Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Of the duties of these Persons.

It is the duty of the Dean ***. No Clerk of the Superior Grade, or of the Second Form, is admitted into the Choir, except by the authority of the Dean. Befides, in a Double Feast, when the Bishop is abfent, and in the First Sunday in Advent, and in Sunday in the Palm-Branches, and in the Head of the Fast, and in the Three Days before Easter, and in the Vigil of Pentecoft, and in the Anniversaries of Bishops, and in the Dedication of the Church, it is he is bound to perform the Divine Office.

Of the Duty of the Precentor.

It is the duty of the Precentor to regulate the higher or lower key of the Choir and the Chanting, and to arrange in the Table the Singers and Minifters of the Altar. To him also belongs the education and discipline of the Boys, their institution, admiffion, and ordination. Beside, in every Double Feast he is bound to inftruct the Conductors of the Choir in setting and beginning the Chants; and all the Chants to be begun by the Bishop, he is bound in his own proper person to fet for the Bishop himself.

Of the Office of the Treasurer.

It is the duty of the Treasurer to keep in order the ornaments and treasures of the Church. Το arrange the lights, as for instance in the First Sunday in Advent four wax candles at either Vefpers and at Matins, and at the Mass two, that is below the Altar, and other two on the step before the Altar. The like is to be obferved in Sunday of the Palm-Branches, in all other Sundays in the year, and whenever the Choir has Conductors, and the Invitatory is faid by two, there should be only two at the least; [and so on as to the candles on other days.] Whensoever the Invitatory is faid by three, and on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of the week of Easter and at Pentecoft, the same service is required as to lights, as in the first week in Advent, [and so on.]

Of ordering the Choir.

The Stalls of the Four principal Dignitaries of Sarum are extremities. Entering the Choir on the Western fide, on the right is the Stall of the Dean, on the left of the Precentor; on the Eastern fide, on the right of the Choir, is the stall of the Chancellor, on the oppofite of the Treasurer. Next to the Dean stands in the Choir the Archdeacon of Dorset, then the Sub-Dean, Next to the Chancellor the Archdeacon of Wiltshire. In the middle stand the Canons who are prior in dignity. Then the Priests, Vicars, and a very few of the Deacons, who, from the exigency of their age and behaviour

may be raised by difpenfation into the Superior

Grade. Next to the Precentor stands in the Choir the Archdeacon of Berkshire, then the Sub-Precentor. Next to the Treasurer the other Archdeacon of Wiltshire. Then the other Canons and Clerks are ordered in the aforesaid manner. In the Second Form the younger Canons have precedence, then the Deacons, afterwards the other Clerks. In the First Form the petty Canons have precedence, then the other minor persons according to the exigency of their age.

Of standing in the Choir at each of the Hours.

Moreover the Clerks of the Superior Grade are bound to stand throughout the year at all the principal Vespers continuously in the Choir, whilft the Verficle of the Refponsory is faid, when there is a Refponsory. The Clerks of the Second Form alfo must behave in like manner; so that for instance they always stand, except when the Verse of the

* The feats in the Choir were termed "Forma," or Forms; so called, according to Ducange, because "Forms, or images in carved work, or represented in drawings, were affixed to their backs," "or rather because above they were carved after the shape of the forms of aqueducts."


Responsory is sung, which is said at the step. The Boys, however, without any exception, are bound continually to stand, except in Easter Week, for then they should fit at Vespers, whilst the Gradal Verse and Alleluya is sung. At Compline, however, all the Clerks indifferently are bound to stand throughout the whole of that Hour. In like manner at Matins all the time, except whilst the Lessons are read and the Responsories with their Verses are fung. Nevertheless, by dispensation the Clerks of the Superior Grade and of the Second Form in whatever part of the Choir, may fit during the Pfalmody whenever a Nocturn is faid, and moreover in all Feasts of iii. Lessons which have ix. Pfalms: so nevertheless that when any one fits at one Pfalm, the next in the meanwhile stands and goes on with it. At Prime and the other Hours all are bound uniformly to stand.

Of the turning of the Choir to the Altar.

The Clerks are bound to stand turned to the Altar at Vefpers, from the time "O God make speed to fave me" is said, until the first Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun. Let their carriage be the fame in the beginning of each Hour, and as often

aforesaid. But in the other Hours throughout the whole Hour the Choir carries itself thus after the last Verse of the last Pfalm. ****

Of Proftration of the Choir.

