| William Beveridge - 1712 - 400 páginas
...Affiftance of the Spirit himfelf that revealed them. And therefore if any Man amongjl us feemeth to fo wife in this World, let him become a Fool that he may be wife, i Cor. iii. 18. that is, He that would be wife Unto Salvation, muft look upon/hirufeif: as a... | |
| Benjamin Jenks - 1732 - 240 páginas
...courfe, to learn Wifdom, which he prefcribes j Chap. T>. 18. If (iny man among you feems to be -wife in this World, Let him become a, Fool, that he may be wife. The Wildom of this World, (though it be no better than Foolijhnefs with God, ver. ip. ) It makes... | |
| Desiderius Erasmus - 1740 - 386 páginas
...Fool as a Virtue of all other moft requifite and neceflary : For, fays he, [If any Man feem ta hi wife in' this World, let him become a Fool, that he may be wife.] Thus St. Luke records, how our Saviour, after his RefurreiSion, joining himfelf with two of... | |
| 1744 - 448 páginas
...wife. For the wijdoin of this world is foalijhnefs with Gad : for it is written, be taketh the wife in their own craftiness. And again, the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wije, that they are •vain. Therefore let no man glory in men. 1 Cor. i. ig. to ch. iii. 21. Ifhall... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 416 páginas
...called, ch. i. 20, 26. Therefore let no man glory in men : If any man among you feemeth to be wife in This World, let him become a Fool, that he may be SER M. be ivife ; ie let him ky afide the Wifdom t>f Self-conceit, in order to become capable of Inftruction... | |
| Thomas Halyburton - 1751 - 552 páginas
...(nun underftanding, Prov. iii. 5. Let no man deceive himjelf, if any man among you Jeemeth to be wife in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be -wife, 1 Cor. iii. 18. which he can rio otherwife be,, than by trufting entirely to the Lord Jcfus... | |
| John Glas - 1761 - 528 páginas
...manner, i Cor. iii. i8. i9. .20. "Let no man deceive himfclf. If " any man among you feemeth to be wife in this world, let " him become a fool, that he may be wife. For the wifdom " of this world is foolifhnefs with God. For it is written, " He taketh the wife... | |
| John Flavel - 1770 - 520 páginas
...wifdom, is to be fenfsble of your own folly ; i Cor. iii. 18. If any man among you feemet.li to be wife in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wife. And to apply ourfelves by prayer to God the foundation of it, Jam. i. 5. if any man lack wifdom,... | |
| Jonathan Dickinson - 1772 - 326 páginas
...is -wifer than men, and the -weaknefs of Cod is ftronger than men. And he that feemeth to be -wife in this -world, let him become a fool, that he may be wife. * ethnot, butbelievethonhim that juftifieth the ungod' * ly, his faith is counted for righteoufnefs.... | |
| Jonathan Dickinson - 1784 - 406 páginas
...is wifer than men, and the -weaknefs of Cod is jl ranger than men. And he that feemeth to be -uft/cf in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wife. But I have this further objection againft the dijlinclion you mention, that it is not only a... | |
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