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The History of Religious Liberty, from the first propagation of Christianity in Britain, to the death of George III. By Benjamin Brook.

2 vols. 8vo. 11. 4s

MR. BROOK is known to the Christian world as the biographer of the Puritans, and our readers will find a brief character of his valuable work in our Magazine for 1814, p. 60. We are glad to meet him again on a subject with which he appears particularly conversant, that of Religious Liberty, in the discussion of which he has endeavoured " to trace, with unbiassed fidelity, the actual state and successive progress of liberal principles, with their meliorating influence on society and the church of God."

Mr. B. commences his work with "the first propagation of the Gospel in Britain," which he traces up to the times of the Apostles, about A. D. 59 or 60; and having shewn that the Apostolic churches were formed on the most liberal principles, he dates thus high the origin of Religious Liberty: his next object is to shew its oppression by the imperial powers-the usurpations of the papacy -and the check given to those usurpations by the doctrine of Wickliffe. Thus far the first chapter, which brings us to the dawn of the Reformation. Chap. II. shews "the diffusion of liberal principles in the reign of Henry VIII," and the temporary rejection of the Papal yoke. Chap. III. considers the basis of the Reformation as laid in the reign of Edward VI. who evidently intended a farther reformation, had his life been spared.

In the reign of Queen Mary the nation returned to popery and arbitrary power, notwithstanding which an illustrious band of Protestant martyrs made " a noble defence of Christian truth and liberty." Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth our author considers the attempts made "to establish uniformity in religion" as clearly unfavourable to religious freedom; ecclesiastical supremacy as an Antichristian usurpation; and subscription to articles and other episcopal proceedings as utterly subversive of religious liberty, which had, notwithstanding, very able advocates in some of the reformers of this reign. James I. though brought up a Pres

byterian, became the champion of episcopacy and the enemy of religious liberty: and his son, Charles I. followed his steps in trampling on the rights of religious freedom. Such is the substance of the next four chapters (IV to VII.) which bring us down to the interesting period of the English Commonwealth, a part of our history perhaps more obscure and less studied than almost any other.

The parliament had no sooner put down Prelacy than Presbyterianism became the religion of the state, and shewed itself equally hostile to religious liberty; "but though formally established, it was completely crippled in its operations." The thing however was in itself the same, and as Milton says,

[large." "New Presbyter is but Old Priest wrote

"The oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth was now the only condition of churchmanship; consequently the terms of communion were less rigid than at any former period. The oppressive statutes were in general relaxed or not acted upon, and the covenant was laid aside without prescribing any other legislative qualifications. This was extremely galling to rigid Presbyterians, who could see no religion but through the medium of their own established sect; and though the episcopal divines were forbidden to read the liturgy in form, they might frame their public prayers as nearly resembling it as they pleased, and upon this principle many of them complied with the government. (p. 494.) Still this was not religious liberty, nor even toleration. nation is agitated with internal commotions, especially when liberty is the object of dispute - - If there be a soul trat has a spark of energy in it, that energy will be called into active operation, and will frequently give birth to ideas of the first importance to the happiness of individuals and of society, which would not have been produced in a season of repose. Oliver Cromwell, who had so much distinguished himself in the army, refused to join any party, but declared [himself] to be for the liberty of all. His army was an army of reasoners. They disputed about. religion, each man with his Bible in his hand: and since they had all been

"When a

formerly under the compulsive yoke of intolerance, they now broke their bonds asunder, threw them indignantly away, and began to argue, that every man had a right to think for himself, without constraint of priest or king." (p. 497.) The last section shews that both the Protector and the Protectorate (though a manifest usurpation) were evidently favourable to religious liberty. But we are now come to the close of the first volume of this work, which has increased in interest as we have proceeded, and must reserve our observations on the second volume for our next Number.

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Lectures on Scripture Parables, Doctrines, and Duties. By W. B. Collyer, D.D. F.R.S. 8vo. 14s. each. We cannot but sincerely congratulate the Author on the accomplishment of a plan of that magnitude, that it made his best friends tremble for its completion; and when they consider the circumstances under which he has persevered, his severest critics must, we think, allow him the merit of great energy and uncommon industry. The circumstances we allude to are, the many interruptions of his health, and his numerous avocations as a popular preacher on continual duty, and as the patron or promoter of every object of Christian philanthropy and benevolence. In looking king back our former volumes, we see with regret that our diligence in review has fallen far short of our indefatigable author: to bewail or to explain the circumstance, would be less useful than the tardy act of justice we now offer to his merits.


