1 0 OR THE HEAVENLY USE OF EARTHLY THINGS, IN WHICH HUSBANDMEN ARE DIRECTED TO AN EXCELLENT Whereunto are added, OCCASIONAL MEDITATIONS UPON BIRDS, BEASTS, TREES, FLOWERS, &c. Also, The Touchstone of Sincerity. AND EXTRACTS FROM A TOKEN FOR MOURNERS. BY REV. JOHN FLAVEL, MIDDLETOWN: PUBLISHED BY J. A. BOSWELL. STARR & NILES, print. CONTENTS. HUSBANDRY SPIRITUALIZED. Page. CHAP. 1. Upon the industry of the husbandman, CHAP. 2. Upon the thriftiness of the husbandman, CHAP. 1. Upon the ingrafting of fruit-trees, CHAP. 2. Upon the union of the graft with the stock, |