The History of Religion: Particularly of the Principal Denominations of Christians, ... Containing a Succinct and Genuine Account of Their Original and Present Constitution, Discipline, Doctrines, Worship, and Ceremonies: ... By an Impartial Hand

C. Henderson; W. Nicoll; and J. Johnson, 1764

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Página 345 - The king started a little, and said, " By my faith, my lord, I thank you for my " good cheer, but I may not endure to have my laws " broken in my sight; my attorney must speak with
Página 420 - Lord, his heirs and successors kings of this realm, shall be taken, accepted, and reputed the only Supreme Head in earth of the Church of England called Anglicana Ecclesia, and shall have and enjoy annexed and united to the imperial crown of this realm as well the title and style thereof, as all honours, dignities, pre-eminences, jurisdictions, privileges, authorities, immunities, profits, and commodities, to the said dignity of Supreme Head of the same Church belonging and appertaining...
Página 454 - God's mercy, and also to cause others to pray for them in Masses, and Exequies, and to give Alms to others to pray for them, whereby they may be relieved and holpen, of some part of their pain...
Página 84 - ... the defects of his character : for he was cruel and illiberal, without his valour or capacity. He had levity, indolence, and irrefolution, in common with other weak princes; but the...
Página 453 - ... that all Christian men be one body mystical of Christ, as the bread is made of many grains, and yet but one loaf...
Página 91 - ... of his country. And nothing could have induced or enabled his people to bear the load of taxes with which they were encumbered in his reign, but the love and admiration of his person, the fame of his victories, and the excellent laws and regulations which the parliament enacted with his advice and concurrence.
Página 454 - ... and preachers shall instruct and teach our people, committed by us unto their spiritual charge, that no man ought to be grieved with the continuance of the same, and that it...
Página 451 - ... do it, nor think it meet to be done, to the same images ; but only to be done to God and in his honour, although it be done before the images, whether it be of Christ, of the Cross, of our Lady, or of any other Saint beside.
Página 454 - ... or to be put in oblivion, but renewing them in our memories from time to time. But none of these ceremonies have power to remit sin, but only to stir and lift up our minds unto God, by whom only our sins be forgiven.
Página 452 - Christ, which is only sufficient mediator for our sins ; yet it is very laudable to pray to Saints in Heaven everlastingly living, whose charity is ever permanent, to be intercessors and to pray for us and with us unto Almighty God after this manner: All holy Angels and Saints in Heaven pray for us and with us unto the Father, that for his dear...

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