertainment shall shame us, we will be justified in our loves: for, indeed, Cam. 'Beseech you, Arch. Verily, I speak it in the freedom of my knowledge: we cannot with such magnificencein so rare-I know not what to say. --We will give you sleepy drinks; that your senses, unintelligent of our insufficience, may, though they cannot praise us, as little accuse us. came into my note. Cam. I very well agree with you in the hopes of him: it is a gallant child; one that, indeed, phyfresh: sies the subjectes makes old hearts they that life, to see him a man. Arch. Would they else be content to die? Cam. Yes; if there were no other excuse why they should desire to live. Arch. If the king had no son, they would desire to live on crutches till he had one. [Exeunt. SCENE II.--The same. A room of state in the palace. Enter Leontes, Polixenes, Hermione, Mamillius, Camillo, and attendants. Pol. Nine changes of the wat'ry star have been Would be fill'd up, my brother, with our thanks : Cam. You pay a great deal too dear, for what's Go hence in debt: And therefore, like a cipher, given freely. Arch. Believe me, I speak as my understanding instructs me, and as mine honesty puts it to utter ance. Yet standing in rich place, I multiply, Stay your thanks awhile; Cam. Sicilia cannot show himself over-kind to And pay them when you part. Bohemia. They were trained together in their Pol. Sir, that's to-morrow. childhoods; and there rooted betwixt them then I am question'd by my fears, of what may chance, such an affection, which cannot choose but branch Or breed upon our absence: That may blow now. Since their more mature dignities, and royal No sneaping winds at home, to make us say, necessities, made separation of their society, their This is put forth too truly! Besides, I have stay'd encounters, though not personal, have been royally To tire your royalty. : attornied with interchange of gifts, letters, loving Leon. embassies; that they have seemed to be together, Than you can put us to't. though absent; shook hands, as over a vast; and embraced, as it were, from the ends of opposed winds. The heavens continue their loves! Arch. I think, there is not in the world either (1) Nobly supplied by substitution of embassies. (2) Wide waste of country. Pol. Leon. One seven-night Pol. We are tougher, brother, No longer stay. longer. Very sooth, to-morrow. Leon. We'll part the time between's then: and in that (3) Affords a cordial to the state. (4) Nipping, |