Imágenes de páginas
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From the First Sunday after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, in the ordinary WEDNESDAY Service, is faid IN LAUDS the Hymn following.

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[AT LAUDS in the VIGIL OF THE ASCENSION, and daily up to Pentecoft.

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all that hated us, de-li-ver us, O

So when Thou shalt, the Judge of doom,
In gleaming clouds all glorious come,
Just pains Thou mayst inflict no more,
And those our long-loft crowns restore.

Be Thou our only joy, O Lord,
Who art our future great reward;
May all our glorying reft in Thee,
Now and throughout eternity.

Glory, O Chrift! to Thee be given,
Afcending o'er the stars of Heaven;
To Father and to Holy Ghost,
Long as exhauftless ages last. Amen.

Lord. Oioueae.


Benedictus Dominus Deus Ifrael.

BLESSED be The Lord God of Ifrael. [See Lauds for Sunday and Monday.]

Petitions, as on Monday at Lauds.
Orifons, as there directed.
Memorials, as above.




ET us worship The Lord,

for He hath made us.

PJ. O come.

Venite exultemus.

O COME, let us be joyful.

[See the Common Forms.]

For the Leffon, Domine, ne in ira.

From the FIRST SUNDAY after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, in the ordinary THURSDAY Service, is faid AT MATINS the following Hymn.

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Throughout the Summer is said the Hymn NOCTE surgentes vigilemus omnes. ARISE We in the nightly watches waking. [See Matins for Monday.]

In the suppeR OF THE LORD, according to the Anglo-Saxon Hymnaries."


TELLUS et æthera jubilent, In Magni Cæna Principis; Quo protoplasti pectora Vitæ purgavit ferculo.

Hac nocte Factor omnium
Potentis ad mysterium,
Carnem fuam cum fanguine
In escam transfert animæ.

A celfis furgens dapibus,
Præbet formam mortalibus,
Humilitatis gratiam
Petri petens veftigia.

Pallet fervus obfequio!
Cum Angelorum Dominum,
Ferendo lympham linteo,
Cernit Cæna procumbere.

Permitte Simon! ablui,
Acta figurant mystica;
Dum Summus ima bajulat,
Quid cinis fervet cineri.



LET Earth and skies rejoicing fing
The Supper of The Mighty King;
When the first Adam's failing foul
Was by the meat of life made whole.

That Eve, when He who all things made,
A mighty Mystery displayed;
His own dear Flesh and precious Blood
Transformed to foul-supporting food.

From the High Feast behold Him rife,
O wondrous fign to mortal eyes!
The grace of lowliness reveal,
And at the feet of Peter kneel.

Behold his fervant pale with fear!
To fee The Lord of Angels there;
The linen cloth and water bring,
And humbly from the Supper lean.

O Simon! take the laver bleft;
See! mystic figures here expressed,
The Highest e'en the lowest bear,
Let ashes then for ashes care.

From Flavius.

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