Imágenes de páginas

Monday in Rogations; and except from Wednesday in the Head of The Fast up to the Octave of Easters for then at Vespers the Orifons are varied, except on Sundays in Quadragefima. In like manner let it be in the Feast of The Dedication of The Church, and in its Octave at Second Vefpers.] e

[If there be a Memorial of any Festival or any Common Memorial to be made, then follows the Antiphon of the particular Memorial on Benedictus, and then the Verse.

Afterwards, prefaced only by

[blocks in formation]

And with thy spi - rit.
Bless we The Lord.
Thanks be to God.]

[After these Memorials, (if any), followed according to the Sarum Ufe, the Pfalm Ad Te levavi. Unto Thee have I lifted up mine eyes. with the following Petitions for the peace of The Church:-]

[This Pfalm is faid every day at Compline, and after Matins, (fcil. at Lauds), except in Double Feasts, and except in the Octave of Corpus Chrifti, and the

• From the Rubrics for the First Sunday in Advent.

Octave of The Visitation, Assumption, and Nativity of S. Mary, and of the Dedication of The Church, and of The Name of Jesus, and on The Day of Souls, and the Vigil of The Nativity, and from thence to the First Sunday after the Octave of The Epiphany, and from Wednesday before Easter, to the First Sunday after Trinity, for the peace of the Church, on bended knees, without note.]


[A Song of Degrees. A Pfalm for Prayer. The three preceding Pfalms being also of degrees, this is the fourth degree of a man of prayer and fupplication, a good fservant of his Lord, who every day afks for mercy.]

Ad Te levavi.

NTO Thee have I lifted up mine eyes: O Thou that dwelleft in the Heavens.

Behold, as the eyes of fervants: look unto the hand of their mafters, And as the eyes of a maiden unto the hands of her mistress: even so our eyes unto The Lord our God, until He have mercy upon us.

Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we are greatly filled with contempt.

Our foul is greatly filled with the scorning of the wealthy: and with the defpitefulness of the proud.

Glory be to The Father, and to The Son and to The Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen.

[O God, who dwellest in the Heavens, to Thee we lift up our eyes, and entreat Thee that Thou wouldst confound the scornful reproaches of the proud, and in thy clemency favour us with the

fulness of thy mercy, through Our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.]

"The firft Benedicamus' is always faid by one Boy only, from the Choir, without changing place or weftment; the second by another Boy on the opposite fide."-Arlyngham MSS. & From the Rubric for Compline.

The Pfalm being finished, then follows

Lord, have mercy.
Chrift, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

UR FATHER, which art in
Heaven; Hallowed be Thy
Name: Thy kingdom come:

Thy will be done, as in Hea

ven so on Earth. Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors: And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. [Secretly.]

[Then let the Priest say aloud, but without note,-]

And lead us not into temptation.
[The Choir replying,-]

But deliver us from evil.

Arife, O Lord, and help us. And deli

ver us for Thy Name's fake.

O Lord God of Hofts, convert us. Show us the light of thy countenance, and we shall be faved.

O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my crying come unto Thee. The Lord be with you. And with thy spirit.

[Then let the Priest say aloud, but without note,-]

Let us pray.


LORD, favourably receive the prayers of thy Church, that, being delivered from all adversity and error, it may serve Thee in safety and freedom; and grant us Thy peace in our time, through our Lord Jesus Chrift Thy Son, who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen.

[blocks in formation]

( [It is to be noted, that all Clerks of the Superior and Second Form, are bound to stand at all the principal Vefpers, throughout the year, in the Choir, continually; except when the N of the Re is fung, when the Re is fixed, and said at the step of the Choir. At Compline, all the Clerks indifferently are bound to stand, throughout all that Hour; so alfo at Matins, throughout the whole time; except when the Lessons are read, and the Responses, with their Verses, are sung. At Prime, and all the other Hours, they are bound uniformly to stand.]


[blocks in formation]

Bleff-ed be The Lord God of If-ra-el,

It seems doubtful whether all or any of these four Verficles were always added here.

From the Rubric from the Proper of the Time at The Nativity.

$ From the Arundel MSS. 130; in the British Museum.

[blocks in formation]


NOTE.-As to the conclusion of the Collects or Orifons.

