The stream of the flood maketh glad Sing psalms unto our God, fing ye the City of God: The Most High hath pfalms!: sing pfalms unto our King, fing fanctified his own tabernacle. ye! God is in the midst of her, she shall not be removed: God shall help her right early. The Gentiles were troubled, and the kingdoms bowed: He uttered his voice, the Earth was moved. The Lord of Hosts is with us: The God of Jacob is our upholder. Come hither, and behold the works of The Lord: what wonders He hath wrought upon the Earth. God is the King of all the Earth: fing ye psalms with understanding. God shall reign over the Gentiles: God fitteth upon his holy feat. The princes of the people are gathered together with The God of Abraham: for the mighty gods of the Earth are very greatly exalted. Glory be to The Father. Magnus Dominus. thy praise, unto the ends of the world: thy right hand is full of righteousness. Let the Mount Syon rejoice, and the daughters of Judah be glad: because of thy judgements, O Lord. Go about Syon, and encompass her: and tell ye of her towers. Set your hearts upon her strength: and put in order her houses; that ye may tell it in another generation. For He is God, our God for ever, and for ever and ever: He shall rule over us for evermore. [O God! worthy to be praised! greatly to be feared! Who art the Prince of Glory in the Heavenly Jerufalem, tread under foot our lufts by thy spiritual understanding; that so we may receive thy loving-kindness in the temple of our hearts, and may be worthy to celebrate Thy Name, through Christ our Lord. Amen.] PSALM XLVIII. [PS. XLIX. E. V.] [To the end, to the Sons of Corah. A Pfalm for Meditation. Voice of The Holy Spirit to the GREAT is The Lord, and exceedingly Gentiles.] to be praised: in the City of our God, in his holy Mountain. With the joy of the whole Earth is Mount Syon founded: upon the North fide is the City of the great King. God shall be well known in her palaces: when He shall uphold her. For lo! the Kings of the Earth have assembled: and gathered together. So they beheld and marvelled, they were troubled, they were moved: fear took hold upon them. There were pains as of a woman in travail: with a vehement wind Thou wilt shatter the ships of Tharsis. Like as we have heard so have we seen, in the City of The Lord of Hofts, in the City of our God: God hath founded it for ever. We have awaited, O God, thy mercy: in the midst of thy Temple. O God, according to Thy Name so is Audite hæc omnes. O HEAR ye this, all ye Gentiles: with your ears perceive it, ye that dwell in the world. Ye that are earth-born, and the children of men: rich and poor both together. My mouth shall speak wisdom: and the meditation of my heart prudence. I will incline mine ear to the parable: I will open my purpose on the pfaltery. Wherefore shall I fear in the evil day: the wickedness of my heel shall encompass me. There be that put their trust in their strength: and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches. A brother redeemeth not; shall man redeem?: he shall not give to God his ransom. Or the price of the redemption of his foul and he shall labour for ever, and still live on to the end. He shall not behold destruction when he shall fee wife men dying: the unwife and the fool shall perish together. And they shall leave their riches for other: and their fepulchres shall be their houses for ever. Their tabernacles are from generation to generation: they have called the lands after their own names. And man, when he was in honour, understood not: but was compared unto the senseless beasts, and became like them. This way of theirs is a stumbling-block to them: and afterwards will they delight in their own faying. They are fet in the Hell like sheep: death shall feed upon them. And the righteous shall have dominion over them in the morning: and their help shall grow old in Hell, away from their glory. ye that dwell in the world. [Fulfil, O Lord, our mouth with thy wisdom; so that, whilft we remember to acknowledge Thee to be Man, and that Thou didst redeem us from Hell, we may be worthy to be enlightened by the Glory of thy countenance, Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.] PSALM XLIX. [PS. L. E. V.] [A Pfalm of Afaph. A Pfalm for Meditation. The Voice of The Holy Ghoft from The Father and The Son.] T HE God of Gods. Oioueae. THE God of Gods, The Lord hath God shall come manifestly: our God, and shall not keep filence. A fire shall kindle forth before Him: and a mighty tempeft shall be round about Him. He hath called the Heaven from above: and the Earth to judge his people. Gather to Him his faints: who order his covenant upon sacrifices. And the Heaven shall declare his righteousness: for God is The Judge. Hear, O my people, and I will speak; Ifrael, and I will testify to thee: for I am God, even thy God. I will not reprove thee in thy facrifices: thy burnt-offerings are ever in my fight. I will not take calves out of thine house: nor he-goats out of thy flocks. For all the beasts of the foreft are mine: the cattle of the mountains, and the oxen. I know all the birds of Heaven: and mine is the beauty of the field. If I be hungry I will not tell thee: for mine is the orb of the world, and the fulness thereof. Whether, then, shall I eat bulls' flesh: or drink the blood of goats ? Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise: and pay thy vows unto The Moft Highest. PSALM LI. [PS. LII. E. V.] [To the end, Understanding of David when Doeg the Edomite went and told Saul, David cometh to the house of Abimelech. A Pfalm for Meditation. Voice of The Holy Spirit against the Devil.] Quid gloriaris? And call upon Me in the day of tribu- WHY boafteft thou thyself in mischief?: lation: I will deliver thee, and thou wilt honour Me. But unto the sinner, faid God, Why doft thou tell of my righteousness : and takeft my covenant in thy mouth. Whereas thou haft hated difcipline: and haft caft my words behind thee. If thou sawest a thief, thou didst run with him and thou hast set thy portion with the adulterers. Thy mouth abounded with malice, and thy tongue framed deceits. Thou sateft, and spakest against thy brother: and didst slander the son of thy mother; these things haft thou done, and I was filent. Thou thoughtest wickedly, that I shall be like to thee: I will reprove thee, and will fet Myself against thy face. Understand this, ye that forget God: lest He pluck you away, and there be none to deliver you. The facrifice of praise shall honour Me : and there is the way where I shall shew him the falvation of God. [God of Gods, we beseech Thee to receive us as a facrifice of Praise; so that we, shewing forth thy righteousness without finful deeds, may rejoice in that path which leadeth to thy salvation; through Christ our Lord. Amen.] PSALM L. [PS. LI. E. V.] HAVE mercy upon me, O God, (is not [See the Office for Lauds.] thou that art mighty in iniquity. All the day long hath thy tongue imagined wickedness: thou hast wrought deceit like a sharp razor. Thou hast loved malice more than kindness: to talk of wickedness more than righteousness. Thou hast loved all words that may do hurt: thou false tongue! Therefore shall God destroy thee for ever: He will pluck thee out and remove thee out of thy dwelling, and thy root out of the land of the living. The righteous shall see this and fear, and shall laugh him to scorn, and shall say: lo! this is the man that took not God for his help; But trusted in the multitude of his riches: and strengthened himself in his vanity. As for me I am like a fruitful olive tree in the House of God: I have trufted in the mercy of God for ever, and for ever [God, The Almighty Creator of all the variety of this world, make us to flourish as a fruitful olive tree in thy House, so that, trusting in thy mercy, we may be saved from the curse of our fins, through Christ our Lord. Amen.] W. Offer unto God the sacrifice of praise. B. And pay thy vows unto The Moft Highest. [Here follow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE IN GOD. Then the Proper Lessons, preceded by their respective Benedictions, and followed by their respective Verficles and Refponfories.] [See the Office of Matins for Sunday Morning, and the Rubric there, and the Common Forms and Table of Benedictions, and the Common and Proper of The Time and of The Saints.] TUESDAY ✔ BEFORE LAUDS. [See Lauds for Monday.] Lord, be upon us. PSALM L. Miserere mei, Deus. HAVE mercy upon me, O God. [See Lauds for Monday.] PSALM XLII. [PS. XLIII. E. V.] [A Pfalm of David. A Psalm for Prayer. The Voice of the Church praying to be delivered from a wicked, crafty, and unbelieving people.] Judica me, Deus. UDGE me, O God, and determine my cause with an unholy people: deliver me from the wicked and deceitful man. For Thou art God, my strength: why haft Thou put me from Thee, and why go I forrowfully, while the enemy afflicteth me? Send out thy light and thy truth: they have guided me and brought me unto thy Holy Mountain, and to thy tabernacles. And I will enter in unto the altar of ET thy mercy, O God: to God who giveth joy to my youth. I will give thanks unto Thee upon the harp, O God, my God: Why art thou forrowful, O my foul, and wherefore doft thou disquiet me? B. Like as we have put our trust in Thee. (IN LAUDS. C - CORDING to thy great Put thy trust in God, for I will yet give Him thanks: the health of my countenance and my God. Glory be to The Father, and to The Son: and to The Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen. Antiphon. HE health of my countenance and my God. Ps. Oioueae. |