| John Johnson - 1706 - 462 páginas
...of her miftrefs] : even fo our eyeS wait up qti the Lord our God, until he have mercy upon us; j 3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord,, have mercy upon us : for we are Utterly defpifed. 4 Our foul is filled with ths. fcornfu! reproof of the, wealthy: and ,w}th,it;he... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 páginas
...themfelves together againft the SOUL of the RIGHTEOUS, and condemn the INNOCENT BLOOD. Pf. cxxiii. 3. Have Mercy upon us, O Lord, have Mercy upon us: for we arc exceedingly filled with CONTEMPT. Pf. cxix. 86. All thy Commandments are faithful: they PERSECUTE... | |
| Cheyney Hart - 1761 - 274 páginas
...throughout all Ages, World without End. ', ,. $ ' 32. Amen. . , Twenty feventh HYMN LIV. Evening. 2. Have Mercy upon us, O Lord, have Mercy upon us, for We are utterly defpifed : our Soul is filled with the Scorning of thofe that are at eafe, and with the Deceitfulnefs... | |
| 1765 - 506 páginas
...their aiumbied at Jerfjtiita apon their folcma r eitivals. Enemies here implore the divine aiMiiace.. 3 Have mercy upon us, ,O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we are utterly defpifed. ; 4 jOur foul is filled with the fcornful reproof of the wealthy: and with the defpitefulnefs... | |
| Theophilus Lindsey - 1774 - 262 páginas
...the hand of her miftrefs, even fo our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until he have mercy upon us. 3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us; for we are utterly defpifed. 4 Our foul is filled with the fcornful reproof of the wealthy, 'and with thedelpitefulncfs... | |
| Francis Atterbury - 1774 - 270 páginas
...fuccefs to their labours. She feemed to hear them complaining, in the pathetic words of the pfalmift ; " Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have .mercy upon us; for we are exceedingly filled with contempt : .Our foul is exceedingly filled with the fcorning of thofe that... | |
| 1779 - 688 páginas
...hand of her miftrefs : even fo our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until he have mercy upon us. 3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us : for we are utterly defpifed. 4 Our foul is filled with the fcornful reproof of the wealthy : and with the defpitefulnefs... | |
| 1788 - 598 páginas
...hand of .her miftrefs ; fo our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, mitil that he have mprcy upon us. 3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us: for we are exceedingly filled with contempt. 4 Our foul is exceedingly filled with the (corning of thofe that... | |
| John Willison - 1799 - 586 páginas
...we perifli.1' At fuch a time their praytjs are doubled, and moll fervent, as in Pfal. cxxiii. 3. " Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we are exceedingly filled with contempt." And it is to be otfeived, when fuch a fpirit of fervent prayer is... | |
| bp. George Heorne - 1802 - 562 páginas
...they ferve him? Without doubt, he will avenge them fpeedily, and reward the fufferers glorioufly. 3. Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us ; for we are exceedingly filled with contempt. 4. Our faults exceedingly filled with thefcorning of thofe that are... | |
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