The first volume of these Lectures on Scripture Facts was published in 1807, while the author was a young man and a young writer, and is reviewed in our 15th vol. p. 416. The second was on Prophecy, 1809, and is reviewed by us, vol. xix. p. 25 The third volume, on Miracles, 1812, will be found reviewed vol. xx. p. 25. On looking back to our notices of these volumes, we see no occasion to revoke our favourable opinion of the writer, and are happy to find in the subsequent volumes the fulfilment of our prediction; of the improvement of his style with increasing years: as it has become less ornamented it has become more truly eloquent. We proceed now to notice the remaining volumes; but as we have in those reviews given specimens of Dn. C's style and manner, we shall not find it necessary to add farther extracts, as indeed in present circumstances would be impracticable.

The volume on the Parables, dated 1815, contains two previous Lectures on the figurative language and types of Scripture-two on the peculiar character of Scripture Parables-and the rest on the following distinct parables-The Sower; the Debtors; the Good Samaritan; the Unjust Steward; the Barren Fig-tree; the Marriage Feast; the Prodigal Son; the Rich Man and Lazarus; the Pharisee and Publican; the Good Shepherd; the Labourers in the Vineyard; the Talents; the Husbandman; and the Ten Virgins. On such a multitude of subjects it is impossible to pass a distinct judgment; but we run no risk in saying the Dr. is most at home on those which are in their nature most pathetic, as the Prodigal Son, &c.

The volume on Scripture Doctrines was published in 1818, and is a most important one. The subjects brought forward are the following:

The Authority and Claims of Revelation; -the Being, Attributes, and Unity of God; the Trinity; -the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ;-the Deity and Influences of the Holy Spirit;-the Fall and its Consequences; - the Atonement;-Election and Adoption;-Justification; - Regeneration; - Salvation through Faith; -Sanctification; -Perseverance; - Providence; - the Resurrection of the Dead; -Future Punishment; - Glorification; -the Duty of submitting System to the Bible.

Of these discourses, we feel our judgment and taste most gratified by the following:- On the Fall and its Consequences; on Providence; on the Resurrection; on Future Punishment, on Glorification, and the concluding Lec


The sentiments, we need hardly add, are truly evangelical, and enforced with an earnestness, a pathos, and an unction, with a close and practical application to the conscience, which render these discourses highly valuable.

The last volume (for we are not informed there is to be anot another) is devoted to Scripture duties, and is thus arranged: Revelation the only standard, the only "basis of Morals; the practical tendency of Faith in revealed Truths; Love to God; the Worship of God; Submission to Providence; Magistracy and Subjects; Masters and Servants; General Intercourse of Society; Husbands and Wives; Parents and Children; Ministers and Churches; Self-Preservation and Self-Cultivation; Government of the Tongue, and of the Temper; Benevolence, Humility, &c.

Dr. Collyer would despise the flattery as much as we ourselves abhor it, were we to pretend that in six large 8vo. volume, there are no defective arguments-no mistaken applications of Scripture-no defects of style-no slips of memory-no errors in quotation: but we can truly say that, all circumstances considered, they are fewer than could reasonably have been expected: and we doubt not, as the volumes fall under his revision for reprinting (as some of the first volumes already have) but that they will become a standing work, not for reference of the learned, it may be, who have access to more elaborate works, but for general reading. Indeed we know not any work of equal extent, that better deserves a place in every Christian library; and to young persons in particular, who have a taste for eloquent composition as well as sacred truth, we believe there are very few works in all respects its equal.

Studies in History: containing the History of England, from its earliest Records, to the death of George III.; in a series of Essays, accompanied with reflections, references to original authorities, and historical questions. By T. Morell. 2 vols. 12mo. 11s. 8vo. fine paper 11. 2s. 6d.

We briefly noticed the publication of the first of these volumes in our Magazine for Sept. 1818: the former volumes of the Series we announced and recommended about the time of their publication: they contain Essays accompanied with reflections on the History of Greece and Rome.

We hesitated not on the commencement of this work to express our persuasion that it would be well received, and our hope that the author would accomplish his proposed plan. (Evan. Mag. vol. 21. p. 426.) we are happy to say that persuasion and that hope are realized, The cheap edition of the preceding parts of this work is introduced into many of our respectable schools, and the conclusion of the work is now before us. This volume, to which we shall confine our attention, contains the history of our native country, from the beginning of the reign of James I. to the end of the reign of George III. The same judicious selection of facts, and the same concise, perspicuous, and elegant manner of narrating them, which we have before observed, still claim our commendation. Some readers will, perhaps, think that too cursory a notice is


