Imágenes de páginas

For Thou, Lord, art The Most Highest over all the Earth: Thou art exalted far above all gods.

O ye that love The Lord, hate the thing which is evil: The Lord preserveth the fouls of his saints, He shall deliver them from the hand of the finner.

There is sprung up a light for the righteous: and gladness for such as are upright in heart.

Rejoice in The Lord, ye righteous: and give thanks for a remembrance of His Holiness.

Glory be to The Father, and to The Son: and to The Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

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bless ye His Name.

[O God! Guardian of the souls of the faints! Whose kingdom is the perfecting of the just! grant, beseech Thee, that the light of Prophets

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ITH. Thy Chief Spi - rit

ef - tab - lish my heart, O God.



Miserere mei, Deus.

and Evangelifts may beam forth in our times; and, HAVE mercy upon me, O God.

if hidden by any veil, may be openly revealed by Thy Holy Spirit, through Christ our Lord. Amen.]

V. Let my prayer enter into thy prefence, O Lord.

B. Incline thine ear unto my prayer.

[Here follow OUR FATHER and I BELIEVE IN GOD and the Proper Lessons, each preceded by their Proper Benedictions, and followed by their respective Verficles and Refponfories.]

[See the Office of Matins for Sunday Morning, and the Note there, the Common Forms and Table of Benedictions, and The Proper and Common of The Time, and of the Saints.]

[See Lauds for Monday.]

PSALM CXLII. [PS. CXLIII. E. V.] [A Pfalm of David, when Abfalom, his son, pursued him. A Penitential Pfalm for Prayer. Voice of the Apostle Paul to Christ; O Lord, I fly to Thee, grant me to do thy will, for Thou art my Lord.]

Domine, exaudi orationem meam, et.

LORD! hear my prayer, give ear to my supplication: in thy truth hearken unto me, in thy righteousness.

And enter not into judgement with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified.


For the enemy hath persecuted my foul: he hath humbled my life in the dust.

He hath laid me in the darkness as the men that have been long dead: and my spirit is anguished within me, and my heart within me is troubled.

I remembered the ancient days, I mused upon all thy works: I meditated on the doings of thy hands.

I stretched forth my hands unto Thee : my foul like a land without water unto Thee.

Hear me speedily, O Lord!: my fpirit hath waxed faint.

Turn not away thy face from me: and I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

Make thy mercy heard of me betimes in the morning: for in Thee have I trusted. Make known to me the way that I should walk in: for unto Thee have I lifted up my foul.

Deliver me from mine enemies, O Lord! I have fled unto Thee: teach me to do thy will, for Thou art my God.

Let Thy Good Spirit lead me forth into the righteous land: for Thy Name's fake, O Lord, Thou shalt quicken me in thine equity.

Thou shalt bring my foul out of trouble : and in thy mercy Thou wilt destroy all mine enemies.

Thou wilt cut off all them that vex my foul: for I am thy servant.

Glory be to The Father, and to The Son and to The Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.




truth hearken

un-to me, O Lord! Oioueae.

[O God! Who, in the holy morning of Thy Resurrection, madest thy joy to be heard, when, returning from Hell, Thou didst fill the Earth with gladness, which Thou hadft left in gloom; we beseech The ineffable Majesty of thy Power, that as Thou didst cause the holy company of the Apostles to rejoice in thy rifing, so Thou wouldst vouchsafe to illumine this Thy Church, which with outstretched hands doth beseech Thee, with the radiance of thy celestial splendour, Who livest and reignest with The Father and The Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.]


HEW the light, O Lord, of

thy countenance upon us. Oioueae.

Deus, Deus meus.

GOD, my God.

[See Lauds for Monday.]


[A Prayer of Abacuc the Prophet upon Shigionoth, for ignorances.]

LORD, I heard. Oioueae.

LORD, I heard thy report:
and I was afraid.

O Lord! thy work: in the midft of the years revive it. In the midst of the years Thou shalt make known: although Thou art angry Thou wilt remember mercy. God shall come from the South: and The Holy One from Mount Pharan. His Glory covered the Heavens: and the Earth is full of his praise.

His Brightness shall be as the light: horns were in his hand.

There was his might hidden: death shall go before his face.

Satan shall come forth before his feet : He stood and measured the Earth.

He beheld and melted the nations: and the everlasting mountains were crushed. The hills of the Earth were bowed: by the goings forth of his Eternity.

I saw the tents of Ethiopia for their iniquity: and the curtains of the land of Madian were troubled.

Waft Thou angry with the rivers, O Lord?: or was thy wrath against the rivers, or was thy indignation against the sea ?

Thou, Who wilt ride upon thy horses: and thy chariots are salvation.

Thou wilt arouse and wake up thy bow: the oaths which Thou hast spoken to thy tribes.

Thou shalt cleave rivers on the Earth; the mountains saw Thee and were grieved : the flood of waters passed away.

The abyss uttered his voice: the deep lifted up his hands.

The Sun and Moon stood still in their habitation: in the light of thine arrows, and at the shining of thy glittering spear, they shall go.

In indignation Thou shalt tread under foot the land: in thy wrath Thou wilt

aftonish the nations.

Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people: for salvation with Thy Christ. Thou hast wounded the head out of the house of the wicked: Thou hast laid bare his foundation even unto the neck.

Thou haft cursed his fceptres, the head of his warriors: who came out as a whirlwind to scatter me.

Their rejoicing: was like his who devoureth the poor secretly.

Thou madest a way in the sea for thine horses: through the mire of many waters. I heard, and my bosom was troubled: my lips quivered at the voice.

Let rottenness enter into my bones: and fwarm under me.

That I may rest in the day of trouble: that I may go up to our people who are girded. Although the figtree shall not blossom : and there shall be no sprout in the vines; The labour of the olive shall fail: and the fields shall yield no food;

The flock shall be cut off from the fold : and there shall be no herd in the stalls;

Yet I will rejoice in The Lord : I will joy in God my Jesus.

The Lord God is my strength: and He will make my feet like harts' feet.

And He, the Conqueror, will lead me forth upon mine high places : finging with pfalmody.

Glory be to The Father, and to The Son: and to The Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be: world without end. Amen.

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Laudate Dominum de Calis. PRAISE The Lord from the Heavens. [See Lauds for Sunday and Monday.]

CHAPTER. 1 Cor. xvi.

ATCH ye, and pray; stand fast in the faith;

quit you like men; be strong. Let all things be done with charity.

Thanks be to God.

From the FIRST SUNDAY after the OCTAVE of THE EPIPHANY to QUADRAGESIMA, in the ordinary FRIDAY Service, is faid AT LAUDS the following Hymn.

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