Quarterly & Weekly ditto 14 16 1 Carr forward.. 22 0 1 90 1 Mosely Street Chapel....... 10 00 Rochdale. Friends at; by Rev. Stand. Rev. Mr. Siater's Congregation. Part of Monthly Subscriptions 700 .. Donation from Sun day Scholars.... 2 16 550 916 Carried forward..........100 9 0 Chapel. Rev. W. Roby and Congregation 64 18 6 .. Leaf Square Grammar School Association; by Rev. Dr. Clunie 11 40 Youths Auxiliary Society. J. Ely Sunday S.Teachers 2 14 1 Missionary Box .. Belper Congegation. Rev. Mr. Gaw thorne... Subscriptions, &c. 6 4 6 Nottingham.- Collections at the Annual Meeting...188 18 6 Donation.. 200 Leicestershire. - Harboro'. - Collected at the Independent Chapel, after Sermons by Rev. Messrs. Hill and Burder... .. Lincoln Auxiliary Missionary Society.- Association Middlesex. - North Middlesex and South Hertford Auxiliary Society. Rev. W. Enfield. Rev. Wm. 29 14 Thomas. Thomas Subscriptions 26 40 Work People at 070 13 3 6 Sunday S. Children 0 12 0 2000 Eaton ditto 0 180 lkestone Congrega tion.--Rev. J.Shaw 300 door Green, do. do. 500 Derby Juvenile Missionary SoCiety.-Master C. Fox, Trea sarer shbourne Congregation. Rev. Mr. Start few Friends at Telsen and Ansleywood-house; by Rev. Bentcliffe Carried forward........202 17 9 800 543 871 300 Meeting, after a Factory Sundries 0 15 6 31 19 6 Collection at Annual Sermon by Rev. G. 22 3 8 Ditto at the Meeting for Business 1 15 6 23 19 2 By Rev. W. Brown. Subscription...... 1 10 Baker Street Penny a-week Association 11 15 0 12 16 0 Lady Huntingdon's Chapel- Penny-a-week So- 20 4 9 20 15 3 Carried forward.... 89 9 11 517 97 46 66 2700 17 5 6 Σ Pickering Branch.- 15 70 week Subscriptions 221 ....... 711 606 686 -100 00 Ditto. Collected at the Ordi nation of Rev. T. Jones, Missionary to Otaheite 37 46 137 4 6 Sussex.-Alfriston Juvenile Missionary Society; Mr. John Newman, Treasurer. Half a year's Subscriptions 2300 Brighton. Rev. Dr. Styles Chapel.Ladies' Auxiliary Missionary Society; by Miss Penfold, Treasurer........... 2000 Collected by a Friend Carried forward..10 7 5 15 7 0 115 4 For the Education of Native Females in India. Ladies Association at Leicester, vide Leicester list..... A few Friends in Essex; per Mr. F. Westley..... Sundry Friends; by Mr. Luke Norton, Dunmow, Essex 34 8 1 550 226 200 500 Collected by a Young Lady at Whitby, vide North Riding List ***On account of the extent of this List of Contributions, we are obliged to defer the acknowledgment of the numerous presents from the Friends of the Society, for the South Sea Islands, &c, &c. to another month. : MILLENIAL GLORY. Rise! Sun of glory, rise, And chase those shades of night, Which now obscure the skies, And hide thy sacred lightO! chase those dismal shadeş away, And bring the bright Millenial day. Behold, how heathens dwell Why Saviour, why conceal Which cheer the realms aboveThose rays shall chase the night away, And give the bright, Millenial day. Yet Jesus, should thy will Nor leave the world forlornJesus, till that resplendent day Shine on our souls with powerful ray. And we'll reflect that light Then, as each planet fades S. M. B. |