| Nathaniel Spinckes - 1714 - 424 páginas
...for afl Hit Servants''Departed this Life, t» His Faith and Fear; befeeching Him to give us Grace Jo to follow their good Examples, that, with them, we may be Partakers of His Heavenly Kjngdom. So that we Pray for Them as well as for our Selves, that we with them, may be... | |
| Exeter guide - 1715 - 380 páginas
...for all thy fervants departed this life in thy faith and fear; bcfeeching Thee to give us grace foto follow their good examples, that with them we' may be partakers of thy heavenly Kingdom. Grant this, О Father, for Щи s Cbrift's lake our only Mediator and Advocate, tsfmcn. §, 1 7. ^[ 3fi С the... | |
| Robert Nelson - 1757 - 686 páginas
...the fame rayftical Bo-of,™^ dy, whereof thy Son Jefus Chriji is the Head ; Men. I blefs and praife thy Holy Name for all thy Servants departed this Life in thy Faith and Fear. I congratulate their Victories over the World, who overcame themfelves, and led in Triumph their own... | |
| 1765 - 410 páginas
...Name, for all thy fervants departed this life in thy faith fear ; befeeching thee to give us grace fo to follow their good examples, that with them we may be partakers of thy heavenly kingdcm. Grant this, 0 Father, for Jefus Chrift's fake our only Mediator and Advocate. Atr.en. 1 When... | |
| 1765 - 506 páginas
...life in thy faith and fear; befeeching thee to give us grace To to follow their good exarrples, th;it with them we may be partakers of thy heavenly kingdom. Grant this, O Father, for Jefus Chriits fake our only Mediator and Advocate. Atnen. 'The Exhortation before the Communion. arly... | |
| Thomas Wilson (bp. of Sodor and Man.) - 1777 - 208 páginas
...this tranfitory Life are in Trouble, Sorrow, Need, Sicknefs, or any other Adverfity. And we alfo biefs thy holy Name, for all thy Servants departed this Life in thy Faith and Fear ; befeeching Thee to give us Grace fo to follow their good Examples, that with them we may be Partakers... | |
| 1779 - 688 páginas
...for all thy fervors departed this life in thy faith and fear-, befeeching thee to give us grace fo to follow their good examples, that with them we may...be partakers of thy heavenly kingdom. Grant this, D Father, for Jefus Chriil's fake our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. PARAPHRASE 3. We pray likewife,... | |
| Robert Nelson - 1791 - 614 páginas
...the Members of the fame myftical Body, whereof thy Son Jefus Cbrijl is the Head; I blefs and praife thy Holy Name for all thy Servants departed this Life in thy Faith and Fear. I congratulate their Viclories over the World, who overcame themfelves, and led in Triumph their own... | |
| 1794 - 288 páginas
...for all thy fervants departed this life, in thy faith and fear, befeeching thee to give us grace fo to follow their good examples, that with them we may be partakers of that heavenly kingdom, which thou haft promifed to the faithful and obedient, by Jefus Chrift our Lord.... | |
| William Gilpin - 1799 - 494 páginas
...all his fervants departed this life in his faith, and fear; and befeeching him to gitie us grace fo to follow their good examples, that with them we may be partakers of his heavenly Kingdom, throruh Jefus Chriji our Lordt and only mediator 5 and advocate* T z SERMON SERMON... | |
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