In Week-days when the Petitions (preces) are faid at the Hours, the Choir should keep in proftration at all the Hours when the Petitions are faid from the time "Lord have mercy" begins until "Through our Lord" be faid after the Orifon. And the Priest alone rifeth from proftration when he says "Arife, O Lord! help us." At Matins whilst The Lord's Prayer is faid, before the Lessons, until "And lead us not" be faid. In Lauds as at Vespers. Moreover, in xl. a genuflection takes place in the beginning of every Hour. The Choir also ought to be proftrate in every week-day, when it is the week-day Service without Easter-tide. In the Vigils of the Dead at "Placebo" from the time "Lord, have mercy" is faid until the last Orison is faid. At "Dirige" until The Lord's Prayer is faid before the reading the Pfalm "Beatus;" so likewise after "Magnus

at "Placebo."

as "Gloria Patri" is faid. In finging Refponfories, In what manner the Choir is used to be conducted

in Feafts.

It is customary that the Choir have Conductors on every Sunday, and on every Double Feast, and on every Feast of ix. Lessons throughout the year; and from the First Vespers of The Nativity of The Lord up to the Octave of the Epiphany and in the Octave; except in the Vigil of the Epiphany when it happens without a Sunday, and throughout the week of Easter and Pentecoft, and in certain Feasts which happen in Easter-tide; in these, for instance, in the Feast of S. Ambrofe and S. Mark and

S. George; and of the Apostles Philip and James; and in the Finding of the Holy Cross; and in the Feast of S. John before the Latin Gate; and of S. Dunstan, and S. Aldhelm, and S. Augustine, and S. Barnabas the Apostle; and throughout the Octave of the Afcenfion of The Lord; and in the Day of the Octaves of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and the Octave of the Assumption and Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

What Feasts are Double, what Simple.

It is to be known that fome Feasts are Double, fome Simple. The Double Feasts in the Church of Sarum are these:-The day of The Nativity of The Lord, and the four following; and the day of the Circumcifion and of the Epiphany; and the Purification of S. Mary; and the Annunciation of The Lord; and the first day of Easter, with the three following; and the Feast of The Holy Trinity; and of S. John the Baptift; and of the Apostles Peter and Paul; and the Assumption and Nativity of the Blessed Virgin; the Feast of Relics; and of S. Michael; and of All Saints; and of S. Andrew, the Apostle. In these Double Feasts the Choir is conducted by four Clerks, of whom the two principal shall always be of the Superior Grade. Two Secondaries, sometimes of the Superior Grade, sometimes of the Second Form. They shall be of the Superior Grade in the day of The Nativity of The Lord, and the two following; and in the day of the Epiphany; and in the day of Easter, and in Easter Monday; in the day of the Afcenfion; in the day of Pentecost, and the Monday; in the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. In the reft the Secondaries shall be of the Second Form. All Feafts, not called Double, in which the Choir has Conductors, are named Simple. In fuch, therefore, the Choir is conducted by two only of the Second Form. *

however, it is generally to be observed that those who fing the Verse should always stand until the Verficle with "Gloria Patri" if "Gloria Patri" be ufed, be fung through. The Choir too, in the beginning of the Responsories, turns itself to the Altar as often as the Choir fings. There is a fimilar observance in saying all the Chapters, and in the end of all the Hymns, and in all the Verficles, and after "Magnificat," and " Benedictus," and "Nunc dimittis," from the time "Gloria Patri" is faid until the whole service be com

pleted. There is a fimilar observance after the laft verse of the laft Pfalm of every Hour, that the Choir always stands turned to the Altar, until the Response be begun, if there be a Refponfe, or a Chapter be said. In like manner is it in Lauds. At Matins the Choir stands

turned to the Altar in the beginning, until the Invitatory be begun again for the last time, and in each Nocturn, after the last verse of the Pfalm until the Lesson be begun. But at the recital of every Gospel the Choir turn to the Reader himfelf whilst the words of the Gospel are faid. In the beginning alfo of "Te Deum laudamus," in like manner until the Choir fings, and whilst the last Verse is fung. When, however, "Te Deum laudamus" is not faid, but the Ninth Refponfory is repeated, then the Choir turns again to the Altar until the Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun as

i. e. Of the Choir, the Gradale.


