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" tis, to cast one's eyes so low ! The crows and choughs that wing the midway air Show scarce so gross as beetles : half way down Hangs one that gathers samphire, dreadful trade! Methinks he seems no bigger than his head : The fishermen, that walk upon... "
The Aquarian Naturalist: A Manual for the Sea-side - Página 259
por Thomas Rymer Jones - 1858 - 524 páginas
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The Beauties of England: Or, a Comprehensive View of the Antiquities of this ...

Philip Luckombe - 1764 - 344 páginas
...that gathers Samphire : Dreadful Trade ! " Methinks he ftems no bigger than his Head. " The Fifhermen that walk upon the Beach " Appear like Mice ; and yon tall anchoring Bark " Diminifhed to her Cock * ; her Cock, a Buoy *( Almoft too fmall for Sight. The murmuring Surge? "...
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Elements of Criticism: Volume I [-II]., Volumen1

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1765 - 534 páginas that gathers famphire ; dreadful trade ! Methinks he feems no bigger than his head. The fifhermen that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon tall anchoring bark DiminiQi'd to her cock ; her cock, a buoy Almoft too fmall for fight. The mHrmuring furge, That on...
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Lessings Werke, Volumen4

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1766 - 534 páginas
...The crows and choughs, that wing the midway air, Shew scarce so gross as beetles. Half way down 30 Hangs one that gathers samphire; dreadful trade! Methinks...fisher-men that walk upon the beach Appear like mice; and yond tall anchoring bark Diminish'd to her cock; her cock, a buoy 85 Almost too small for sight. The...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare. In Ten Volumes: Troilus and Cressida ...

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 514 páginas
...that gathers famphire ; dreadful trade ! Methinks, he feems no bigger than his head. The fifhermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminifh'd to + her cock ; her cock, a buoy Almoft too fmall for fight. The murmuring furge, That on...
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The Dramatick Works of George Colman ...: Philaster. King Lear. Epicoene; or ...

George Colman - 1777 - 340 páginas
...gathers famphire; dreadful trade! Methinks, Methinks, he feems no bigger than his head. The fifhermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon tall anchoring bark, Diminifh'd to her cock ; her cock ! a buoy Almoft too fmall for fight. The murmuring furge Cannot be...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare ...

William Shakespeare - 1785 - 632 páginas
...that gathers famphire ; dreadful trade ! Methinks, he feems no bigger than his head : The fifhermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminifh'd to ' her cock ; her cock, a buoy Almbft too fmall for fight : The murmuring furge, That...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 páginas
...The crows, and choughs, that wing the midway air, Shew fcarce fo grofs as beetles : The fifhermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon tall anchoring bark, Diminifh'd to her cock ; her cock, a buoy Almoft too fmall for fight : the murmuring furge, •That...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes ..., Volumen8

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 722 páginas
...enumerated under the title of the cries of Rome : Methinks, he feems no bigger than his head: The fifhermen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Diminilh'd to her cock 8 ; her cock, a buoy Almolt too fmall for fight : The murmuring furge, That...
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Shakspeare's Dramatic Works: With Explanatory Notes, Volumen2

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 558 páginas
...gathers famphire 7 ; dreadful trade ! .Icthinks, he feems no bigger than his head : The fiihcrmen, that walk upon the beach, Appear like mice ; and yon' tall anchoring bark, Jiminifh'd to her cock *; her cock, a buoy, Almoft toofmall for fight: Thcmurmuringfurgf, I' on...
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Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Sämmtliche Schriften.., Volumen10

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1792 - 442 páginas
...grofs as Beetles. Half way down Hangs one that gathers famphire ; dreadful trade ! Me thinks he feems no bigger than, his head! The fishermen that walk upon the beach Appear like mice; and yond tall anchoring bark Diminish'd to her cock ; her cock, a buvy Almoft too ilmall for fight. The...
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