"When the Orifon is directed to The Father, without any mention of The Son or Holy Spirit, it is finished thus: 'through our Lord Jesus Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in The Unity of The Holy Ghost God. As in that Orifon "Ecclefiam tuam Domine," Concede nos. So if the Orifon be directed to The Father, and in it is made mention of The Son, before the final part, as in the beginning or near the beginning: fay: 'through The Same our Lord Jesus Chrift.' as in this, 'Deus qui de beatæ; or 'Deus qui hodierna die;' or 'Largire nobis. So if the Orifon be directed to The Father, and in the fame, mention is made of The Son, in the end or near the end, then let it be finished thus: 'who with Thee liveth and reigneth in The Unity, as in 'Omnipotens fempiterne Deus;' 'Deus qui falutis eterne;' 'Præfta quefumus.' So if the Orifon be directed to The Father, and in the fame, mention is made of The Son, nearly in the beginning, and afterwards of The Holy Spirit, then let it be finished thus: 'by The Same our Lord Jesus Chrift Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Same Spirit: as in this, 'Omnipotens Sempiterne Deus. But if the Orifon be directed to The Father, and in the end or near it, mention be made of The Son, and then of The Holy Spirit; or first of The Holy Spirit, and then of The Son, then let the conclufion be thus: 'Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the Unity of The Same Holy Spirit:' as in that Collect, Mentes noftras, per hujus Domine: So if the Orifon be directed to The Son, without any mention of The Father or of The Holy Spirit, then: 'Who livest and reigneft with God The Father in the Unity of The Holy Ghoft: as in that 'Excita quefumus Domine. However that Collect, Fidelium Deus omnium Conditor, according to Sarum Ufe, finishes thus, 'Who livest and reigneft with God The Father in The Unity; but it does not follow the rule, because of the word 'Conditor. So fometimes, the Son is addressed in the Collet without mention of The Father or of The Holy Spirit, and then the conclufion is thus: 'Who with God The Father and The Holy Spirit liveft and reigneft: as in that 'Deus qui fanctam crucem; but there is little difference in these two laft terminations, some Orifons being noted one way, and some in the other. If the Orifon be directed to The Son and mention is made of The Holy Spirit, let it conclude thus: 'Who with God The Father and The Same Holy Spirit: as in the Collect, Via Sanctorum Jesu. If the Orifon be directed to The Holy Spirit only, then let it be finished thus : ‘Who with The Father and The Son liveft;' So if the Orifon be directed to The whole Trinity, and mention is made in it of The Name of The Trinity, then let it finish thus: Who livest God, throughout all ages. So again in Orifons directed to The Trinity, where mention is made of The Name of The Trinity by the officiating Minifter, let it conclude thus: 'wherein Thou liveft and reigneft God; and both modes are good; as in that Poft Communion, 'Proficiat nobis ad falutem. But these rules do not apply when the Collect is addressed to S. Mary, or other Saints, where the ending may be, 'Who in infinite and perfect Trinity liveth. So in Exorcisms upon Catechumens, and in confecrating Fonts and Blessed Water, and in Funerals, and in many other things, they say, according to authority and reason, Wbo shall come to judge the quick and the dead, and the world with fire." "-Arlyngham MSS., Rubric for First Vespers, First Sunday in Advent.


The following Memorial Verses are given.

““Per Dominum' dicas cum Patrem Prefbyter oras.
Principio Natum memora, dicas 'per eundem.'
'Ejusdem dicas fi mentio Neupmate fiat.
Mentio fi fiat de Natoque Flamine facro,
'Per Eundem, tunc per Ejusdem, poftea finem.
Si citra finem de Nato mentio fiat,

Poftea de Flamine 'Qui Tecum' dic 'per Ejufdem.'
Si Natum rogites 'Qui vivis, dicas 'cum Patre.'
Dic rogitans Natum 'Qui cum Deo vivis in ævum.'
'Patrem, fi per Deum poftulans, et jungis eidem
Flamen; tunc quidem 'Qui cum Patre,' dic et 'Eodem.'
Si poftulas Neupma ' Qui cum Patre Filio, dicas.
Trinum; Qui vivis regnas Deus omnia fæcla,
Dic 'in Qua vivis, verfus fit mentio fua.
Exorcizando fi demonemque fugando,
Dic 'per Eum Qui venturus eft cefere per ignem.
Exorcizando rogitans Sathanamque fugando,
Pelleris demonem fi fit finis 'per Eum Qui."

* The sense requires 'Filium,' and so it has been translated.



Through The Lord, is the form, if The Father a Presbyter prayeth.

Be The Son, in the beginning: through The Same, remember thou sayest.


Of The Same,'


y, if mention be made of The Spirit.

must say,

If of The Son be made mention, and also of The Holy Spirit,
First through The Same, then 'of The Same, let there be at the ending.


If near the end of
Afterwards of The Spirit: Who with Thee,' say, and through The Same."

prayer, of The Son a mention be made, and

If to The Son thou prayeft, Who livest, add 'with The Father.

And end, beseeching The Son, 'Who with God liveft, for ever.'

If to The Son, True God, thou prayeft, and joineft unto Him


The Holy Ghost, then, Who with


Father, add, and 'with The Same, too.

And when beseeching The Spirit, 'Who with The Father and The Son.'

The Trinity, Who livest and reignest God, world without ending."

Say, 'in which Thou livest, if the verse of It doth make mention.

In Exorcifing, and putting to flight all the demons,

Say: by Him who shall come to reap hereafter with fire.

If thou entreatest in Exorcifing and banishing Satan,

Thou wilt expel The Devil, if this be the ending, 'by Him Who.

The shorter Verses are these.

'Per Dominum, dicas fi Patrem Presbyter oras.
Si Chriftum memores 'per Eundem, dicere debes.
Si loqueris Chrifto 'Qui vivis, fcire memento;
'Qui Tecum, fi fit collectæ finis in Ipfo;

Si memores Flamen; 'Ejufdem, dic prope finem.

Say, through The Lord, if thou to The Father a Presbyter prayeft;
If Chrift thou doft mention,
If unto Chrift thou spcakest,
Who with Thee, if the end
So if thou mention The Spirit,

through The Same' thou shouldest say then.
Who livest, remember the form is;
of the Collect pertain unto Him.
of The Same,' say near the ending.

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