Of the Alternation of the Choir.b

( Of the Duty of the Conductors of the Choir. In Simple Feasts the principal Conductor of the Choir, at the beginning of Vefpers, shall enquire the Antiphon on the Pfalms and the intonation of the Pfalm and the difference, from the Precentor, and in what Grade it should be begun: having made the enquiry, let him fulfil it conformably to the answer of the Precentor. If the Antiphon on the Pfalms be more than one, let the Secondary enquire the second and fourth Antiphons, in the fame order and in the fame Grade. If, too, a Refponfory is to be sung at Vefpers, then let the Principal Conductor of the Choir fignify the Responsory to the Secondary, and by whom it is to be sung on his part. But if it be to be fung by one perfon, then the Principal Conductor, on his part, shall enjoin it to whom he will. Afterwards let the fame Conductor seek from the Precentor the Hymn, the Verficle, and the Antiphon upon "Magnificat," and the Memorials and their order. Having enquired of all these things, let himself begin the Hymn and the Verficle; if it be to be faid by two, by himself and the Secondary; let them enjoin it to two Boys in the two parts of the Choir. If by one only, by himself alone. Then let him enjoin the Antiphon on "Magnificat" and intone the Pfalm itself. Whilst the Orifon is being faid, let him enjoin "Benedicamus" to whom he will; and if it be doubled the Secondary on his part. The Memorials, however, let the Conductors themselves begin together; and the last "Benedicamus" let the Secondary ever enjoin on his part. If it be Double, both of them. It is to be known, however, that the Choir has Conductors at Vefpers and Matins and the Mafs only. At Compline, the office of the Principal Conductor is to enjoin the Verficle and the Antiphon upon the "Nunc dimittis" to whom he will. At Matins, the office of the Principal Conductor is, in the first place, to enquire the Invitatory of the Precentor, and the Chant of the Pfalm "Venite;" then with his fellow let him begin the Invitatory, and together chant the Pfalm. Afterwards let the principal Conductor enquire the Hymn of the Precentor, and the first Antiphon on the Pfalms, then the Verficles in their place, and the first Antiphon at Lauds and Compline; and let all be fulfilled as above noted. At Prime, the office of the principal Conductor is to enjoin the Antiphon on "Quicunque vult" and the Responsory "Jefu Chrifte." **** Befides, in ordinary days

In alternate turns by weeks, the Choir should be one week on the fide of the Dean, the other on the fide of the Precentor. In all Double Feasts the Choir ought ever to be on the fide of the Dean throughout the whole year, if there shall be there that part present which fulfils the Divine Office in those Feafts; except in the time of The Nativity, and in Easter-tide, and the Week of Pentecost, for then in those continuous Double Feasts the Choir is changed each day. In certain times of the year the Table does not run by weeks, but by days, namely, from the day next after The Nativity of The Lord, when in the preceding Saturday either Choir is perfected, up to the Octave of the Epiphany, if it happen on a Sunday; but if it happen in any intermediate week-day, then the fame mode shall be observed up to the next Sunday following. If, however, on the Sunday next before The Nativity the changing of each Choir shall not be completely alike, then from the Day of The Nativity to the aforesaid term, let the Table run by days. So from The Supper of The Lord to the Octave of Eafter the Choir is varied each day. The weekly Conductors, however, before Easter-day are not changed. From Easter-day, however, up to the Octave, they are varied every day. Let the like be observed in the week of Pentecoft up to the Day of Trinity.

* To these must be added the day of The Afcenfion, the First day of Pentecoft, the Feasts of Corpus Chrifti, of the Most Sweet Name of Jesus, of The Visitation, The Dedication, the Feast of The Place, and of All


b By the word Choir here seems to be meant the finging men and boys fimply.

• Probably meaning the number of times is even on each fide.

di. e. To be faid by two.

throughout the whole week, his duty is at Vespers to enquire for the Verficle and Antiphon upon "Magnificat," and to enjoin it, and to enjoin the "Benedicamus;" at Prime to enjoin the Refponfory. In Double Feasts however, let all the Conductors together fing the whole Invitatory before it be repeated by the Choir. The Principal Conductor and his fidesman together intone the Pfalms and begin the Hymns, and the Secondary with his sidesman on his part act in like manner and enjoin the "Benedicamus." * * * * Moreover, it belongs

Of the following Compline.

