A HYMN, O God, becometh Thee in Syon: and unto Thee shall the vow be performed in Jerufalem. Hearken unto my prayer: unto Thee shall all flesh come. The words of the wicked have prevailed against us: and Thou wilt forgive our tranfgreffions. Blessed is the man whom Thou hast chosen and received unto Thee: he shall dwell in thy courts. We shall be filled with the good things of thy House: holy is Thy Temple, wonderful in equity. Hear us, O God our Salvation: Thou that art the hope of all the confines of the Earth, and in the fea afar off. Arraying the mountains in thy strength, girded about with power: Who troubleft the depth of the fea, the noise of its waves. The nations shall be troubled; they also that dwell in the borders shall be afraid at The river of God is fulfilled with water: Thou hast provided their food; for so is its preparation. Fill plenteoufly its streams, multiply its fruits: in its showers springing forth, it shall rejoice. Thou shalt bless the crown of the year with thy goodness: and thy fields shall be filled with plenty. The beautiful places of the wilderness shall grow fat: and the hills shall be girded with exultation. corn: The rams of the flock are clothed, and the valleys shall abound with they shall shout; yea, they shall sing a hymn. PSALM LXV. [PS. LXVI. E. V.] [To the end, a Canticle and Pfalm of the Refur rection. A Pfalm of giving thanks. Voice of Martyrs.] I N the Churches. Oioueae. Jubilate Deo omnis terra. OBE joyful in God, all the Earth, fing a psalm unto His Name: give glory to His praise. Say unto God, how terrible are thy works, O Lord: in the multitude of thy strength shall thine enemies be found liars unto Thee. Let all the world worship Thee, and fing unto Thee: let it sing a psalm to Thy Name. Come ye, and behold the works of God: terrible in his counsels toward the children of men. Who turned the sea into dry land, in the river they shall pass over on foot: there will we rejoice in Him. Praise our God, ye Gentiles: and make the voice of his praise to be heard. Who hath fet my foul in life: and hath For Thou, O God, haft proved us: Thou haft tried us by fire, like as filver is tried. not fuffered my feet to be moved. Thou broughteft us into the snare, Thou haft laid trouble upon our loins; Thou haft set men over our heads. We passed through fire and water: and Thou hast brought us out into a place of refreshment. I will enter into thine House with burntofferings: and will pay Thee my vows, which my lips have uttered; And my mouth hath spoken: when I was in trouble. I will offer unto Thee fat burntfacrifices, with the incenfe of rams: I will offer to Thee bullocks with goats. Come ye, hearken, and I will tell, all ye that fear God: what great things He hath done for my foul. I called unto Him with my mouth: and I exalted Him with my tongue. If I have looked unto iniquity with mine heart: The Lord will not hear me. Wherefore God hath heard me and confidered the voice of my fupplication. Blefsed be God, who hath not put away my fupplication: nor his mercy from me. [O Lord, put the glory of thy praise into our hearts; so that we may avoid the enticements of this world, and, 'Thou being our Protector, may pass to eternal refreshment in thy prefence, through Christ our Lord. Amen.] PSALM LXVI. [Ps. LXVII. E. V.] GOD be merciful unto us. Is not faid at Nocturns. [See Lauds on Sunday.] Like as the smoke vanisheth, so let them fail away: and like as wax melteth before the fire, so let finners perish from the prefence of God. And let the righteous feast and rejoice before God: and let them be delighted with gladness. Sing ye unto God, fing a pfalm unto His Name: make a way for Him who afcendeth above the West; The Lord is His Name. Rejoice in his fight: they shall be troubled before his face, Who is a Father of the orphans and Judge of the widows. God is in his Holy Place: God that maketh men to dwell of one mind in an house. Who bringeth forth the prisoners in might likewise them that provoke, who dwell in fepulchres. O God, when Thou wentest forth in the fight of thy people: when Thou passedst through in the wilderness; The Earth was shaken, moreover the Heavens dropped before the face of The God of Sinai: before the face of The God of Ifrael. Thou, O God, wilt set apart a gracious rain for thine inheritance; for it was weary: but Thou hast perfected it. Thy creatures shall dwell therein: for Thou, O God, haft of thy sweetness prepared for the poor. The Lord shall give the word to the preachers of good things: in much strength. The King of Powers is of the beloved of the beloved: and of the beauty of the house they have divided the spoil. Though ye have slept among the pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a dove: covered with filver: and her back with paleness of gold. When The Celestial appointeth kings over her, they shall be made white as snow in Salmon: the mountain of God, the fat mountain. A curdled mountain; a fat mountain : why fufpect ye the curdled mountains? A mountain wherein God is well pleased to dwell: yea, The Lord will dwell in it for evermore. The chariots of God are many times ten thousand, thousands of rejoicing ones: and The Lord is among them as in Sinai in the Holy Place. Thou hast afcended on high, Thou hast taken captivity captive: Thou haft received gifts for