TO MRS. ELIZABETH GRAY. MADAM, w ※ E request the liberty of introducing to the public, under the sanction of your name, the fol lowing collection of little essays, to which, in their scattered ftate, you were pleased to give some very flattering marks of your approbation Q T approbation. The design was new among us, the purpose good; and your usual candor made every due allowance for the hafte in which they were necessarily written. The principal object of their intention was the female world. We wished to amuse them with innocence; to rally with that respectful delicacy to which they ever are intitled, and sometimes perhaps to steal in a fentiment which might set the heart right without the infolence of precept. Our first and great defire indeed was to fee the whole sex as like as possible to a certain amiable original, which every person, who has the honour of your inti macy, must admire. If our sketches have any merit, it must be imputed to the ex CJ |