| Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 páginas
...t'gjft whet my blunted Horns,' And meditate new Fights, and chew my Lofs. Dr/d. Clam. My Mind cannot be chang'd by Place or Time : The Mind is its own Place, and in it felf Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. Milt. Ev'n Time, that changes All, yet changes... | |
 | John Milton - 1711 - 464 páginas
...250 Infernal world, and thou profoundeft Hell Receive thy new Pofleflbur : One who brings A mind net to be chang'd by Place or Time. The mind is its own place, and in it felf Can makca Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heay'n. 2;j What matter where, if 1 be ftill the f.imc,... | |
 | John Milton - 1746 - 260 páginas
...dwells ! hail horrors ! hail z5* Infernal world ! and thou profoundeft hell Receive thy new poffeffbr ! One, who brings A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in it felf Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n. 155 What matter where, if I be ftill the fame,... | |
 | John Milton - 1746 - 464 páginas
...! hail horrors ! hail 2 5o Infernal world ! and thou, profoundeft hell, Receive thy new poiTeflor ! One, who brings A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in it felf Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n. 25^ What matter where, if I be ftill the fame,... | |
 | John Milton - 1750 - 666 páginas
...in the next line The mind is its own place, would offend the ear, and therefore is artfully varied. A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. The mind is its own place. 254.. Tht mind is its oivn place,'] Thefe are fomc of the extravagances of the Stoics, and could not... | |
 | John Milton - 1750 - 672 páginas
...in the next line The mind is its own place, would offend the ear, and therefore is artfully varied. A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. The mind is its own place. 254.. Tbi mind is its oivn plsce,"] Thefe are fome of the extravagances of the Stoics, and conld not-... | |
 | John Milton - 1754 - 342 páginas
...dwells ! hail horrors lhail Infernal world ! and thou profoundeft hell Receive thy new poffeflbr ! One, who brings A mind not to be chang'd by place..., and in itfelf Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell ofheav'n. . What matter where , if I be ftill the fame, And what I should be , all but lefs than He... | |
 | John Milton - 1759 - 608 páginas
...dwells: Hail horrors, hail 25o Infernal world, and thou profoundeft Hell Receive thy new poffeflbr; one who brings A mind not to be chang'd by place or...and in itfelf Can make a Heav'n of Hell, a Hell of Heav'n. 255 What matter where, if I be ftill the fame, And what I mould be, all but lefs than he Whom... | |
 | William Dodd, Joseph Addison - 1762 - 264 páginas
...Torments. -Hail Horrors, bail Infernal World, and thou profoundej} Hell 'Receive thy tuw PoJ/effbr, one who brings A Mind not to be chang'd by Place or time. And afterwards, Here at kaft Wejhallbefree; tV Almighty bath not built Here for his Envy, *will not... | |
 | John Milton - 1763 - 670 páginas
...dwells : Hail horrors, hail Infernal world, and thoii profoundeft Hell Receive thy new poflcflbr ; one who brings A mind not to be chang'd by place or time. I The mind is its own place, and in itfclf 250 •worth, net fabjlance. He is likewife with great art... | |
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