upon "Nunc dimittis" at either Compline, in Saturdays in the Superior Grade, in Sundays in the Second Form. Nevertheless, in Palm Sunday they are faid in the Superior Grade. In like manner in every Feast of ix. Lessons the Orifons, Verses, Pfalms, Antiphon upon "Nunc dimittis," through the four last weeks in Quadragefima, are faid in the aforefaid manner; except in The Lord's Annunciation, for then let Verses be faid at either Compline, except that in Sunday of The Lord's Paffion one Antiphon only is faid upon the Pfalms in each Nocturn, of which the first is begun in the Second Form, the fecond in the Second Form, the third in the Superior Grade: in like manner at Matins one Antiphon only is faid upon the Pfalms, and that is begun in the Superior Grade; and one only in Lauds: but in the Octave of Easter five Antiphons in Lauds are faid in the Superior Grade, and in the First Sunday before The Afcenfion the fame five in the Second Form: and certain things which pertain to the Sunday Table of that Time, and except the middle Sundays after the beginning of the Histories, for then one Antiphon only is faid in Lauds: and except Easter-tide, for then in Saturday there is faid but one Antiphon on the Pfalms. Of the mode of fulfilling the Ferial Service in the In the firft Monday in Advent the Invitatory is fought from the Precentor; let some one of the Second Form fing it in the place of the Hebdomadary Conductor. Let the Verfes be begun in the Superior Grade as the Conductor shall arrange. Every thing else which pertains to the general duty of the Conductor, the same Conductor shall per form, either by himself or another. Let the first Antiphon be begun by the First of the First Form; the second by his oppofite of the First or Second Form; and the others run hither and thither in order, so that the fifth be begun by the first Clerk of the Second Form on the part of the Choir. In Lauds let the first and third Antiphons be begun by the aforesaid two Boys. Let the others be begun in the Second Form. The order of Clerks which had before begun being continued, let all things which pertain to Matins be fulfilled as in Sunday, except that on a week day let all the Hymns be begun in the Superior Grade. And besides, the Priest, saying the Collects, does not change place or vestment at Vespers and at Matins. Moreover, let not the Altar be incenfed in week-days at Matins, or Vespers, at "Benedictus," or "Magnificat." At Prime let the Antiphon upon the Pfalms be begun by the First of the First Form on the part of the Choir; let the Antiphon upon "Quicunque vult" be begun by the First of the Second Form. Let the Responsory be faid by some one of the First Form; all the rest as in the preceding Sunday, except that in this week-day, at all the Hours, there are Petitions with prostrations. At Terce, let the Hebdomadary Boy of the Responsory begin the Antiphon on the Pfalms, and fing the Responsory. Let the rest be as in the preceding Sunday. At Sext let every thing be just as at Terce; and at None let the Antiphon on the Pfalms be begun by the First Clerk of the Second Form, and let the Response be fung by the next to him. For the reft in the other Hours; at Vespers let the First of the First Form begin the first Antiphon, the fecond Antiphon the opposite to him of the fame Form. Let all the others run hither and thither in the fame Form. Let the Hebdomadary Boy of the Responsory fing the Refponfe, let the rest be as above at Matins. At Compline let some one of the First Form begin the Antiphon on the Pfalms, as the Hebdomadary Conductor pleases, the reft as in Sunday, except that here there are Petitions. Adaptation of the same to other Weck-days Let the mode and order of the Service of this Week-day be observed in every other Week-day throughout the year, when it is the Office for the Time; except that without Advent and Quadragefima, the Hebdomadary Boy of the Refponfory is not bound to be present at Terce, nor at the other Hours of the day, and except in Quadragefima, for then at None the Antiphon on the Pfalms is begun by the Hebdomadary Boy, and let the Refponfory be sung by the same; alfo at Vespers, and at other times than in Advent and in Quadragefima no Response is faid. Moreover, in Eastertide at Vespers and at Matins only one Antiphon is said, not even in Lauds: nor are there Petitions with prostration. Moreover, in Quadragefima all the Hours of the day are faid before Mass, but after Mass without interval "Placebo," and the Vefpers of the day, then Vefpers of S. Mary. After dinner, however, an affembly being summoned, the Vigils of the Dead are faid. Then is there reading in afsembly, without change of dress. Afterwards let Compline follow. Pulfata Collatione, i. e. of the Chapter. Of the manner of executing the Office in the Feaft of S. Thomas the Apostle. *** At Matins let the Invitatory be sung by three, in filken Copes, of the First and Second Form. *** In Collatione. Of the adaptation of the same to other Feasts when the Invitatory is Triple. This mode and order of Service shall be obferved in all Feasts and Octaves of ix. Lessons when the Invitatory is triple * * * and all the reft at Vespers and at Compline as in Feafts of ix. Lessons, when the Invitatory is said by three. Of the mode of executing the Office in Simple In the Leffer Simple Feasts of ix. Lessons let In Feafts of iii. Lessons without Conductors of the Choir, and in every Commemoration of The Blessed Virgin, the Invitatory is said by two, that is to say in these * * * In what Feasts of iii. Lessons the Invitatory is faid Feasts happen within Septuagefima, the Invitatory shall be Simple. [It appears that on all Simple Sundays, i. e. which were not Feast days, the Mass was celebrated after Terce. So alfo on Week-days. But on the First Monday in Advent Mass was said in the Chapter for the faithful departed before Terce. In Lent the Mass was after None, except in Feasts, when the Mass for the Feast was faid before Terce. In Christmas Day there were three different Masses, one after "Te Deum" in Matins, another after Terce, and a third at what particular time is not mentioned. "A fimilar mode of service is observed in all Double Feasts which are not continuous, and also in the continuous, except that it is not always the Priest of Superior Dignity who fulfils the Office, but of the Second Degree. A fimilar mode is kept up also in every Feast, and in Octaves, and in Week-days within the Octave, with Conductors of the Choir." In Feafts of iii. Lessons the mode is the fame as ** But is to be known that if these afore- in Week-days.] Rex eterne Domine Jefu Salvator seculi Dei fide qua Deus Pater piissime Ecce jam noctis Ecce Quem Vates Eterne rerum Conditor Eterne Rex Altiffime Ex more docti mystico Hora nona quæ canimus Hymnum canamus gloriæ Jam Christe Sol Jam Christus astra Jam lucis orto Jam ter quaternis Jesu nostra Redemptio Jesu quadragenariæ Jesus refulfit omnium 128 324 Salvator Mundi 358 351 89 138 169 152 . 249 79 265 357 103 212 301 209 . 232 129 339 75 275 345 |