Imágenes de páginas


This list applies to the Notes only; words of which longer ex-
planations are given will be found in the Glossary. The references
are to the pages.

Abbreviations: adj. adjective. intr. =intransitive. n. noun.
syll. = syllable or syllables. trans. = transitive. vb = verb.

abhorred 86

adjuring verse 104

advanced 114

adventurous 54

affects 75
after 51

agate 107
airy shell 64
airy tongues

alabaster 92
all ear 88


all to-ruffled 74

allay 56

alley 69, 111

amazed 88

amazement 72

amber 70, 71

amber-dropping 103
ambrosial 48

amiss 60

apparition (five syll.) 91
arbitrate the event 76

as to make 90

aspects (scanned aspects) 93

asphodil 102

assay 110

Assyrian queen 113

attendance 70

awe 50

awe-strook 69

azurn 107

V. C.

balm 92
banded 42

bandite 77

banks 109
bard 50

bare 89

barge 43
barking 66

be 47

be it not 77

beads 75

beckoning shadows dire 62

benison 70

beryl 109

billows 109

blanch 42

blank 80

blear 59

blest song 67
blind 61

blow 112
blue 78

blue-haired 49
boast of skill 67
bold emprise 89
bolt (n.) 79
bolt (vb) 97

bosky bourn 70
bosoms (vb) 73
bottom 85

bourn 70


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

hoary 104

home-felt 67

home-novelties 44

hook 105

horrid 77

horror 50

how chance? 83

huddling 83

hutched 94

I must dissemble 100

i pensieri 44
I will tell you 50

if (= even if) 76

if this fail 88

if your ears be true 112

ill is lost 67
ill-luck signs 103
ill-managed 60
in name of 104
in sly disguise 88
Indian steep 58
infamous hills 77
infer 76
influence 71
inform 61

innumerous 72

insphered 46
inured 95

julep 92
just 47

[blocks in formation]

knot-grass 86

mintage 85

moist 108

Moly 90

knows to 54

labyrinth 68

lackey (vb) 80
lake 104

lake or fen 78

lamps 62

lank 102

lap it in Elysium 66
lavers 102

lawns 88, 110

leavy 68

legions (trisyll.) 88

monstrous rout 85
months and years 57

morrice 57

mortal change 47

mortal frailty 93

mossy couch 67
mould 48

mountaineer 77

mountain-pard 79
moves the vocal air 65
murmurs (n.) 85

mutual 96

mystery 99

nard 112

nation 50

Nature lent 93
Nature's brag 96
navel 85

lickerish 93

light and noise 73

light within his breast 75

like 90

likeliest 55

liquid III

listed 51

listen (trans.) 86

litter 87

little trident 49

near-ushering 68

nectared 82, 102

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