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This Compline is faid from the Morrow of the Octave of The Epiphany to Quadra

This Compline is not changed throughout gefima; and from the Morrow of the the whole Octave. Feast of The Holy Trinity to The Advent are called by Thy Holy Name; forsake us not, O Lord our God!

B Thanks be to God.

of The Lord, except in Double Feasts,
and except throughout the Octave of The
Visitation, Afsumption, and Nativity of
The Blessed Mary, and of the Dedication
of The Church; and except in the The Clerk replies
Commemorations of The Blessed Mary.

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Choir. In peace, in the very same

THOU, O Lord! art in us, and we | I will fleep and take my rest.

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* See Compline XVIII., XXII. See Note, p. 181.

2 From S. Ambrofe, or of his School.

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CHRISTE! Qui Lux es et Dies!
Noctis tenebras detegis :
Lucisque Lumen crederis,
Lumen beatum predicans.

Precamur, Sancte Domine!
Defende nos in hac nocte :
Sit nobis in Te requies,
Quietam noctem tribue;

Ne gravis fomnus irruat,
Nec hoftis nos furripiat,
Nec caro illi consentiens
Nos Tibi reos ftatuat.

Oculi fomnum capiant,
Cor ad Te femper vigilet:
Dextera tua protegat
Famulos qui Te diligunt.

Defenfor noftri, afpice!
Infidiantes reprime :
Guberna tuos famulos
Quos fanguine mercatus es.

Memento noftri, Domine!
In gravi ifto corpore :
Qui es defenfor animæ
Adesto nobis Domine!

Deo Patri fit Gloria!
Ejusque Soli Filio!
Cum Spiritu Paraclito,
Et nunc et in perpetuum.

Thyself The Very Light, Proclaimed

by Thee, most blest and bright.

O CHRIST! The Light! the cloudless Day!
Thy beams chase night's dark shades away:
Who art Thyself The Very Light,
Proclaim'd by Thee, most blest and bright.

We pray, O Holy Lord! thy power,
May shield us in the midnight hour:
O grant us calm repose in Thee,
A quiet night from terrors free;

May deadly slumbers ne'er oppress,
No fecret foes our fouls distress,
Nor Satan's wiles the flesh allure,
And make us in thy fight impure.

Grant that our eyes due fleep may take,
Our hearts to Thee be e'er awake;
May thy right arm defend and guide
Thy fervants, who in Thee confide.

Look down, O Thou! our strong defence,
And quell our foes' proud insolence :
Direct thy people in all good,
The purchase of thy precious blood.

Remember, Lord! our griefs we pray,
Pent in this cumbering corse of clay :
Thou Who dost e'er our fouls defend,
Be with us! our Eternal Friend.

To God The Father Glory be! And Only Son! alike to Thee ! And to The Spirit Paraclete! Now and for ever, as most meet.

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In the York Office, Compline VII. is faid for three weeks. The Refponfories and the Antiphons to "Nunc dimittis," with their Verficles, are the same with those which in the Sarum Breviary belong to Compline IX., except that the Responsory is divided equally-Clerk, "Into thy hands, O Lord!" Response, "I commend my spirit;" and two or three other verbal differences.

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V. Thou, Who hast known the fecrets Choir. I commend my spi - rit.

of our hearts, spare our fins, Holy and Merciful Saviour! Unto bitter Death deliver us not!

This Antiphon is said upon the Pfalm Nunc dimittis for fifteen days, but the Verses are not faid except on Saturdays and Sundays, and on Feasts of ix. Leffons. In Double Feasts let them be faid at both Complines (i. e., of the Vigil and of the Feast) in the Superior Grade, without changing vestment or place.

Then the Petitions and Orisons for

Clerk. For Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord!

Thou God of Truth!

Choir. I commend my spirit.

Gloria Patri Glory be to The Father is not faid, but the Clerk repeats again Into thy hands, O Lord! I commend my spirit.

b In the York Office this Compline VIII. is divided between VII. and IX.

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