At Compline let the First of the Second Form begin the Antiphon upon the Pfalms. Let fome one of the Superior Grade intone the Pfalm. Let fome Boy say the Verficle. Let all this be done as the Hebdomadary Conductor shall arrange.

At Matins of the fame in Sunday.

to the office of the Conductors to take care that
the Boys do not behave disorderly in the Choir, and
do not leave the Choir without leave. The Boys
are bound to be present at Vespers, Compline, the
first Hours of the day, and at The Mass. At the
Vigils of the Dead, also, as often as the corpfe is
present, and in the Trentals and Anniversaries.
At Compline those Boys are not bound to be, who
are written in the Table. In Advent, however, and
in Septuagefima up to Quadragefima the Hebdo-
madary Boy for the Responsories is bound to be
present at Terce and Sext, to begin the Antiphons
and fing the Refponfories when it is the Office for may read the First Leffon. * * * *

the Time. In Quadragefima, also, the fame is
bound to be present at all the Day Hours, and to
do this in a holy manner.

On the fame day at Matins let the First of the First Form begin the first Antiphon on the Pfalms. Let the second Antiphon be begun by his fellow on the opposite side. The third by the third oppofite to him. The fourth by the Sub-Dean or by fome other inferior in the Second Form. The fifth by a Deacon in the Second Form. The fixth by fome one in the Superior Grade, as pleases the Conductor. In like manner the eighth and the ninth in order. Let each of the Verficles at Matins be faid hither and thither by fingle Boys. After the commencement of the third Antiphon let some Boy in the dress of a Reader bring the Book of Lessons to the proper place, who himfelf In Lauds let the first Antiphon be begun by some one in the Second Form, as the Conductor of the Choir pleases. The Second by his fellow oppofite in the fame Form. The others in the fame manner in order in the fame Form. Let the Priest himself say the

Of the mode of performing the Office in the First Verficle before the Lesson. Let all the rest be Vespers of the First Sunday in Advent.

[See Saturday at Vespers.]

In the First Sunday in Advent at Vespers, after chiming the bells,e let the Priest of greater dignity who shall be present, having faid The Lord's Prayer, go through the office. Let the Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun in the Second Form by

the first Clerk of that Grade.

At these

Vefpers two Clerks of the Superior Grade shall chant the Refponsory, in filken Copes, at the step. In like manner shall the Responsory be sung at Vefpers, in the Saturday before the Paffion and Palm Sunday, but in other Saturdays throughout the whole year when it is the Office for the Time and a Responsory is chanted, let it be chanted by two of the Second Form in filken Copes. In the last verse but one of the Hymn, let the Priest go out to put on his filken Cope. When the Hymn is finished let one Boy on the part of the Choir say the Verficle, without changing vestment or place, turned to the Altar. Let the fame mode be observed by every Boy whenever alone he fays the Verficle or "Benedicamus." * * * *

TOf Cenfing the Choir.
[See Saturday at Vespers.] ****


fulfilled as noted above at First Vefpers. In the fame Sunday at Prime let the Antiphon on the Pfalms be begun by the first Clerk on the Second Let the Antiphon upon "Quicunque vult" be begun by some one in the Superior Grade, as is usual in every Feaft throughout the year when the Choir has Conductors. In this day and every day except in Double Feasts, let the Responsory "Jefu Christe" be faid by fome Boy on the part of the Choir, as the Conductor shall please, without changing his dress or place. But in Double Feasts let the Responsory be faid by some one in the Second Form, and by the fame let the Verse and Verficle be faid. Then in the Choir let the Petitions be faid with The Lord's Prayer. "Preciofa eft" "Right dear is," after the Verse "Qui replet in bonis" "Who fatisfieth thy defire with good things."

