Literature, Ancient and Modern, with Specimens, Volumen17

Bradbury, Soden & Company, 1845 - 336 páginas

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Términos y frases comunes

Pasajes populares

Página 241 - O visions blest ! Though worthless our conceptions all of Thee, Yet shall Thy shadowed image fill our breast, And waft its homage to Thy Deity. God ! thus alone my lowly thoughts can soar ; Thus seek Thy presence — Being wise and good! Midst Thy vast works admire, obey, adore ; And when the tongue is eloquent no more, The soul shall speak in tears of gratitude.
Página 61 - My soul impels me to th' embattled plains: Let me be foremost to defend the throne, And guard my father's glories and my own. Yet come it will, the day decreed by fates, (How my heart trembles while my tongue relates!) The day when thou, imperial Troy! must bend, And see thy warriors fall, thy glories end.
Página 61 - And woes, of which so large a part was thine! To bear the victor's hard commands, or bring The weight of waters from Hyperia's spring. There while you groan beneath the load of life, They cry, 'Behold the mighty Hector's wife!
Página 102 - Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or knowing it pursue.
Página 42 - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, which constitute the Hebrew canon or the Old Testament.
Página 152 - Go boldly forth, my simple lay, Whose accents flow with artless ease, Like orient pearls at random strung : Thy notes are sweet, the damsels say ; But oh ! far sweeter, if they please The nymph for whom these notes are sung!
Página 239 - Thy chains the unmeasured universe surround : Upheld by Thee, by Thee inspired with breath ! Thou the beginning with the end hast bound, And beautifully mingled life and death. As sparks mount upwards from the fiery blaze, So suns...
Página 60 - Too daring prince! ah, whither dost thou run? Ah, too forgetful of thy wife and son! And think'st thou not how wretched we shall be, A widow I, a helpless orphan he? For sure such courage length of life denies, And thou must fall, thy virtue's sacrifice.
Página 62 - Against his country's foes the war to wage, And rise the Hector of the future age! So when triumphant from successful toils Of heroes slain he bears the reeking spoils, Whole hosts may hail him with deserved acclaim, And say, This chief transcends his father's fame : While pleased amidst the general shouts of Troy, His mother's conscious heart o'erflows with joy.
Página 193 - My ear-rings ! my ear-rings ! they were pearls in silver set, That when my Moor was far away, I ne'er should him forget, That I ne'er to other...

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