taken of the splendid deeds of modern heroism, but the author avows that it is part of his plan to give a less degree of prominence to these military transactions than they have usually been allowed to occupy; nor does he "affect to feel an enthusiasm, of which he professes to be wholly unconscious, when under the painful necessity of adverting to the most boasted martial achievements." (p. 334.) He takes considerably more delight in tracing the origin and progress of science; or in describing the moral and religious condition of his country. We could have wished, however, that our author's commendable love of peace, when it led him to praise the pacific disposition of James I. which some have attributed to constitutional timidity and native indolence," had not induced him to include in the subjects of his commendation" the feeble and heartless effort which that Monarch made, towards the close of his reign, to recover the Palatinate from the Austrian usurpation." (p. 34.) In our opinion, his generous love of toleration has, shortly after, misguided him (p. 36) in charging the Puritans with " strange inconsistency, in strenuously maintaining the impolicy and danger of extending toleration to their Catholic brethren," (such brethren were Cain and Esau to Abel and Jacob) "while they claimed for themselves the rights of conscience, and the free exercise of that mode of faith and worship which they deemed most scriptural." Without referring to the question of Catholic emancipation as agitated in the present time, surely when papal Rome was following up "her avowed principles of intolerance by anathematising, torturing, and consigning to the flames all those who refused to submit to her usurped authority," (p. 46.) there might be consistency in desiring toleration for themselves, while they wished it to be withheld from the most bitter enemies of toleration.

It is well known that the most distinguishing feature in Mr. Morell's work, is to unite lectures on morals and religion with historical studies, in the form of reflections at the close of every essay. Every means that can be used with success ought to be employed to counteract the insidious poisons of scepticism, infidelity, and we will add indelicacy, which are diffused by some of the most laborious, accurate, and popular of our modern historians. One method which we would recommend to future historians is, to write as much like Christians as Hume and Gibbon have written like

infidels; and we hesitate not to say, that by the narrative itself, independent of the reflections, we should easily have discerned the Christian principles of the author of the present work. The reflections however are by no means superfluous; they are well calculated to assist the minds of the rising generation in making a suitable improvement of historical facts, and in training them to think for themselves when other histories are put into their hands. We cannot speak too highly of the moral, religious, and evangelical strain of these parts of the performance. It was not necessary that they should discover great depth of research; there is in them wirat is far preferable, a great variety of matter appropriate to the subjects of the different essays.

The author seems to be aware of the peculiar difficulties which are connected with the compilation of modern history, and especially that of our own times, while "prejudices are in full action, and exert an influence" both on the author and his readers, of which they are unconscious: but we think he has generally succeeded in his endeavour to make a strictly impartial statement, as though the facts related, instead of having occurred within our own remembrance, had taken place some thousand years ago.

The former parts of his work have already been acceptable to persons of different views respecting political and ecclesiastical affairs; and he appears to us, without sacrificing principle, so to have steered his course as to have avoided offence to all parties, except to those inflexible claimants of the highest divine rights for despotism, on the one hand, or those promoters of insubordination to legitimate authorities, on the other, whom no good man would wish to please. In a word, we can recommend these volumes with the utmost cordiality, as highly conducive to the best interests of the rising generation, and which we hope may prove a blessing to our children's children.

The Establishment of the Law by the Gospel. By W. Hamilton,

Minister of Strathblane. 12mo. 5s.

This is a very able book. Something like this was much wanted, to repel the gainsaying of those who call themselves by the name of Christ, while they are in reality aliens from the faith, and secretly say to themselves, his yoke is grievous to be borne; and being haters

of holiness, they throw their foul as persions on those who adorn their profession by the practice of Christian virtue. In a word, the charge of Antinomianism is often loudly preferred against all who are zealous in the cause of genuine Christianity; who preach the remission of sins by the atonement of the Saviour, and the insufficiency of human righteousness, when tried by the unbending standard of God's law.

The charge made against Evangelical preaching is, in brief, that it gives unlimited licence to commit sin, inasmuch as all sins are forgiven to them that believe in Jesus. The charge is grossly false, if it be made against the doctrine, which we hold to be that of the Bible, "that without holiness no man shall see the Lord," and which we are certain is the doctrine taught by all the pastors designated Evangelical. It is more grossly false if it be made against the Scriptures, in which there is no foundation for such a doctrine, otherwise, the precepts so clearly taught in the parables of the Saviour, not to mention the whole tenor of the New Testament, would be in opposition to the principle

of a licence for sin.

This false charge Mr. Hamilton meets by manly and irresistible arguments, set forth in rather an uncommon, but an eloquent and varied style. He is particularly rich in illustrations, which he takes unsparingly from every department of human science and knowledge, so as to make all his proofs and arguments cumulative, through the force and variety of his illustrations. Perhaps there is even too much of learned illustration for common readers; and this is a fault very easily fallen into.

