Imágenes de páginas




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VERBUM Supernum prodiens,
A Patre olim exiens;
Qui natus orbi fubvenis,
Cursu declivi temporis;

Illumina nunc pectora,
Tuoque amore concrema;
Audito ut præconio,
Sint pulsa tandem lubrica.

Judexque cum poft aderis,
Rimari facta pectoris ;
Reddens vicem pro abditis
Justisque regnum pro bonis;

Non demum artemur malis,
Pro qualitate criminis;
Sed cum beatis compotes,
Simus perennes cœlibes.

sinking world sustained, As Time in

downward progress waned;

SUPERNAL Word! Thou Effluence bright,
Erst offspring of The Father's might;
Whose birth the sinking world fuftained,
As Time in downward progress waned;

Our bofoms with thy beams illume,
And with thy kindling love confume;
So when the fummons dread we hear,
Guilt be no longer harboured there.

And when at last, our Judge, thine eyes
All deeds and hearts shall scrutinize;
Secrets requite, and for their meed,
A kingdom to the just concede;

Oh! may we not for guilt unshriven,
With finners from thy face be driven;
But with the blest in thy domain,
Eternal purity attain.

From S. Ambrose, or one of his School.

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Vox clara ecce! intonat,
Obfcura quæque increpat;
Pellantur eminus fomnia,
Ab ethere Chriftus promicat.

Mens jam refurgat torpida,
Quæ forde extat faucia;
Sidus refulget jam novum,
Ut tollat omne noxium.

E furfum Agnus mittitur,
Laxare gratis debitum;
Omnes pro indulgentia,
Vocem demus cum lacrymis.
Secundo ut cum fulferit,
Mundumque horror cinxerit;
Non pro reatu puniat,
Sed Pius nos tunc protegat.

Laus, Honor, Virtus, Gloria,
Deo Patri et Filio,
Sancto fimul Paraclito,

In fempiterna fæcula. Amen.



Edite laudibus,
Cives ætherei
Pfallite fuaviter;

Alleluya perenne
Edite laudibus.

From S. Ambrose, or one of his School.


Lo! what a thrilling voice sounds forth,
And chides the parting shades of earth;
Let slumber far away be driven,
Chrift in his might shines forth from Hea-

Now let each torpid foul arife,
Which funk in guilt and wounded lies;
See! the new Star's refulgent ray
Shall chase disease and fin away.

The Lamb of God is fent from Heaven,
To loofe for naught man's debt forgiven;
Oh! for this boon, let every voice,
With mingling fongs and tears rejoice.

So when again His Light shines clear,
And terror girds this quailing sphere,
May He our guilt from vengeance spare,
And shield us with his kindly care.

Laud, Honour, Virtue, Glory be,
To God The Father! Son, to Thee!
And to The Holy Paraclete,
Now and through ages infinite. Amen.

In the NOCTURN.m


ALLELUYAS found ye

In strains of holy laud, Sing! citizens of Heaven, Sweet pfalmody to God; Alleluyas evermore In adoring praise outpour.

m From the Worcester Breviary, and the Cottonian and Harleian MSS. English Hymnals, cent. x.

Hinc nos perpetim, Luminis accolis, Afsumet refonans Hymniferis choris. Alleluya perenne Edite laudibus.

Vos Urbs eximia
Sufcipiet Dei,
Quæ lætis resonat
Cantibus excitans;
Alleluya perenne
Edite laudibus.

Felici reditu
Gaudia fumite,
Reddentes Domino
Glorificum melos;
Alleluya perenne
Edite laudibus.

Te, Chrifte, celebret,
Gloria vocibus,
Noftris Omnipotens,
Hac Tibi dicimus;
Alleluya perenne
Edite laudibus.

Almum fydereæ, Jam patriæ decus, Victores capitis, Quo canor est jugis; Alleluya perenne Edite laudibus.

Hoc feffis requies,
Hoc cibus et potus,
Oblectans, reducens,
Haustibus affufis;

Alleluya perenne
Edite laudibus.

Nos (Te) fuavis fonis,
Conditor affatim,
Rerum carminibus

Laudeque pangimus;
Alleluya perenne
Edite laudibus.

So may we for ever,

With denizens of light;
And all their hymning Choirs,
In echoing songs unite;
Alleluyas evermore,
In adoring praise outpour.

You shall the noble City
Of God receive on high;
Which ever joyful waketh
To strains of melody;
Alleluyas evermore,
In adoring praise outpour.

To that bleft home returning,
Take ye its joys for aye,
Unto The Lord afcribing
A glory-giving lay;

Alleluyas evermore,
In adoring praise outpour.

Thee, Chrift, we celebrate;
Thy glory we proclaim;
And hail Thee, Lord of might,
In fongs of glad acclaim;
Alleluyas evermore,
In adoring praise outpour.

Thou art the fairest honour,

Of Heaven's star-decked domain;
Where victors, Thee, their Chieftain,
Extol in ceaseless strain;
Alleluyas evermore,
In adoring praise outpour.

There find the wearied rest,
Rich store of heavenly food;
And drink sweet draughts refreshed,
From an exhauftless flood;
Alleluyas evermore,
In adoring praise outpour.

We, in tones harmonious,

The world's Creator fing; And with full hearts to greet Thee, Our laud and music bring; Alleluyas evermore,

In adoring praife outpour.

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■ These Hymns are not contained in the ordinary Sarum Breviaries, but are found in that of Worcester; MSS. in Bibl. Coll. Corp. Chrifti, Oxon., A.D. 1064; and in the other English Hymnaries of that date : Harl. MSS. Brit. Muf., 2961; Cotton MSS. Vefp. D. xii.; Julius A. vi.

IN QUADRAGESIMA, in the First and Second Sundays, AT MATINS, and daily throughout those weeks.

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SUMMI Largitor præmii!
Spes Qui es unica mundi;
Preces intende fervorum,
Ad Te devote clamantum.

Noftra Te confcientia,
Grave offendisse monstrat;
Quam emundes fupplicamus,
Ab omnibus piaculis.

Si renuis, quis tribuet?
Indulge, quia potens es;
Te corde rogare mundo
Fac nos, precamur, Domine.

Ergo acceptare noftrum,
Qui facrafti, Jejunium;
Quo mystice Paschalia,
Capiamus Sacramenta.

Summa nobis hoc conferat,
In Deitate Trinitas;
In Qua gloriatur Unus,
Per cuncta secula Deus.

Creation given; Thy servant's prayers

with fa-vour greet, Devoutly offered

at thy feet.

DISPENSER of the gifts of Heaven!
Sole Hope to thy Creation given !
Thy fervants' prayers with favour greet,
Devoutly offered at thy feet.

Our heinous fins the confcience smite,
We have offended in thy fight;
O ever may thy cleanfing grace,
All those impurities efface.

If Thou deniest, who will give?
Thou'rt mighty; so our guilt relieve;
And teach us, gracious Lord, this day,
To Thee with spotless hearts to pray.
Receive our tribute, we intreat,
This Fast which Thou didst confecrate;
So we with joy that mystic fare,
Thy Pafchal Sacraments may share.
Bestow these gifts, Thou Trinity!
Supreme and wondrous Deity!
Who doft for evermore abide,
One God unchanged and glorified.


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• From S. Gregory the Great.

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