with a health - bear - ing law. [O most gracious Lord, who going forth from the chamber of a Virgin, didft proceed in thy course and afcend to the right hand of The Father; we entreat thy manifold mercies, that having our converse in thy law, enlightened by thy precepts, inftructed by thy teftimonies, we may be worthy of being cleanfed from the fins of others and from our own fecret faults, through our Lord Jesus Chrift. Amen.] [[Throughout Quadragefima. In the Third Nocturn. Antiphon. 1. By the teftimony of thy law, O Lord, convert us; fo that enlightened by thy precepts, we may be cleansed from our fecret fins, and from those of others. 2. Hearken to us in the day wherein we shall call upon Thy Name. God. The Lord perform all thy petitions: now know I that The Lord hath faved His Chrift. He will hear Him from his holy Heaven: in power is the falvation of his right hand. Some in chariots and some in horfes : but we will call upon The Name of The Lord our God. d From the Hereford Breviary. for He is the true light, shin-ing in the Heav'ns. From the Octave of The Epiphany to The T HE Lord perform all thy pe-ti-tions. Throughout the Summer. Antiphon. T HE help un-to us, O Sa-vi-our, send of thy falvation. And bestow on K ING with- out. World with-out end. A men. Domine, in virtute tua. LORD, in thy strength the king shall rejoice: and of thy falvation he shall be exceeding glad. Thou haft given him his heart's defire : and haft not denied him the defire of his lips. For Thou hast prevented him with the blessings of goodness: and hast set a crown of precious stones upon his head. He asked life of Thee, and Thou gavest it him: length of days for ever, and for ever and ever. His glory is great in thy salvation : glory and great honour shalt Thou lay upon him. For Thou shalt give him unto blessing for ever and ever: and make him glad in joy with thy countenance. For the king putteth his trust in The Lord: and in the mercy of The Moft us life which shall for ev - er en-dure. Highest, he shall not be moved. Thine hand shall be felt by all thine enemies: thy right hand shall find out all that hated Thee. Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in the time of thy countenance: The Lord shall confound them in his difpleasure, and the fire shall confume them. Their fruit shalt Thou root out of the earth: and their feed from among the children of men. For they contrived mischief against Thee: and imagined devices which they were not able to establish. Therefore shalt Thou turn them back: in thy remnants Thou shalt make ready their countenance. Be Thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength: we will fing and praise thy King shall re- joice. Until Quadragefima. V. Be Thou exalted, Lord, in thine own strength. B. We will fing and praise thy powers. V. He will overshadow thee with his shoulders. B. And under his wings thou shalt truft. Throughout the Summer. Antiphon. K ING, with-out end a-bid-ing, do Thou spare our wretch-ed af-flic-tions; Grant-ing us thy rewards, and rul-ing o'er thy do-mains. e • The laft Antiphon is always to be finished by a Cadence ("neupma"); and if there be but one Antiphon, let that so be finished; so if there be nine Antiphons; so in Lauds and Vefpers, and in every Antiphon on the Pfalms "Benediétus, "Magnificat," and "Quicunque vult." But from The Paffion of The Lord to the Olave of Eafter, and in the Service of the Dead, and at the other Hours, viz., Terce, Sext, None, and Compline, let the Cadence be entirely fuppreffed.-From the Arlyngham MSS. [Blefs us, O Lord, with the blessings of thy goodness, and fulfil our defires as shall be pleasing unto Thee; so that as we fing together in sweet harmony, we may obtain the length of everlasting life, throug our Lord Jesus Chrift. Amen.] Gof-pel accord-ing to Matthew. Here follow the Lessons, Verficles, and Bo. G Refponfories of the Third Nocturn; each preceded, as all the other Leffons, by O Lord! bid a blessing and the appropriate Benediction. [Let the Seventh Lesson of the Expofition of the Gospel be begun (after receiving the Benediction with O Lord! bid a bleffing) thus A Lesson of the Holy Gospel according to Matthew. In that time. Glory be to Thee O Lord is not to be faid.] [If there was any Lesson or Expofition of the Gospel to follow after the ix. Lesson, as at Christmas and Epiphany; the Deacon proceeded with Subdeacons, and Thuribles, and Acolytes carrying tapers, to cense the Altar ; and, receiving the Benediction from the officiating Priest, proceeded through the Choir into the Pulpit to fing the Gospel, thus LO + RY be to Thee, O Lord!] [The words of the Gospel (if any) being finished, let the Reader say the title of the Homily in the same tone in which the Lesson was faid, but so that it shall not be faid as if it were of the same Lesson (throughout the whole year when it is the Office for the Time) but thus:A Homily of divers treatises.] [TE DEUM is faid (except as after mentioned) on all Sundays and Feasts of ix. Leffons, and also in certain Feasts of iii. Lessons following The Four Times which are without the week of Pentecoft, viz., S. Petronilla (if after the Octave of Corpus Chrifti), S. Bertinus, S. Tecla, and S. Romanus. It should not be faid throughout Advent, whatever be the Service; but let the Ninth Responsory be repeated (which is to be done, however, only on Sundays and Feasts of ix. Lessons). It should not be faid, moreover, in Vigils nor in The Four Times, except in the Vigil of The Epiphany, when it happens on a Sunday, and except in The Four Times of the week of Pentecost, when it is faid. Nor should it be faid from the Sunday in Septuagefima, inclusive, to Easter Day; nor on Week-days, when it is the week-day Service.]ht From the Rubrics for the First Sunday in Advent and The Nativity. It appears that this Hymn was always fung.-Myrroure, lxiii. "This Angel's fong is taken out of the Prophet Ifay, that fee in Spiritual vifion, our Lord God, fet on a high Seat, and Cherubim and Seraphim finging loud either to other, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth; and therefore according to the Angels ye fing choir to choir, one Sanctus on one fide, another on the other fide, and fo forth on the other fide'; and for by cause Angels praise God with great reverence, therefore ye incline when ye fing their fong."-Ibid. |