Of the Arrangement of the Clerks in The Chapter. The Clerks fit in the Chapter in this order,first from the Bishop fits on the right hand the Dean, then the Chancellor, then the Archdeacon of Dorfet, then the Archdeacon of Wiltshire, then the Sub-Dean. On the left the Precentor, the Treafurer, the Archdeacon of Berkshire, the other Archdeacon of Wiltshire, the Sub-Precentor. Next

[blocks in formation]

to these persons fit the Canon Priefts, the Canon Deacons, and then the Sub-Deacons, then the Priefts Vicar, then the other Vicars of the Superior Grade, then the Canons of the Second Form, then the Deacons, Sub-Deacons, and Clerks in minor orders of the Second Form. Let the Boys, however, whether they be Canons or not, stand before the others in the Area, on either fide of the Pulpit, arranged in their order. In the first place let the Boy read from the Martyrology without "Jube Domine benedicere" "O Lord bid a bleffing," and without "Tu autem Domine" "But Thou, O Lord!" in a furplice. The Lesson finished, let him declare any obit. Let the Prieft, standing behind the Reader, if any obit be declared, reply "May their fouls and the fouls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen." Then let him say, "Right dear in the fight of The Lord," and the rest which be

and in the Exaltation of The Holy Cross, and in the Feast of S. Michael in Mount Tomb, and of S. Martin, and S. Nicholas. * * * *

of the mode of fulfilling the Hours of the Day in the First Sunday of The Advent of The Lord.

On the aforesaid Sunday at Terce, let the principal Conductor of the Choir for the week begin the Hymn, or cause it to be begun by some one of the Superior Grade, and let the Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun by the second Choir of the Second Form on that fide, and so let the other Antiphons at the other Hours run backwards and forwards in fucceffion. Let the aforesaid Conductor of the Choir intone the Pfalm, or cause it to be intoned by some one of the Superior Grade, for no beginning of any Hymn, or Pfalm, or Intonation, should be made throughout the year in any Grade but in the Superior Grade when the

longs to that Hour, which finished, let the Boy Choir has not Conductors. The Refponfory in

Reader begin another Lesson with "Jube Domine," and finish the fame with "Tu autem Domine." Let the Priest, having given the Benediction, retire during the Lesson to his place. Let the Boy, having finished the Lesson, descend from the Pulpit and read the Table.

[Then follow particular directions as to the Table, that is the written order in which each Member of the body was to take his part in the Service in turn. The following are extracts.]

It is to be known that the Hebdomadary Boys ought always to be on the part of the principal Choir. But of those which are at the Candles, one on the part of the Choir, the other on the oppofite.

Of the Table of S. Thomas Apostle and other Feasts in which the Invitatory is sung by Three.g

In the Day of S. Thomas Apostle the Table is composed thus. Let not the Hebdomadary Conductors be fent out, but let a third of the Superior Grade on the part of the Choir, as the Precentor may please, be associated with them, for the Invitatory, in the Table. * * * * This difpofition of the Table takes place in every Feast of ix. Lessons, when the Invitatory is said by three. It is said, however, by three in every Simple Feast of any of the Apostles and Evangelifts, and in the Octave of The Epiphany and Afcenfion, and in the Octave of Peter and Paul, and in the Feast of the Blessed Mary Magdalene, and S. Laurence, and in the Octave of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary,

the Second Form by the Clerk next to him who
Let the Priest say the
began the Antiphon.
Chapter and Collects without changing vestment
or place. Let a like mode and order be observed
in faying the other Hours. On the fame day at
Second Vefpers let the Antiphon upon the Pfalms
be begun by the first Clerk Sub-Deacon. Let the
second be begun by his fellow oppofite. Let the
reft in like manner run hither and thither in
order. Let this order be observed in all Sundays
throughout the year in beginning these Antiphons.
Let the Responsory be sung by some one of the
Second Form as the Conductor of the Choir pleases,
without changing place or vestment. In this fame
mode let the Response be sung on every Sunday
when it is the Office for the Time and there is a
Responsory, except on Palm Sunday, for then the
Response is fung by fome one of the Superior
Grade. It is to be known that only in Advent
and Quadragefima is a Response said on Sundays at
Second Vespers. Compline is not changed.

Of adapting the Service in the First Sunday in
Advent with others throughout the year.

As in this Sunday, so in each Sunday is the fervice fulfilled throughout the year when it is the Service for the Time: except that a Responsory is not faid in every Sunday at Vespers, and except that in Sundays in Quadragefima, at each Compline the Responsory is faid by some of the Second Form, at the pleasure of the Hebdomadary Conductor; and except that in the four last Sundays of Quadragesima three Verses are faid after the Antiphon

Pulpitum, the Ambo or desk from whence the Lessons were read.

8 They are all marked in the Calendar as having Invitatorium Triplex.

It would feem this means the second rank of the Choir, the phrase "Principal Choir" occurs previously.

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