with Thee liveth and reigneth in the [The Lord be with you." [May the fouls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, reft in peace. Amen.] [Here follow] COMMON MEMORIALS.h [In ADVENT, whenever it is the week-day office, the following Memorials are faid at MATINS [i. e., NOCTURNS and LAUDS united.] Antiphon. HE Ho-ly Spirit upon Thee the root of Jesse. B. And a Flow-er from his root shall grow up. Let us pray. [In this tone shall be faid all the Verficles and Refponfories before the Orifons, at VESPERS and MATINS, throughout the whole year.] Orifon. GOD, who, by the message of an Angel, didst will Thy Word to take upon Him flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin; grant to us, thy suppliants, that we, who truly believe her to be the Mother of God, may with Thee be assisted by her intercessions, through The Same our Lord Jesus Christ, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy having in thy womb The Son of God. Ghost, God, world without end. Amen. shall descend, Mary; Fear Thou not, The reader will note that a Memorial differs from a Commemoration, as presently explained. The usual Commemoration of S. Mary was every Saturday at Lauds and Vefpers. * That is, the Saturday Eve preceding, and the Sunday Eve. On WEEK-DAYS, however, and in FEASTS with iii. Lessons, when the Choir has no Conductors, at VESPERS, this Antiphon is faid. T HE Bush which Mofes be held un-con-fum-ed, we acknowledge thine e-ver pre-ferv-ed and laud-a-ble And at MATINS is always faid V. After thy bringing forth thou didst abide a Virgin inviolate. B. Mother of God! intercede for us. And at VESPERS is faid. V. Beautiful is His form, before the fons of men. Grace is poured forth upon thy lips. Orifon. OD, who by the fruitful Virginity of the Blessed Mary, didft bestow the gifts of eternal falvation upon mankind; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may Vir-gin-i-ty; Mother of God! in-ter- perceive that She intercedes for us, through whom we have been found worthy to obtain The Author of Life, our Lord Jesus Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft God, world without end. Amen. cede for us. And at MATINS with this Antiphon. T HE Root of Jeffe hath sprouted forth; there hath a-ri-sen a Star from Jacob; a Virgin hath brought forth a Saviour. We praise Thee, O our God. Then let MEMORIAL be made of ALL THE SAINTS, on WEEK-DAYS and on FEASTS when the Choir has no Conductors, both at VESPERS and at MATINS, as next follows [except from Wednesday in The Head of the Fast to the Vigil of Easter, for then no Memorial is made of the Saints.] AFTER THE PURIFICATION, however, at MATINS, is faid this Antiphon. BLESSED Mother, yet undefiled Virgin! thou glorious Queen of the world! intercede for us unto The Lord our God. V. After thy Bringing forth thou didst abide a Virgin inviolate. B. Mother of God! intercede for us. From Arundel MS. 130, and Arlyngham MS. in Advent. Or this Orifon. BEHOLD, O Lord! our infirmities, and All thy Saints interceding for us, fuccour us speedily by thy goodness, through Chrift, our Lord. Amen. Or this Orifon. GRANT, we befeech Thee, O Lord, that All thy Saints may continually pray for us; and do Thou vouchsafe ever favourably to hear them, through our Lord Jesus Chrift, Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft, God, world without end. Amen. [AFTER THE PURIFICATION, at the Memorial of S. MARY, let the fame Antiphons and Orifons be faid as after the First Sunday after Trinity. From MONDAY after THE OCTAVE ASCENSION. MEMORIAL OF THE CROSS. Antiphon. their beds. V. Wonderful is God in his Saints. B. And Glorious in His Majesty. HE Cru-ci-fied hath a-ri-fen m See the First Sunday after Trinity. from the dead: He hath re Orifon. ☑ LORD! we beseech Thee, pour thy grace into our minds: fo that we who have known The Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, by the message of an Angel, by deemed us. Al-le-lu-ya, Al-le-lu-ya. His Paffion and Cross, may be guided to the Glory of His Refurrection, through V. Tell ye among the nations. The Same our Lord Jesus Christ, Who with B. That The Lord hath reigned from Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Orifon. Amen. the Tree. |