men. Yea, even the unbelievers: for The Lord God to dwell. Bleffed be The Lord daily every day: The God of our salvation will make our journey profperous. Our God is The God of Whom cometh falvation: of The Lord, of The Lord, are the issues of death. But God shall crush the head of his enemies: the crown of the hair of them that walk on in wickedness. The Lord hath said, I will turn them back from Basan: I will turn them back into the deep of the fea : *That thy foot may be dipped in blood : the tongue of thy dogs in the same from thine enemies. They have feen thy entering in, O God : the enterings in of my God and King Who is in the Sanctuary. The Princes went before, joined with the fingers of pfalms: in the midst of the young damsels playing with the timbrels. In the Churches, bless ye God: The Lord from the fountains of Ifrael. There is the youth Benjamin: in ecftafy of mind. The Princes of Judah, their leaders: the Princes of Zabulon, and the Princes of Nephthalim. Command thy might, O God: stablish the thing, O God, that Thou hast wrought in us : From thy Temple at Jerufalem: kings shall offer presents unto Thee. Rebuke the wild beasts of the reeds, the congregation of bulls with the kine of the people who would exclude them who are tried with filver. Scatter Thou the nations that delight in war; ambassadors shall come out of Egypt: Ethiopia shall first stretch out her hands unto God. Ye kingdoms of Earth sing unto God : sing pfalms to The Lord; Sing psalms unto God, who ascendeth above the Heaven of Heavens: toward the East. Behold, He will give to his voice the voice of power; give Glory to God for Ifrael: his magnificence and his power is in the clouds. Wonderful is God in his Saints: The God of Ifrael Himself will give might and strength unto his people; blessed be God. Glory be to The Father. Antiphon. N the Churches bless ye The Lord. [O Lord, our Ruler! Who makest a spiritual feaft for the righteous, and causest them to rejoice with gladness; grant, we beseech Thee, that thy flock may ever have a lively sense of thy death, and may confefs Thee to be fitting at the right hand of The Father, triumphant over death, Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.] V. O God, I have declared my life unto Thee. B. Thou hast put my tears in thy fight. [Here follow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE IN GOD. Then the Proper Lessons, preceded by their respective Benedictions, PSALM LXIV. [PS. LXV. E. V.] [To the end, a Pfalm of David. A Canticle of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, when the people began to return from the Captivity. A Plalm to praise God. Voice of The Holy Spirit to The Father, of the Apostles and People.] and followed by their respective Verficles A and Refponfories.] [See the Office of Matins for Sunday Morning, the Proper for The Time, the Common Forms, and Table of Benedictions.] unto my Hearken prayer: unto Thee shall all flesh come. The words of the wicked have prevailed against us: and Thou wilt forgive our transgressions. Blessed is the man whom Thou hast chofen and received unto Thee: he shall dwell in thy courts. We shall be filled with the good things of thy House: holy is thy Temple, wonderful in equity. Hear us, O God our Salvation: Thou that art the hope of all the confines of the Earth, and in the sea afar off. Arraying the mountains in thy strength: girded about with power; who troubleft the depth of the sea, the noise of its waves. The nations shall be dismayed; they alfo that dwell in the borders shall be HROUGH-LY wash me, O afraid at thy tokens: the outgoings of the morning and evening Thou shalt make pleasant. God, from mine unrighteousness.Oioueae. PSALM L. Miserere mei, Deus. HAVE mercy upon me, O God. [See Lauds for Monday.] Thou hast visited the Earth and fatiated it: Thou hast in manifold ways enriched it. The river of God is fulfilled with water: Thou hast provided their food; for so is its preparation. Fill plenteoufly its streams, multiply its fruits: in its showers springing forth it shall rejoice. There is none holy as is The Lord; nor is there other beside Thee: there is none strong like our God. Speak not ye so often proud things: boastingly. Let old matters depart from your mouth: for The Lord is a God of knowledge, and to Him thoughts are prepared. The bow of the mighty is vanquished: and the weak are girded with strength. They that were aforetime full have hired themselves out for bread: and the hungry are fatisfied. So that the barren hath borne very many: and she that hath many children is waxed feeble. The Lord killeth and maketh alive: He bringeth down to Hell and bringeth back. The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich: He humbleth and setteth up. Raifing the needy out of the dust: and lifting up the poor from the dunghill; That he may fit with princes: and occupy the throne of glory. For the poles of the Earth are The Lord's: and He hath set the world upon them. He will keep the feet of his faints: and the wicked shall be filent in darkness; for a man shall not be strengthened in his own might. His adversaries sball fear The Lord: and He will thunder upon them out of Heaven. The Lord shall judge the confines of the Earth, and He shall give empire unto His King: and will exalt the horn of His Chrift. Glory be to the Father. |