Mr. Hamilton's work contains a train of argument on the perpetuity of the law, proving that the law is retained under the Gospel dispensation by evidence drawn from the ministry of Christ and the Apostles, and from the very nature and character of the Gospel. After urging this proof, he shows most satisfactorily the consistency between salvation by grace and the practice of good works. He goes on to state his views of the means by which the Gospel establishes the law, from the proof which it affords of its obligation, and the necessity of obeying it; from the love which it inspires of holiness, righteousness, and performing our duties; from the assistance which it affords for the performance of the services enjoined by it. He concludes his masterly and Evangelical observations by a statement

and remarks on the evidence which known facts afford of the moral efficacy of the Gospel; the importance in this view of Evangelical truth; and the necessity of believers maintaining a holy and consistent conduct, both for the sake of adorning their profession of Christianity in the eyes of gainsayers, and also of rendering themselves meet for the society of the blessed in heaven; as "without holiness no man shall see the Lord."

Such are the contents of this respectable, little work, which we conceive is calculated to do much good, in stemming the tide of calumny which is rolling so strongly against the bulwarks of the faith which we profess. For such calumnies, it would however be wrong in us to dissemble, we fear there is some foundation. Ministers there are who state too strongly the one side of the Christian system, and keep the other too much in the back ground; giving partial views only of the Gospel. We are sorry to remark Scoticisms, which derogate from the purity of the style, such as the Scotish law term, "Aye and until they choose, to violate them." "Without detracting one ace from the law." "The business of our justification," &c. The latter word, business, applied as it is here, we observe is a favourite with Dr. Chalmers as well as Mr. Hamilton; it is certainly objectionable when so applied, as it lowers the tone of the religious sentiment it is meant to express.


Though such expressions however do occasionally occur in Mr. Hamilton's book, it is but very seldom; the general characteristics of his style are elegance and energy.

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Anxiety directed; a Sermon preached Aug. 9, 1820, at Salters' Hall, before "The Home Missionary Society," and published at their request. By W. Jay. 8vo. Is. 6d.

THERE IS a quaintness in the title, and a singularity in the text of this discourse (1 Cor. vii. 32, 33), as applied to this subject, that rather surprised us, as coming from Mr. Jay; at the same time there is so much good sense in the Sermon itself, and so great ingenuity in applying the text to the occasion, that our surprise was soon changed to admiration. The text relates to Marriage, on which we have a few hints which no man could be better qualified to give; and then the following doctrine is de

duced:-" We should endeavour to please the Lord by being alive to his concerns Caring for the things that belong unto the Lord." Page 24. we were charmed at the contrasted views and feelings of men and angels. "We are struck with the merchant, the philosopher, the prince, the hero: they gaze. with pleasure on the Missionary; on the Sunday School teacher-on the bro ken-hearted penitent." We wish we.. could transcribe the following page, but we must forbear. In pleading the cause of the Home Missionary Society, in connexion with Foreign Missions, Mr. J. pleads foritas a sister-as a child-and as a friend. In urging motives, he begins. with the dying love of the Saviour, and he stops not till he has struck every chord of the human heart that is capable of vibration.

The tranquil and happy decease of

God's aged and faithful servant. A. Sermon preached at Hare Court, Aldersgate-street, Oct. 8, 1820, on occasion of the decease of the Rev. Joshua Webb. By R. Winter, D.D. 1s. 6d.

MR. WEBB was, for more than 45 years, pastor of one of the most ancient dissenting churches in London. The respectable names of Cockayn, Nesbitt, Hurrion, Bruce, and King, appear in the list of his predecessors. Mr. Webb was educated at Mile End and Homerton, and was ordained in Feb. 1775. Dr. Winter, in this funeral discourse, describes him as a judicious and affectionate preacher, and as an assiduous pastor; exemplary in domestic relations; and, in his intercourse with his brethren, kind, affable, and communicative. When the infirmities of age increased upon him, he was very desirous of obtaining a colleague, who might co-operate with him in his charge, and then succeed him. The Rev. John Davies (who had laboured for sometime in Dublin) being approved by the church and congregation, was settled at Hare Court, in May 1819.In September last, debility rapidly increased upon Mr. W., and he expired on the 27th of that month, in the 76th year of his age.

The funeral text is very appropriate (Job v. 26.) "Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season." The beau tiful figure in this scripture is first fully. illustrated, and then applied to the usefullife and tranquil decease of Mr. Webb.

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