I. INDEX OF WORDS AND PHRASES. This list applies to the Notes only; words of which longer ex- Abbreviations: adj. adjective. intr. =intransitive. n. noun. abhorred 86 adjuring verse 104 advanced 114 adventurous 54 affects 75 agate 107 alabaster 92 62 all to-ruffled 74 allay 56 alley 69, 111 amazed 88 amazement 72 amber 70, 71 amber-dropping 103 amiss 60 apparition (five syll.) 91 as to make 90 aspects (scanned aspects) 93 asphodil 102 assay 110 Assyrian queen 113 attendance 70 awe 50 awe-strook 69 azurn 107 V. C. balm 92 bandite 77 banks 109 bare 89 barge 43 be 47 be it not 77 beads 75 beckoning shadows dire 62 benison 70 beryl 109 billows 109 blanch 42 blank 80 blear 59 blest song 67 blow 112 blue-haired 49 bosky bourn 70 bourn 70 ΙΟ hoary 104 home-felt 67 home-novelties 44 hook 105 horrid 77 horror 50 how chance? 83 huddling 83 hutched 94 I must dissemble 100 i pensieri 44 if (= even if) 76 if this fail 88 if your ears be true 112 ill is lost 67 innumerous 72 insphered 46 julep 92 knot-grass 86 mintage 85 moist 108 Moly 90 knows to 54 labyrinth 68 lackey (vb) 80 lake or fen 78 lamps 62 lank 102 lap it in Elysium 66 lawns 88, 110 leavy 68 legions (trisyll.) 88 monstrous rout 85 morrice 57 mortal change 47 mortal frailty 93 mossy couch 67 mountaineer 77 mountain-pard 79 mutual 96 mystery 99 nard 112 nation 50 Nature lent 93 lickerish 93 light and noise 73 light within his breast 75 like 90 likeliest 55 liquid III listed 51 listen (trans.) 86 litter 87 little trident 49 near-ushering 68 nectared 82, 102 |